

The Research of Software System Based on Structural Design, Analytical Calculation and Simulation for Complicated Part

【作者】 沈毅斌

【导师】 柯尊忠;

【作者基本信息】 合肥工业大学 , 机械制造及其自动化, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 复杂零件的设计在整个机械设计中占有着重要的地位。论文在以典型复杂零件——无螺栓十字轴万向联轴器为例,通过对它的结构设计、有限元分析计算、动态仿真以及快速成型制造等设计的全过程的研究,系统阐述了复杂零件设计的一般规律,并最终研制出带有一定通用性的软件系统。 在结构设计中,结合无螺栓十字轴万向联轴器的结构特点,提出实体造型和曲面造型相结合的建模思想,解决了联轴器中复杂的自由曲面的建模问题,并提高了建模的效率。在复杂零件的强度校核中,利用Ansys软件对法兰叉头的有限元分析计算,计算结果与现场基本一致。在完成这些工作的同时,基于联轴器的装配特点,对联轴器进行了装配模拟仿真,并制作了装配动画。考虑到在计算机上模拟仿真以后,不能完全说明零件的装配无干涉,运动状态达到设计要求,因此对实物模型实验——快速成型制造进行了探讨,引入了分层制造的概念。在整个设计的过程中,引入了反馈的思想,即各个设计过程是相互联系,相互参考的。 最后,将这些分离的单个设计过程集成面向复杂零件设计的软件系统。

【Abstract】 The design of the complicated part is very important in the mechanical design. Based on the typical complicate part- Coupling with cross of no bolt, the article systemic expounds general regularity of complicated part through it’s structural design, analytical calculation of finite element, simulation and rapid prototyping. At last, develop commonality software system.In the structural design, puts forward the thought of combining solid molding and curved surface based on the feature of coupling, solved the problem of the molding of free surface, at the same time, raise the efficency of molding. In the strength revision of the complicated part, \\ith analytical calculation for flange fork through Ansys. computation result is in agreement with the fact, meanwhile, make assembly simulation for the coupling and assembly cartoon on the basis of the feature of assembly of coupling . Regarding it is not list there is no any question in the assembly and work of the part, so, approach rapid prototyping. In this section, lead in the conception of stratify. In the entire process of design ..quote the thought of feedback.Finally, assemble the software system of these single design.

  • 【分类号】TP391.9
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】145

