

【作者】 韩卫华

【导师】 贾怀勤;

【作者基本信息】 对外经济贸易大学 , 企业管理, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 加入WTO既为我们提供了前所未有的发展机遇,也促使我们必须面对新的挑战。许多窥测中国金融市场很久的,实力雄厚的外国银行将涌入我国,在金融市场同我国商业银行进行直接较量。为了使国有商业银行在二十一世纪初期的竞争中生存和发展,降低成本、加快信息管理己成为提高我行管理效率和决策水平的必然要求。 我国虽然加大了对银行信息系统建设的投入,但和外国银行相比,我国银行信息化程度还远远不够,信息管理水平还非常低。 本文认为信息管理指以增强企业竞争能力、加强核心能力为出发点,以增加股东财富为目标,通过业务流程重组(优化),塑造企业文化,综合利用技术手段和管理手段,管理与企业相关的内外部信息,有效利用信息,降低成本、提高生产、服务效率和质量,改善企业环境,增加企业适应环境的能力。 本文对目前我国国有商业银行信息管理的现状进行剖析,提出了存在的主要问题,并针对存在的问题,根据商业银行的经营目标,从银行实际运营情况出发,就如何提高我国国有商业银行信息管理的水平进行了详细的论述。 为了解决信息管理的评价标准,提供提高信息管理水平途径,本文还提出了“信息管理控制标准”,建立了信息管理控制的框架和体系,为商业银行信息管理提供从无定规的混沌过程向训练有素的成熟过程演进的途径。该框架不仅适用于商业银行,条款略做修改,还可适用于其他类型的组织。

【Abstract】 As a country shunting from planned economy system to market economy system, joining WTO not only provides opportunity for us, but also spurs us to face new challenge. Many foreign banks, which have a powerful strength and have peeped into our money market for a long time, now will swarm into our country, and have a direct contest with our commercial banks.In international money market, muddled running become a trend. That implies stockjobbers and insurers have become latent competitor of banks.Confronted with such drastic competition, in order to enable our commercial banks to survive and develop early in 21 st century, lowering cost and speed up information management have become necessary request of improving management efficiency and decision-making level. Information management is long line investment, comes down to each part of enterprise and is a large, complex and pressing systems engineering, so we must begin to work as soon as possible, improve management level and enhance competitive ability.This article believes information management is a kind of ability. Its springboard is strengthening the ability of enterprise’s competition and enhancing kernel ability. Its target is increasing stockholder’s fortune, by recombining (optimizing) operation flow, molding enterprise culture, making use of managing and technical measures, managing correlative internal or external information, using information efficiently, lowering cost price, improving service efficiency and quality, improving enterprise environment, increasing the enterprise’s ability of acclimation.This article analyzes the actuality of our state commercial bank information management, brings forward existent problem, and according as management goal, basing on bank actual running status, has a detailed discuss on how to improving our information management level to this question.This article also has an expatiation on information management, improving bank creative ability, effectively processing knowledge management and flow management.

【关键词】 银行信息管理标准
  • 【分类号】F830.33
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】438

