

【作者】 李陵申

【导师】 熊伟;

【作者基本信息】 对外经济贸易大学 , 工商管理, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 实施品牌战略是21世纪国际商战的必然要求,也是我国服装行业由数量型向品牌型转变,从而走向国际化的必由之路。品牌战略是一项系统工程,深层次地研究品牌战略并提出建设性的解决方案,对提高我国服装产品的国际市场竞争力具有一定的现实意义。为了增强服装企业对品牌战略的认识和掌握实施品牌战略的方法,本文结合服装业加入WTO前后的状况或影响的对比,通过对我国服装生产、出口、国内市场状况以及在国际市场竞争地位的分析,综合评价了我国服装品牌的产品品质和开发能力;市场份额和拓展空间;企业理念和文化功底。在分析问题,找出差距,并借鉴国外著名服装品牌经营理念的基础之上,对我国服装行业的品牌战略从以下几方面进行了研究、分析。第一,首先介绍品牌管理的基本概念,指出了品牌定位的核心是STP,即细分市场、选择目标市场和品牌定位;说明了品牌知名度在创建品牌资产过程中的作用;描述了品牌忠诚为企业带来的巨大价值。第二,利用品牌“四象限战略”分别论述了我国各类服装品牌目前所应采取的应对策略。第三,通过对服装品牌的确立与经营的论述,使服装企业或品牌进一步明确打造品牌的步聚和方法。第四,本人在综合了品牌战略相关理论的基础上,从6个主要方面提出打造我国服装强势品牌的策略。

【Abstract】 In twenty-one century, with China clothing industry transferring from Quantity Style to Brand Style, brand tragedy is the only way to modernization and internationalization. Also it has become the key requisition and precondition of international market. Brand tragedy is a system project, doing further research on brand strategy to find out the constructive proposal has a great sense and effect on improving the competitive strength of China Clothing product in international market.To make China Clothing industry realize the importance of Brand Strategy and grasp the executing way, the discourse comprehensive analyze China clothing Brand product quality, R&D ability, market occupancy rate, developing opportunities, corporation conception and culture, by comparing the China Clothing market difference before and after entering WTO, analyzing the situation of China clothing domestic & international market and the related competitive factors of international Clothing industry. On the basis of analyzing and finding out the difference with the international famous Clothing brand management, this paper does the following research on China Clothing industry brand strategy:1. Firstly this paper introduces the conception of brand management, and points out that the core of brand strategy is STP, which means market segmenting, target market selecting and brand positioning. It illustrates that brand knowing degree is one of the most important factors of cultivating brand. Also it describes that brand loyalty will brings great profit to the corporation. 2. Kinds of China Clothing Brands should adopt the corresponding strategy according to the theory of Brand Four Quadrant Tragedy.3. Expatiate that the ways and means to cultivate brands by analyzing the clothing brand establishment and management.4. Bring forward six items of how to cultivating China Clothing Famous Brand by analyzing and integrating correlative brand strategies.

【关键词】 服装品牌战略
  • 【分类号】F426.8
  • 【被引频次】17
  • 【下载频次】3165

