

On Regional Integration of the World Economy and the Development of APEC

【作者】 莫晓芳

【导师】 刘长庚;

【作者基本信息】 湘潭大学 , 政治经济学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 世界经济区域一体化是与经济全球化一起并行不悖、共同发展的两大不可抗拒的历史潮流之一。面对这种历史潮流,任何国家和地区都不能采取消极回避的态度。APEC作为一种新型合作模式,它打破了区域一体化按层次水平而进行的条规式分类。而作为中国目前唯一加入的区域经济合作组织,它又是中国推动自身市场开放、逐步与世界接轨的主要舞台。本文是在世界经济区域一体化的大背景下,通过对APEC进行实证研究,为我国如何适时地制定自己的亚太战略、如何积极地参与亚太地区经济合作以共享亚太繁荣提出建议。本文分为三个部分。第一部分是对世界经济区域一体化的一般性研究。主要阐述了世界经济区域一体化的内涵、成因及类型;它的发展及当前的新特点;与经济全球化及有关关系;并对其进行了效应分析。第二部分是对当代区域经济一体化的新模式-APEC进行具体的分析。主要包括APEC发展历程的简要回顾;合作模式的主要特点及其性质定位;贸易投资自由化、便利化及经济技术合作;与次区域经济组织的关系等,并对其贸易和福利效应进行了实证分析。第三部分主要论述我国在亚太经济一体化中的战略选择,它分别论述了中国参与APEC以及参与东亚"10+3"合作的战略选择问题。

【Abstract】 Regional integration of the world economic is one of the two irresistible historical tides, which is not contradictory with and seeks common development with the other - economic globalization. In face of the historical tide, any country and region can’t take a passive attitude. APEC, as a kind of new cooperative pattern, has broken vertical categories of region integration in the light of rank orders. As the only regional economic cooperative organization China has joined at present, it is also the main stage for China to push forward marketing opening and gradually to link with the world. This article, with the background of regional integration of the world economic and through the concrete evidence research on APEC, proposes how to make our own Asia-pacific strategy and how to take part in APEC in order to share Asia-pacific prosperity.This article consists of three parts. The first part is a general study on regional integration of the world economic, which elaborates on the connotation of regional integration of the world economic, reasons and its types; its development and present new features; relations with economic globalization, which are analyzed accordingly. The second part presents a detailed analysis of the new pattern of the present regional economic integration-APEC. It mainly includes: the brief review of the development process of APEC; the salient characteristics of cooperative pattern and its quality orientation; trade and investment liberalization and economic technology cooperation; the relations with sub-regional economic organization, and the concrete evidence analysis of its trade and welfare effect. The third part mainly discusses the strategic choices of China in Asia-pacific economic integration. It expounds the problems of strategic of China to join in APEC and East Asia“ 10+3” cooperation organization.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湘潭大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2003年 02期
  • 【分类号】F114.46
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】869

