

Pharmacognosical Studies on Hypericum Spp.

【作者】 郑清明

【导师】 郑汉臣; 秦路平; 郭澄;

【作者基本信息】 第二军医大学 , 生药学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 金丝桃属 Hypericum Linn.植物全世界有400余种,生长习性呈多样性包括草本、灌木和亚乔木等。广泛分布在欧洲、亚洲、北非及北美洲,我国有55种8亚种,几产于全国各地,但主要集中在西南。国产该属大多数植物具清热解毒、调经活血、止血生肌、消肿止痛的功效,民间主要用于月经不调、跌打损伤等。近年来因贯叶连翘 Hypericum perforatum L.被发现具有抗抑郁和抗艾滋病病毒的作用使该属植物倍受关注。 本文对国产金丝桃属植物进行了较系统的生药学研究,包括文献查考、资源调查、组织形态学研究、理化鉴别、药材质量评价以及抗抑郁活性研究等。 通过资源调查,绘制了国产贯叶连翘、黄海棠 Hypericum ascyron L.、元宝草 Hypericum sampsonii Hance、地耳草 Hypericum japonicum Thunb.以及扬子小连翘 Hypericum faberi R. keller 的地理分布图。经过实地考察,采集并鉴定金丝桃属植物21种,其中药用种15种。 通过对十余种本属植物茎、叶的显微构造观察,发现近无柄金丝桃 Hypericum subsessile N. Robson 和尖萼金丝桃 Hypericum acmosepalum N. Robson 两者幼茎具 6 纵线棱而非 4 纵线棱,维管束不成环状而呈四边形,叶的主脉为盾形而不为半圆形或类圆形,主脉维管束为心形而不呈半圆形或类圆形,与同组其它种有明显区别。结合两种植物的外部形态特征考虑,作者认为应将这两种从金丝桃组中独立成组更妥。同时在黄海棠幼茎髓部、展萼金丝桃 Hypericum lancasteri N. Robson 幼茎皮层发现裂生分泌腔,这与其他种的裂生分泌腔分布于幼茎韧皮部不同,可作为这两种的特征性分泌结构。 通过薄层色谱分析,发现大多数草本植物中同时含有金丝桃素和假金丝桃素,草本中金丝桃素的荧光强度明显强于同属灌木类植物。通过差热分析 DTA(differential thermal analysis)、近红外漫反射光谱 NIRDRS( Near infrared diffuse reflectance spectroscopy) 聚类分析,发现两法能有效地对金丝桃属植物进行鉴别。 利用反相高效液相梯度洗脱法对 11 种该属植物的药材进行分析,建立了高效液相指纹图谱,测定了药材中多种活性成分 (包括芦丁、金丝桃苷、槲皮素、贯 叶金丝桃素和金丝桃素)的含量,发现在11种该属植物中,贯叶连翘的各种活性 成分含量均较高,但被认为是抗抑郁最主要的活性成分贯叶金丝桃素在展警金丝 桃中含量最高。 利用小鼠的强迫游泳和桔抗利血平诱导的小鼠体温下降模型对该属的贯叶 连翘、扬子小连翘、HZQM(一种金丝桃属植物)和展粤金丝桃进行了抗抑郁活 性研究,发现4种植物的提取物能不同程度地缩短小鼠的游泳不动时间和桔抗利 血平诱导的小鼠体温下降,其中展暮金丝桃和 HZQM作用更显著;利用桔抗利血 平诱导的小鼠体温下降模型对不同剂量 HZQM进行研究,发现 HZQM i抗利血 平诱导的小鼠体温下降呈量效关系。HZQM显示了较好的抗抑郁活性,有必要对 其作用机理作进一步的研究。

【Abstract】 There are more than 400 species in genus Hypericum Linn, in the world, which exhibit a diversity of habit forms ranging from slender herbs to large shrubs, small trees and distribute extensively in Europe, Asia, North of Africa and North of America. There are 55 species and 8 varietas in China, which almost distribute all over the country but mainly in Southwest. Most species of the genus have the effects of clearing away the heat and toxins, restoring menstruation and promoting blood circulation, arresting bleeding and promoting tissue regeneration, relieving swells and alleviating pains. In folk, it is often used to treat irregular menstruation, traumatism and etc.. In recent years Hypericum perforation L. was proved to have the activity of antidepressant and anti-HIV, the genus has aroused the pharmacists’ great attention.This dissertation deals with a systematic Pharmacognosical studies on 16 species of Hypericum including survey on the resources, histological identification, physiochemical identification, quality assessing of main medicinal species and their antidepressant activities.On the basis of survey on the resources, the geographical distribution of five species include Hypericum perforatum, Hypericum ascyron, Hypericum sampsonii, Hypericum wightiaum and Hypericum faberi in China had been drawn separately. 21 wild species of this genus had been collected and identified, of which 15 species are pharmaceutical plants.Based on microscopic survey, Hypericum subsessile and Hypericum acmosepalurn were found that their young stem present hexagon wheras others quadrilateral, and their vascular bundles forming quadrilateral but not closed ring. Secretory canals are present generally in the pholem. They are found in the pith of Hypericum ascyron and in the primary cortex of Hypericum lancasteri, which can be a key to the identification of the two species from others.TLC analysis gave a result that similarities and differences in chemical constituents of 21 species in Hypericum exist, it was also presented that most of herbs contains pseudohypericin as well as hypericin and the fluorescent intensity of hypericin or pseudohypericin are far more stronger than that of shrubs, the result means the contents of those two constituents in herbs are more higher than that in shrubs. We can also identify different species by NIRDRS (near infrared diffuse reflectance spectroscopy) and DTA (differential thermal analysis) tests.In order to evaluate the qualities of different species, RP-HPLC method was employed to establish HPLC-Fingerprintings of 11 main pharmaceutical species, and the contents of six active components including rutin, hyperoside, quercetin, hyperforin, hypericin and pseudohypericin were determined. The contents of those components were found higher separately in Hypericum perforation than other species, but the content of hyperforin, which was considered the most posssible antidepressant active component, was found the highest in Hypericum lancasteri among these 11 species.Forced swimming test (FST) and reserpine reversal test (RRT) were used to study the antidepressant activity of 4 species including Hypericum perforatum, Hypericum lancasteri, HZQM and Hypericum faberi, the results showed the ethanol total extracts of these 4 species can reduce the immobile time in FST and antagonize rat falling temperature induced by reserpine in RRT in different extent, of which Hypericum lancasteri and HZQM had better effects than Hypericum perforaturn and Hypericum faberi. different dosage of HZQM were employed in RRT and the result present dose-response-relationship. HZQM exhibit better antidepressant activity than other species, its mechanism will be studied in further experiments.

  • 【分类号】R282.71
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】564

