

Research on the Students’ Understanding of Some Physics Concepts in Middle School and University

【作者】 潘江洪

【导师】 周滨;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 影响物理学习的重要因素之一是学生在接受正式教学前所具有的知识。近二十年来,关于学生对物理概念理解的研究一直是国际物理教育研究的热门话题之一。研究表明学生在接受物理教育以前,已经通过自己的观察、体验与思考,对物理现象与自己的理解和认识。这些直觉的理解与认识与大部分的科学概念是不一致的,因此被称为前概念和相异构想,这会成为进一步学习的障碍。 本研究是在教育学心理学有关理论指导下结合学科教育中一个具体的领域进行的。研究试图通过临床谈话、问卷测试等形式诊断分析学生在一些物理基本概念上理解的困难,归纳不同年龄层次概念理解的情况,分析为什么会产生这些错误概念,并对概念教学进行讨论和提出建议,为物理教学改革做一些基础性的工作。论文首先分析了与物理概念学习有关的教育学心理学理论,就与概念理解有关的名词进行了说明并阐述了自己对理解标准的看法。概念被理解应体现在学习者能将其与真实的客观世界联系起来。在阅读了大量国内外相关文献的基础之上,对国内外有关学生对物理概念理解的研究从方法、内容上有了一个较全面的了解,并在文中介绍有关概念理解的一些研究。一年多来,在广西区内儿所学校对近八百名初中生、高中生和大学生进行调查,通过问卷诊断测试和个人访谈相结合的方法,调查学生对一些物理概念的理解。内容涉及动力学、直流电路和机械波中的基本概念。从中获得了大量的第一手材料,并真实地了解到学生在学习物理前后对物理概念理解的诸多表现,发现学生在一些物理概念的理解上存在不少问题。具体表现在:学生对力和运动的关系、重力和平衡、作用力与反作用力存在一些误解;对直流电路,不同年龄的学生不同程度地存在电流消耗、碰撞电流、恒定电流源等观念,而且对电学概念的理解缺乏宏观与微观的联系;学生在机械波的传播、波速、波的叠加上存在严重的困难,对于机械波的传播学生不能区分初始条件和媒质特性,并错误地将动力学某些观念与机械波进行类比。研究证实了前概念的顽固性和普遍性,它影响着学生接受科学的概念。在分析和归纳了在这些内容中学生持有的不同的错误概念的基础之上,剖析错误概念产生的原因:首先来自学生的日常经验,与一种朴素的世界观相类似,不容易改变,此外学习中如果学生将新概念与原有的观念不适当地相联系,就会产生错误概念。文中归纳了不同年龄层次的学生对概念理解的情况,这是一个发展的过程。最后对物理概念教学进行讨论和提出建议,认为要重视、了解学生的前概念,在概念教学中使用类比要适当,加强学生定性分析的能力,并强调概念学习应建立在学生主动建构的基础之上。

【Abstract】 One of the important factors that influence the physics study is the knowledge which the students have already had before they accepted formal education. Over the last twenty years, the research on students’ understanding of physics concepts is a major topic of international physics education. Up to now, researches have proved that students come to introductory physics course with their own comprehension about physics phenomena through their own observation, experience and consideration. The students’ beliefs, which are incompatible with most scientific theory, are labeled as "preconception" or "alternative conception", which constitute obstacles to subsequent learning.The present research is carried out in combination with disciplinary education under the guidance of relative theory of pedagogical psychology in one specif c domain. Our propose is to diagnose the students’ difficulty in some basic physics concepts by clinical interview and diagnosis test. We try to induce and analyze the situations of students’ conceptual understanding at different ages, to analyze why the misconceptions came into being, to give some discussion and suggestions to the teaching of the physics concepts so as to offer some basic work for the reform of the physics instruction. Firstly, some theories of pedagogical psychology related to the learning of physics concepts are to be analyzed, and some terms related to conceptual comprehension defined. We believe that the criterion for the understanding of concepts is that students can relate the concepts with the real world. On the basis of a lot of related literatures at home and abroad, we obtain an all-round acquaintance about the content and methodology concerning the research of students’ conceptual understanding in physics and an overview of the research on the conceptualunderstanding is given in the thesis. In the past year, we have investigated almost eight hundreds students in middle schools and universities in Guangxi in order to make sense of students’ understanding of some physics concept. The major methods are diagnosis text and individual interview in research. The content of the investigation concerns basic concepts in mechanics, DC circuit and mechanical waves. Thus we gain a great deal of first-hand material and get to know various demonstrations of students’ understanding of concepts before and after the students learn physical knowledge, and we find that students have difficulty in understanding some physics concepts. The research shows that students misunderstand the relation between force and motion. gravity and action/reaction; that in DC circuit, students of different age groups have the belief of "consumption of current", "clashing currents" and "the battery as a constant current generator"; that in understanding the concepts of electricity students lack the knowledge of relating the micro with the macro; and that students have serious difficulties in understanding the propagation of mechanics wave, the speed of wave and superposition, and do not make a distinction between the initial conditions and the medium properties of the system. We find that students inappropriately use the belief of dynamics when answering questions about wave. The research proves that the preconception is stubborn and immanent, and that it influences the learning of scientific concepts. On the basis of this situation, we analyze and generalize the misconception in these contents which the students of different grades have, ard pursue the causes. The misconception originates mainly from intuition and experience of daily life, which is similar to a simple outlook of the world that is difficult to change, another cause may come from the incorrect relationship between the new concept ard the previous belief in learning physics,. This thesis induces that the situation of students’ conceptual understanding at different ages is development course. At last, a discussion of teaching physical concepts is given and suggestions are made. We thirk that preconception should be taken into

  • 【分类号】O4
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】520

