

Research on the Application of E-Purchase Upon Enterprise Purchase

【作者】 张文桂

【导师】 武振业;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 企业管理, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 电子采购集计算机技术、多面体技术、数据库技术、网络技术、安全技术和密码技术、管理科学、软件科学以及社会经济学等多学科前沿技术于一体,是电子商务中的重要应用内容。其结构体系、法律法规、市场规则、管理模式、技术标准还未臻完全成熟,各国都在进行研究。我国有关该领域的研究才刚刚起步,不仅有许多技术问题需要研究,而且有许多社会的、经济的、法律的问题需要解决。 自二十世纪九十年代开始,全球化和基于时间的竞争已成为重要的企业战略,使企业更加重视供应链管理的价值,电子采购则是供应链的重要一环,其战略意义已在部分世界级企业的应用中得到检验,尽管这种趋势日趋明显,但在全球化环境下其运作方法并未得到足够的研究和理解。另外,这种概念在中国还处在基本概念的表述上。因此,在市场竞争日趋激烈的今天,如何把握市场时机加快实施电子采购的步伐,是需要认真研究的课题。本文就企业如何实行电子采购进行了探讨。 本文首先叙述了采购与电子采购的概念和电子采购的发展状况,比较了传统采购与电子采购的特点,指出了电子采购的优势和企业实施电子采购的重要意义。然后就中国电子采购的发展现状和目前存在的主要问题进行了总结,针对中国的具体情况,提出了改进我国电子采购现状的对策。 文章介绍了电子采购的类型,阐述了电子采购系统的运作程序和在应用中应该注意的一些问题,并通过案例说明了电子采购系统的作业流程,之后,为实施电子采购的企业和相关的人员提出了建议。文章第四部分着重介绍了企业实施电子采购的技术支持方案和企业实施电子采购的步骤,并通过三个案例,说明了电子采购系统的功能特点。文章最后展望了中国未来电子采购的发展趋势。

【Abstract】 E-purchase integrates advanced technologies in many fields such as computer technology, multimedia technology, database technology, network technology, security & cryptograph technology, management technology, software science and social economics. It is an application in Electronic Commerce, and the combination of information and web technology. Its system architecture, law rule, market regulation, management model and technologic standard are not mature enough; so many countries are pursuing the research about it. However, the research in this field is just started in China. Not only many technique problems need to be studied, but also a lot of social, economic and juristic problems need to be solved. Today when market competition is becoming more and more drastic, how to seize the market chance to speed the pace of E-purchase is a problem which needs to be studied seriously.The globalization and the competition based on time have become important enterprise stratagem since the nineties of the twentieth century, which make the enterprises attach much importance to the value of SCM. The strategic significance of e-purchase as a key circle of supply chain have been proved in application of some world-class enterprise, but the operating method of e-purse have been not researched and explained in global environment, the trend is becoming more and more evident. In addition, this concept is expressed on the basic level in china. Thus, today when market competition is becoming more and more drastic, how to seize the market chance to speed the pace of E-purchase is a problem which needs to be studied seriously. How to apply E-purchase for the enterprises is discussed in this paper.This paper firstly introduces the definition of the purchase and e-purchase, as well as the development of e-purchase. Comparing the traditional purchasing with e-purchase characteristics and figuring out the advantages and the significance of e-purchase for the enterprises. Then summarizes the actuality of Chinese e-purchase developing and existing problems at present, according to the situation of china, the strategy of changing Chinese e-purchase status is putted forward.The type of e-purchase are introduced and the operation process of e-purchase system and some problems which should be noticed in the application are described in this paper. Some advice is purposed for the enterprises that just apply e-purchase, as well as the correlated persons after the process of e-purchase system working are explained by cases. The fourth part in this paper stresses the necessary technique support and the steps of realizing e-purchase for the Chinese enterprises. Then through three examples, it accounts for the functional characters of e-purchase system. Finally, the development trend for the future of Chinese e-purchase is forecasted.

  • 【分类号】F274
  • 【被引频次】13
  • 【下载频次】1482

