

The Criminal Lawsuit Evidence Rule Reform of Our Country and Protection of Human Right

【作者】 兰妍梅

【导师】 朱俊强;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范大学 , 法学理论, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 证据问题是诉讼中的核心问题。目前在司法实践中问题非常突出。有关证据的搜集、应用,就证据的可采性与证明力、举证责任等问题,建立一些规则,以规制司法实践,防止随意性,以维护司法公正。更重要的是保障诉讼参与人的合法权益。所以,对当前司法实践中的一些反映突出的问题拿出一个具体可行的对策来,就是当务之急。中国立法机关已拟制定诉讼证据规则,证据立法已经提到日程上来了。需要法学对以往的证据理论进行总结、反思、和超越。刑事诉讼证据规则已成为近年来法理学界和司法实务界讨论的热点。 目前,有关刑事诉讼证据规则的研究成果中,或从理论基础的高度讨论中国刑事诉讼证据制度的理论基础是认识论还是价值论;或是选择某一面来讨论刑事证据的特征,如刑事证据的证据能力等;或是从比较法学的角度,讨论当事人主义国家适用的沉默权制度、庭前证据开示制度、非法证据排除制度在中国能否适用的问题是从实践的角度出发,在点上设计一些可操作性的具体的证据规则,如证人出庭作证程序设计,司法鉴定结论的采信程序等等。综合来看,前面的研究多是面上成块状的研究或是点上成颗粒状的微观设计,唯独缺少点、线、面三者结合的组合研究,本文的立意就是想弥补这一不足。而这根将刑事诉讼证据规则改革研究串起来的红线就是人权保障,也就是本文的切入点。目前国内尚无人将二者串联起来研究。 前言部份概括地论述了人权观念的发展沿革,指出它是当今世界各国刑事诉讼改革的一个重要价值目标,指出证据规则作为刑事诉讼的基本要素,对人权保障在刑事诉讼中如何现实地实现,提供了研究的起点。 明确概念是讨论问题的前提。本文第一部份先界定三个在研究刑事诉讼规则改革中必不可少的概念:(刑事诉讼)证据、证据制度、(刑事诉讼证据)规则。本文认为刑事诉讼证据是指在刑事诉讼过程中,由司法机关认可的能够证明案情的物品、痕迹、映象等。证据具有客观因素,又有主观因素,是主客观的统一体。而刑事诉讼证据规则是实用的规律性的证据操作规程,本文给刑事诉讼证据规则在广义上和狭义上给证据规则作了界定,并简略地论述了证据在诉讼中的地位、证据制度与证据规则的关系、证据规则的作用等基础性的问题,为后面的论述打好了基础。 本文的第二部份,首先从纵向的历史的维度(刑事诉讼证据规则模式的历史沿革),论述了这样一个观点:一部证据规则的发展史,就是诉讼中对人权保障不断提升的历史。证据规则的发展与刑事诉讼中人权保障的发展是息息相关的。其次介绍当代刑事诉讼证据规则立法模式及其中人权保障内容和它们的发展趋势,再与我国的证据规则模式进行中外比较,得出一个初步的结论:我国证据规则模式不科学、不系统,对人权保障处于一种弱势状态。 本文的第三部份,是全文的重点。第一小节论述了我国现行刑事诉讼证据规则模式中处于人权保障弱势状态的几点弊端,这也是改革中必须要注意提升其中的人权保障机制的方面。第二小节论述了我国刑事诉讼证据规则改革的必要性,指出改革和完善刑诉证据规则是依法治国的客观需要、是国际司法准则的要求、是我国审判方式改革的客观要求。制度改革必须观念先行。第三小节提出要在我国刑事诉讼证据规则改革中提升其中的人权保障的机制,必须树立三大观念前提。这三大观念前提包括:确认法律真实和程序公正的理论基础、确认程序主体的观念、确立刑事诉讼人权保障的利益均衡观。这是我国刑事诉讼证据规则改革的动力源泉。第四小节介绍部分学者对我国刑事诉讼证据规则构建的体系,并论证了我国刑诉证据规则体系的下限(至少应增加的证据规则):举证责任规则、庭前证据交换规则、非法证据排除规则、证人出庭作证规则。

【Abstract】 The evidence question is a key question in the lawsuit. The question is very outstanding during the judicial pratice at present. One that is about evidence is collected,application. With strength of proving question of putting ability to the proof etc of canning be adopted nature on the evidence,set up some rules,make administration of justice to practise with the rule prevent the wanton quality,in order to safeguard the justice .The more important things is that ensures the lawsuit to participate in people’s lawful rights and interests. So to some problems with outstanding reflection in the judicial pratice,taking a concrete and feasible countermeasure out is the task of top priority. Chinese legislature has already planned to make the evidence rule of the lawsuit. The evidence legislates already mentioned that the schedule comes past. The focus that the evidence rule of criminal suit has already became the legal principle. In recent years,educational circles and administration of justice real affair circle and been discussed.At present,the achievement made in criminal suit evidence is derived from the aspect of theoretical foundation of Chinese criminal suit system.,epistemology or the value theory,or from the characteristics of the criminal evidence,evidence admissiblility ect. Some are made from the angle of the comparative law belonging to doctrine country concerning the applications of the regulations and systems in the courts in China. These regulations and systems such as witness appearance in count procedure ,the complexion letter of the judicial expert’s conclusion procedure are researched individualy and only constituted a part in the letigation system in China and are not combined with each other to be observed and discussed .The writer of this paper’s aim is to improve in this area and she made her study with the help of the clue of measures of human rights protection in the evidence in criminal suit. According to the observations that the writer made,there is no study in our country which connect the them.In the preface the writer briefly described the development of idea of human rights and pointed out that nowadays it has become an important value goal in the criminal suit reform of every country in the world and use it as an basic key element as criminal suit of evidence to ensure the realization of human rights in the criminal suit. This part provided the starting point for this paper.Definite definitions is the prerequisite for the research. The first part of this paper defined three essential definitions in studying the evidence regulation reform of criminal suit which are criminal suit evidence,evidence system. The definition of evidence rule of criminal suit is that the evidences are the mark,image,etcs of the case the judicial authority approved to prove the truth in the course of criminal suit. There are subjective factors and objective factors in the evidence and it is and entity of them. The evidence rule is the practical and regular evidence operational procedure to criminal suit. This part discussed the difference between the narrow sense in a broad sense of the evidence rules and the functional problems relative to the evidence system and the status in evidence rule which made the foundation well for the following argument.The second part of this paper firstly discussed the such a view from the vertical history aspcet (the historical evolution of criminal suit with evidence rule) that the development history of criminal suit evidence is a history promoted to protect human rights in the lawsuit. We can say that the development of human right in lawsuit is closely bound up to the development of evidencerule. Secondly,it introduced the legislative mode of contemporary criminal evidence rules and ensure content in human rights among them with their development trend and then carry on China and foreign countries to compare with the evidence rule mode draw a preliminary conclusion:of our country evidence regular mode science,systimtic ensuring and in one a kind of weak te

  • 【分类号】D925.23
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