

【作者】 刘宇彤

【导师】 孙维炎;

【作者基本信息】 对外经济贸易大学 , 工商管理, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 进入21世纪后,经济全球化和知识经济将成为世界发展的主旋律。知识经济依托的是人才,经济全球化更带来了人才竞争的全球化。人才正逐渐成为世界上所有资本中最宝贵、最有决定意义的资本,市场经济的竞争归根结底将是人才的竞争。近年来,特别是我国加入WTO后,国内人才争夺大战愈演愈烈,国有企业人才流失问题日益突显,许多优秀的人才纷纷流向了外企。并且,每一次人才的流失带给企业的往往不是单个个体的损失,企业留不住人才不仅会削弱原企业的竞争能力,而且常常会使原企业形象受损、元气大伤;人才的出走还往往会使原企业付出高昂的补偿成本并伴随着老客户的流失;人才的流失还会使原企业的员工士气低落,并产生连锁效应。因而,本论文的作者结合某传统国有企业(C公司)的实际情况,用了四个章节对国有企业的人才流失问题进行了详细探讨。作者试图对国有企业的人力资源管理进行较为深入的研究,通过分析国有体制下的人事和分配制度、激励机制以及人才成长的环境,对国有企业如何通过人事和分配制度改革,以及如何通过完善和强化激励等手段,创造出有利于人才充分发挥其作用的环境和氛围,稳定和利用好现有人才,进而吸引更多的新人才进行了一些探讨,并提出一些建议。在本论文的第一章中,主要针对国有企业传统的人事管理特点以及外企现代人力资源管理的特点分别进行了分析和比较,并对新形势下人力资源管理的战略性地位及其在提升企业竞争优势方面的重要作用进行了阐述。在本论文的第二章中,首先对C公司的主要情况以及其人力资源方面的有关数据进行了介绍,指出C公司目前正面临着因人员流动率过高而带来的严重的人才流失和人员匮乏问题,并总结归纳出C公司在人力资源方面存在的主要问题。本论文的第三章主要对国有企业人才流失的原因进行了分析。首先结合马斯洛的需要理论对人才流失的内因-新形势下人才自身的需要进行了分析;然后从理论角度对外界的各种诱因-薪水、福利、归属感等-是如何导致人才流失的进行了分析;接着结合前述C公司的具体情况,详细分析了导致C公司人才流失的几个最主要的原因。在本论文的第四章中,首先在前文论述的基础上,对国有企业应对人才流失问题提出了三点对策;其次,针对C公司的具体情况,为C公司应对其人才流失问题提出了十项具体建议。作者相信,任何企业只要实施“以人为中心、理性化团队管理”,这个企业的人力资源管理就会迈上科学、有序的轨道,企业员工就会团结协作、积极主动、行为规范、不断创新,那么企业的发展前景必将是美好的。

【Abstract】 With the arrival of the economic globalization in 21st century, Chinese enterprises and entrepreneurs are facing a challenge of revolutionizing the management system of human talent and human resources (HR). It has been commonly recognized that this revolution needs a paradigm shift from lacking of concern of people to regarding human talent as the most precious resource and most critical capital for enterprises to survive and be successful in the fiercely competitive global market. In this paper, the author analyzes in detail the issues of talent out-flowing from the state-owned enterprises, using a traditional state-owned enterprise, C Company, as an example, and makes recommendations for enterprises in establishing a HR management system that will retain, attract, and motivate employees. First of all, the author points out that in recent years, as the market economy is deepening in China, the out-flowing of talented employees from Chinese state-owned enterprises to foreign companies has become a more and more serious problem. The consequences of losing talented people are low morality of employee team, loss of company specific knowledge, weakening of the competitive ability, damaging of image, huge transaction cost, and loss of customers. A new HR management system that will retain and motivate people is becoming ever more important for Chinese enterprises.Subsequently, the characteristics of the traditional HR management system in China are discussed and compared with those of current western system. The data collected indicates that the C Company currently has an extremely high people out-flowing rate. The intrinsic and extrinsic factors that have caused the talent out-flow are then examined. The intrinsic factors are mainly feeling of self-actualization, self-achievement, and job satisfaction, while the extrinsic factors mainly are compensation, the prospects of the enterprise, the physical work environment, and career development opportunities.The author further discusses some specific suggestions for the C company on how to reform its current HR management system, including empowering people, holding people accountable, providing training and development opportunities, a fair compensation system, an objective performance evaluation mechanism, a clear job design, and a harmonic organizational culture. The author suggests that reforming the current recruiting, distribution, and motivation system is very essential to the state-owned enterprises in creating a HR system attracting, retaining, and motivating talents. With a focus on "people" and with the proposed key elements integrated into the current HR management system, the author concludes optimistically that the Chinese enterprises will certainly have a very promising and prosperous future.

  • 【分类号】F272.9
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】686

