

Yasushi Inoue and China

【作者】 袁盛财

【导师】 黎跃进;

【作者基本信息】 湘潭大学 , 比较文学与世界文学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 20世纪60年代初期我国开始译介井上靖文学,到80年代中期,有关井上靖的译介与研究达到高潮。我国学者对井上靖文学进行了多方面的探索与研究,其中既有对作者生平创作的系统介绍,也有对作者思想倾向的评价,以及其创作艺术的探索,但更多的是对作品个案的研究。井上靖在青少年时期便受到中国古典文化的熏陶,对中国与中国历史文化产生了极大的兴趣,他以中国为题材创作了大量的历史小说、诗歌以及随笔。本文在国内井上靖文学已有研究成果的基础上,从影响--接受的角度,运用接受美学与形象学理论,就目前未曾系统阐述的一个问题--井上靖与中国的关系作一番清理与探讨。本文主要从三个方面展开研究。首先,从作品题材、思想与艺术表现等方面探讨了井上靖与中国史传文学的关系。其次,具体论述了井上靖的长篇小说《孔子》与《论语》的关系,以及井上靖对《论语》思想的接受。再次,通过对井上靖文学的分析,指出他的中国形象的特点,以及这一形象与文本所处的特定历史、文化语境的关系。

【Abstract】 The literature of Yasushi Inoue began to be translated and introduced in the early of 1960s,brought to the climax in the middle of1980s. Inoue’s literature in many aspects, of which some made a systematic note on the author’s life and writing, others made an inquiry into his writing art, but the majority were individual research about his works.Yasushi Inoue was influenced by Chinese classical culture when he was still a youngster, and took an intensive interesting in China and Chinese historical culture. He wrote a large number of historical novels, poems and essays. In this article, by way of the theory of reception and the theory of imagologie , the writer makes his research from the angle of influence-reception and on the base of the achievements of domestic study, in order to explore and sort out the relationship between Inoue and Chinese historical and biographical literature, which isn’t made a systematic exposition at present. This article mainly research three ones as follow: first, probing the relationship between Inoue and Chinese historical and biographical literature in subject, mind and art; second, making a concrete discuss on the relationship between Inoue’s novel Confucius and Lunyu, and the reception of Inoue from Lunyu; last, by means of an analysis of Inoue’s works, pointing out the traits of his Chinese image, and the relationship between the image and the special history and the environmental culture of text.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湘潭大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2003年 02期
  • 【分类号】I313
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】693

