

【作者】 付云雁

【导师】 孙维炎;

【作者基本信息】 对外经济贸易大学 , 工商管理, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 番茄产业是新疆具有市场竞争优势的特色产业,其产品主要定位于国际市场。通过近两年的迅速发展,番茄产业已成为新疆宏观经济发展中不可或缺的一部分。一个组织良好的番茄产业将有利于当地企业将新疆番茄制品在质量、成本方面的优势转化为国际、国内市场上的竞争力。新疆屯河股份公司正是基于此,在短短三年内,通过一系列资本运营和国际市场开拓,整合了地方的番茄企业,开拓出相对稳定的国际市场,成为亚洲第一、世界第一的生产厂商。新疆屯河股份公司通过企业微观战略和地方宏观战略的有效结合,不仅实现了自身从水泥产业向番茄产业的转型,从区内市场向国际市场的跨越,而且同时实现了当地经济发展和企业自身壮大的双赢,可以说这是一个战略规划和战略实施比较成功的案例。 从本篇论文的整体框架看,首先分析了新疆番茄产业兴起的背景、沿革和现状,论证发展该产业的必要性和重要性,勾勒出整个产业的基本状况及其宏观战略定位,分析了番茄产业发展中面临的机遇和存在的困难以及运作的宏观环境,在此基础上,提出了新疆屯河股份公司发展番茄产业的战略规划。然后试图通过对新疆屯河股份公司竞争环境的分析,阐述该公司国际化经营定位的由来、在整体番茄产业发展中的战略地位以及面临的机遇与挑战,揭示出屯河股份公司进行国际化经营战略的微观环境。 在对新疆屯河股份公司的竞争环境有了定性和定量的了解后,论文进一步对其在国际化经营中进入及规模化战略的实施和控制进行了分析,主要包括转型定位战略的分析、横向一体化战略的分析、纵向一体化战略的分析等,在行业内部进行合资、合作,实施战略联盟。 论文还特别论述了新疆屯河股份公司从区域内市场走向国际市场采取的竞争战略,主要阐述了成本领先战略、目标市场细分战略和品牌战略等,以及上述战略实施后取得的效果。

【Abstract】 Xinjiang, a remote area from sea-ports, is placed in a disadvantageous position for export. The government of Xinjiang has been tried very hard to find a way to develop its industries with their own advantages. Since 1998,this wish has come true. Tomato planting was introduced to the region. And because of the favorable natural environment, such as climate, water, soil, etc., in some areas of Xinjiang, tomato products soon acquired competitive advantage both in domestic market and international market. And because of the superb quality and low cost, tomato products have enjoyed good sales and earned nice profit in the international market. Within just a few years, this industry, with its very rapid development, has become one of the most promising industries of Xinjiang, and has won nearly 12 per cent of the world market share. This is really a big success and most encouraging for the further development of macro-economy of Xinjiang.In this thesis, the author lays her emphasis on the analysis of one of the most successful companies producing tomato goods, i.e.,,Xinjiang Tunhe Co. ltd. This company has wonderfully transferred itself from manufacturing cement products to making tomato goods within three years. It has become the biggest tomato paste manufacturer in Asia, and the second largest in the world. The success of this company tells people that any company that wishes to expand its business should first of all consider the development of the nation’s as well as the region’s economy, i.e. successfully combine macro economic factors with the company’s microeconomic strategy. In this respect, Xinjiang Tunhe Co. ltd. has set a good example, which has achieved a double-win target. It has both promoted the development of local economy and its own expansion in business.Having done some analysis, the author concludes that the rapid development of Xinjiang Tunhe Co. ltd. can be a model for the companies in Xinjiang , i.e. how to map out a corporate strategy, and more importantly how to implement that strategy.

【关键词】 企业跨国经营战略
  • 【分类号】F279.26
  • 【下载频次】316

