

An Experimental Research on the Pattern of Training Children’s Thinking Strategies

【作者】 潘清泉

【导师】 陈时见;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范大学 , 教育, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 思维是智力和能力的核心成分,而智力和能力水平直接影响到能否成功地解决某种问题(或完成任务)。因此培养和发展学生的思维能力有着十分重要的意义。关于思维能力的培养问题,过去在理论上谈得比较多,在实践中缺少具体可操作的方法。我们把思维能力的发展看作是运用思维策略水平的发展。思维策略水平的提高就表明思维能力得到发展。策略是一种用来思考问题的比较抽象的、通用的思想方法。我们通过归纳总结出关于思维策略的知识(即策略性知识),然后传授给学生,学生理解和掌握了这种策略性知识,遇到某个问题,自然地运用某个策略去解决。达到这一水平,学生的思维能力就得到提高。我们认为通过思维策略知识的传授和相应的一系列使用所学策略的训练,达到纯熟运用的程度和广泛迁移的程度,这是我们培养学生思维能力的出发点和归宿。 从这一理论出发,西南师大博士生导师张庆林教授提出了思维策略训练的可操作模式:策略感悟,策略尝试,策略归纳,策略运用,策略迁移,策略巩固六阶段思维训练的课堂操作模式,并提出了思维策略训练应遵循的五大原则。在全面遵循思维策略训练原则下,我们在思维训练中运用课题组编写的思维训练教材结合学科教学,采用六阶段思维训练的课堂操作模式,在柳州市的六所小学进行了两年实验。 实验采用随机抽样的方法、实验班和对照班同质,最后选取两所在实验中各方面都控制得比较好的学校,作为论文数据的采集对象。运用双样本方差分析,双样本假设、差异显著性检验等几种统计方法,分析了六阶段思维策略训练的课堂操作模式对学生思维能力、创新意识、学习成绩的影响。实验研究结果发现,实施该模式的结果能使学生的学习成绩大面积得到提高,学生的写作能力有了很大提高,学生的创造性思维能力增强,学生的学习能力增强,学生的智力水平有了明显提高,并有助于学生形成良好的个性品质。通过该模式实验,可以为我们提供以下经验:思维训练在小学低年级的训练效果较高年级显著,因此在小学开展思维训练最好从低年级开始;思维策略训练对学生的思维能力的提高具有明显的促进作用;思维训练与学科知识相结合,效果优于单纯的思维训练;思维训练与培养非智力因素结合,能提高思维训练的实效性;思维训练要特别重视学生主体作用的发挥;但该模式还存在许多不足,有待进一步改进。首先,思维训练的模式有些僵化,容易限制教师的创造性的发挥;其次是训练的教材本身也存在着一定的问题。第三,训练模式的具体环节的教学安排上也有不足。第四,实验没有充分照顾个别差异,因此实验对后进生的作用不够明显。针对这些不足,不断改进该模式,使之面向全体,更有利于全体学生思维的发展是我们努力的目标。

【Abstract】 Thinking ability is the key component of human beings’ intelligence and general ability. To be able to solve problems (or finish tasks) depends largely on the level of someone’s intelligence and general ability. So it appears to be very important to develop students’ thinking ability. However, as far as developing thinking ability is concerned in the past, more work has been done on developing the theories than seeking methods for putting them into use.If we consider that development of thinking ability is development of someone’s ability of using thinking strategy, we will see that improvement in his or her level of thinking strategy can result in an improvement of his or her thinking ability. Thinking strategy is often thought as an abstract but common thinking solution in working out problems. Knowledge about thinking strategy (strategy knowledge) can be generalized by induction and then taught to the students. The purpose is therefore to get the students to be familiar with this knowledge and then to use it skillfully and extensively. When facing a problem, if the students demonstrate the ability to use some strategy to deal with it correctly, we can then say that the students’ thinking ability has been improved. So it is our origin and final aim to develop students’ thinking ability by teaching them knowledge of thinking strategy and training them in using it through a series of practice focusing on enabling them to apply and transfer this strategy confidently and extensively.Based on this idea, we have developed a model for the training of strategy, which can be used in classroom teaching and learning. It consists of six stages, which are sense of strategy, test of strategy, induction of strategy, application of strategy, transfer of strategy and consolidation of strategy. In addition to this model, we also develop five principles that should be obeyed in the training of thinking strategy.Under the guidance of these five principles, we have carried out a series of experiments on developing thinking strategy in six primary schools in Liuzhou, China over two years, using the model mentioned above. Trainingmaterial was written by the study group, which was integrated into subject teaching. Target classes were chosen randomly in each school. Studies were carried out by comparing these classes and normal classes, Final data for the report was collected from two schools that had better control in all respects during the experiment. The analysis of how the training model influenced the students’ thinking ability, creativity and study performance is done by using a few statistical methods including analysis of double samples’ variance, supposition of double sampling, testing of significant difference.The experiment showed that after the training model, students’ study performance has been greatly improved, especially in their written ability. There is a huge difference between the subject classes and normal classes. The students’ study ability and creative thinking ability have been strengthened and their intelligence quality has been improved significantly. Besides all these, it also helps developing the students’ personality.We also found that thinking training has better effect on younger students than older ones. So it is recommended that thinking training should be carried out from lower grade classes in primary schools.It was also shown that thinking strategy training can greatly improve students’ thinking ability, that integrating the thinking training with subject knowledge learning has better effect than mono thinking training, that integrating the thinking training with the development of non-intelligence factors can help achieve the aim and that special attention should be paid to the thinking ownership of the students in the training.Also we found some disadvantages in our training model. First, this thinking training model is not flexible enough to encourage teachers’ creativity in contributing to the project. Second, there are some problems with the training material. Third

【关键词】 思维策略训练模式实验
【Key words】 thinking strategiestrainingpatternexperiment
  • 【分类号】B844.1
  • 【下载频次】311

