

【作者】 廖斌

【导师】 熊伟;

【作者基本信息】 对外经济贸易大学 , 企业管理, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 本论文属于企业案例及诊断报告类型,研究对象北京新华彩印厂是一家有五十多年历史的以出版印刷为主的大型彩印企业,曾经长期位居行业“老大”位置。由于诸多主客观因素的影响,企业销售额逐年下降,1998~1999年出现了连续亏损。因此,如何扩大销售,突破营销的瓶颈,成为企业面临的最紧迫问题之一。本文由引言、案例正文、案例分析、结论等四个主要部分构成。“引言”部分概述了本文的研究背景和意义、主要思路与基本结构以及研究方法。“案例正文”部分描述了北京新华彩印厂的营销现状,指出企业在营销方面存在的主要问题。“案例分析”部分,首先从企业的营销环境、行业状况、竞争状况和企业自身四个方面分析了企业面临的经营环境,主要论述了下面三个问题:1.借助迈克尔·波特五种力量模型,明确了企业面临的各方面竞争压力中,来自买方和竞争对手的竞争压力相对十分强大。2.利用SWOT分析工具,我们可以明确:企业处在机会与风险并存的外部经营环境中,同时,企业在生产制造、市场营销、质量管理、服务意识等方面存在着严重的问题,但企业仍具有一定的整体优势和规模优势以及雄厚的技术和工艺实力。3.以上分析还表明,虽然企业存在许多问题,但企业具有的整体优势和规模优势以及雄厚的技术和工艺实力,使企业具备了向高档印刷市场发展的良好基础。在上述背景下,文章针对企业存在的一些主要营销问题,从企业营销策略分析的角度,着重论述了以下两个方面的问题:1.通过对各细分市场的评估,结合企业的自身情况,确定出版印刷市场和纸品包装印刷市场为企业的目标市场。在市场定位上,以“高档精品化”重新定位进入高档印刷市场。2.针对企业存在的营销组合问题,企业应在质量决策、服务决策、交货期决策、产品组合决策、价格决策和销售管理等方面做出相应的重大调整。“结论”部分旨在对全文进行概括性的总结。希望通过本文的分析研究,能对北京新华彩印厂的市场营销工作提供有价值的参考,并对其它印刷企业的市场营销工作起到抛砖引玉的借鉴作用,尤其是对于象北京新华彩印厂一样处于困境中的国有印刷企业。

【Abstract】 This thesis is a report on the corporation cases and diagnoses. The object of study is Beijing Xinhua Color Printing Factory(BXCPF), a large color-printing enterprise with a history of over 50 years. It, mainly dealing with publication printing, had ranked the first in the field for a long time. Due to a variety of subjective and objective reasons, the factory has seen its sales volume decreasing year by year, facing consecutive loses from 1998-1999. As a result, it has become one of the most urgent problems for the factory to solve its marketing problem so as to increase its sales volume.The thesis falls into 4 parts, namely the introduction, the case description, the case analysis and the conclusion. "Introduction" summarizes the research situation, significance, thoughts, structure and methods of the thesis. "Case Description" mainly tells about the current marketing situation of BXCPF and mainly figures out the problems of the enterprise’s marketing. According to analyzing the enterprise’s marketing environment, trade situation, competition situation and the enterprise itself, "case analysis" mainly discusses the following problems:1.The five power models of Michael Porter is applied to analyze the enterprise’s environment and figures out the competition pressure the enterprise has been facing.2.SWOT is applied to analyze the current problems that the enterprise exists in the manufacture, the marketing, the quality and the services.3.Although the enterprise faces the current problems, the enterprise has boasted a good foundation for the development in the high quality printing market based on its inner and outer environment.Based on the above situation, The thesis mainly discusses the marketing strategy problems that followed:1.The thesis discusses the enterprise shall make the publication printing market and the packing-paper printing market as its target markets based on the evaluation of each segmenting market along with its own situation. For the market positioning, the thesis suggests the enterprise shall re-position itself by providing the "high quality" to meet the requirements of the high quality printing market.2.The thesis suggests the enterprise shall seriously adjust the strategy of the quality, services, produced periods, product mix price and sales."Conclusion" is a summation of the whole thesis.Hopefully the research shall provide the valuable references to the marketing of BXCPF, from which other State-owned printing enterprises in difficulty are able to learn something.

【关键词】 市场营销出版印刷包装印刷
【Key words】 MarketingPublication printingPackage printing
  • 【分类号】F274
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】425

