

【作者】 闫宏

【导师】 刘宝成;

【作者基本信息】 对外经济贸易大学 , 工商管理, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 中外合资企业由于利益主体的多元化,合资各方通过影响控制力的各种要素、综合运用不同的控制结构和方式,不断争夺 合资企业的控制权,在对控制权的博弈中,力争谋得自身利益最大化的均衡。中方由于多方面原因,往往在均衡结果中处于少数股权者地位,按照资本多数决的游戏规则缺乏对公司的股权控制和组织控制,权益易于受到侵害。因此,中方在股权处于劣势的情况下,控制战略上应注重调动人的积极性,以明确的合资目标,选择合资伙伴。将控制与反控制的原则、制度、手段等在合资合同和章程或其附件等法律文件中予以明确。加强通过中方董事对公司内部的组织控制。借助各种控制力影响,发挥人的积极性,通过建立各项企业规章制度,多方面加强非组织控制,尽量减少企业运行过程中的不确定性。完善政策法规,确立政府外部监管控制和保护中方权益的法律基础,强化与合资企业有关各方的法律责任,依法监管。在涉及到中方合法权益的重大问题上,与外方及时沟通,力争协商解决。总之,充分发挥能够影响控制力的一切要素资源优势,综合运用多方面控制结构和方式直至诉诸法律,反控制于外方的单方面控制,在合资企业运行的全过程努力建设照顾到各方利益的控制结构和方式,动态地不断追求保护自身合法权益的控制均衡。

【Abstract】 Because of the diversification of beneficial owners in Chinese-foreign joint ventures, through comprehensively making use of different control structures and methods and various factors that influence the control force, all parties to the joint ventures unceasingly contend for the power to control the joint venture enterprises, trying to reach a balance during the maximization of their own benefits in the competition for the control power. Because of various reasons, the Chinese parties are always at a status of minority shareholders and consequently lose the power of share control and organization control according to the game regulations that those who contribute more shall have the decisive power, so their rights and benefits are easy to be damaged. Therefore, in the situation that the Chinese parties are at an inferior position in equity interest, the Chinese parties should stress on the motivation of man’s initiative in control strategy, give full scope to the advantage of all essential resources that may influence the control force, make a comprehensive use of various control structures and methods and even resort to law in order to implement negative control of the foreign parties’ unilateral control and dynamically and continuously protect the balance of their own rights and benefits in the whole process of the operation of joint venture enterprises.

【关键词】 合资少数股权控制管理
  • 【分类号】F279.26
  • 【下载频次】201

