

An Elegy for Agricultural Civilization

【作者】 玉波

【导师】 雷锐;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2002, 硕士


【摘要】 哈代和沈从文是生活在不同的时代、国度和文化里的两个作家,但透过这些巨大的差异,我们却又可以发现两者之间具有许多类似之处。这些相似处可以归结为工业文明取代农业文明这一复杂历史过程在两位作家作品里的投射。两位作家都在作品中反映了传统农业文明的乡土世界被外界的现代工业文明所冲击,归于消亡这一历史进程。对农业文明下大自然的美好,人与自然的亲近和谐,人情人性的素朴、健康,两位作家都极为珍惜,对这一切在现代文明侵蚀下的日渐消失,他们感到痛惜而无奈,在作品中传达出了一种悲凉的挽歌情调来。 威塞克斯和湘西是两位作家各自营造的文学世界,两者都处于相对落后、封闭的状态,是整个社会向工业文明突进中顽固的农业文明的残余。尽管相对封闭,外部的工业文明还是不可避免地侵蚀进来,在碰撞中改变着这两个世界,使它们都不同程度的带上工业文明的色彩,逐步向工业文明社会过渡着。两位作家亲历了这一变化,并通过文学的形式,在自己的作品中展现出这些巨大的变化。 在哈代与沈从文的作品中,都有着大量的对自然极具艺术魅力的描写,这既反映了农业文明的生产生活与自然的密切相关,也与他们各自的生活环境和成长经历有关,可以说,“自然”在威塞克斯和湘西这两个文学世界里都占据了重要的地位。优美的自然描写,烘托出了两人的作品中那浓郁的挽歌气息,自然依旧美好,人事沧桑悲凉,在这样的自然背景下更衬托出社会变化的迅速与无情。 对淳朴美好的人情人性的渲染追寻也是两位作家的作品里的一个重要内容。在农业文明相对原始自然的环境里,人与人的关系要更为简单、朴实、亲切,人性中纯净、真诚的一面保留得更为完整,深孕于自然的生命本能也表现得更为强劲。威塞克斯与湘西因其封闭,所保有的农业文明社会里的人性与人情要更为纯粹,更显得美好,因此它们为现代工业文明所冲击、污染,终至于消亡的结果就更加具有了悲剧性。 在哈代、沈从文的作品中,我们还可以发现命运观念的存在,并感受到一种浓重的悲剧意识。哈代、沈从文都是在传统农业文明尚占优势的环境中成长的,不可避免地受到了宿命论的影响,并在作品中表现出来。他们在所生活的时代里,又看到了现代工业文明对各自家园的无情冲击,旧的和谐被打破了,农业文明在无可挽回的没落、瓦解中伴随的是淳朴生活、传统美德的消失,而作家所关注的小人物在这种大背景下大都由于难以适应新的环境而陷入困境中。种种因素,让两位作家陷入了困惑与痛苦的思索里,产生了浓重的悲剧意识,弥漫在作品中。 尽管哈代与沈从文在作品中表现出的历史发展意识是消极的或者说是倒退的,但他们都客观地把握住了时代的脉搏,以高超的文学才能和深沉、真挚的情感反映出了两个文明交替的时代特征,展现了这一历史进程中社会的动荡与人情人性的嬗变,在浓重的挽歌情调中凸现出了农业文明在没落中特有的悲情美来,而他们对工业文明负面因素严肃的批判也在其后的岁月里不断得到呼应。所有这些,都使两位作家在文学史上留下了难以磨灭的印记,奠定了各自在文学史上不可替代的独特地位。

【Abstract】 Even if Hardy and Shen Congwcn arc different in the times they were in.in the countries they belonged to and in their cultiircs.wc can still find out that there many similarities between them.which lie in the influence of agricultural civilization’s being replaced by industrial civilization on their works.The two writers both reflected on the history process during which the country world of traditional agricultural civilization was confronted by modern induserial civilization and was on decline.They both cherish what are in the agricultural civilization.i.e the beauty of harmony between human being and nature.the simplicity of human nature.All the beauty was deminished by modern civilization gradually.as a result .the two writers felt regretful and helpless and they added a melancholy touch to their works.Wessex and Xiangxi are the literary world that the two writers created respectively.Both of the two regions are relatively backward and closed.They are the stubborn remains of agriculyural civalization in the process in which the whole society is advancing toward industrial civilization.Although relatively closed,the agricultural civilization was still corroded by the industrial civilization from the outside.With the collision of the two civilizations,Wessex and Xiangxi were being changed and they both marched toward industrial civilization. The two writers experienced the changs by themselves and revealed them in their works.There is much quite artistic description of nature.which is due to the intimate relationship between living and nature and to their respective living environment and growing experience. We can say,nature plays a vital role in both literary worlds. The graceful discription of nature shows the mood of elegy in the works of the two writers.With nature still beautiful,with vicissitudes of life,these social changes seem to be even swifter and more relentless.The two writers both go alter the beauty of human nature.ln the agricultural civilization which was relatively primitive and natural.the relationship among people was simpler.closer and more sincere.the purity and honesty in human nature remained more intact,and the instinct of life deeply rooted in nature was stronger.Wessex and Xiangxi .where human nature was purer and more beautiful,were relatively closed.so the replacement of agriculture! civilization by modern industrial civilization indicates a tragedy more significant.In Hardy’s and Shen Congwen’s works.wc can find the conceptions of destination,and feel strong conciousness of tragedy.Having grown up in an envionment in which traditional agricultural civilization still gained an upper hand. Hardy and Shen Congwen were inevitablely influenced by fatalism and then they revealed it in their works.The changes confronted the obscure people and forced them to experience predicament.All the factors involved the two writers in confused and painful thinking.and brought about strong consciousness of stragedy in their works.Negative or even back-falling as the view of historical development revealed in Hardy’s and Shen Congwen’s works was.their works caught up with the steps of times.manifested the characteristics of the steps of the two civilizations.showed the chaos of society and evolution of human nature.Their works revealed the tragical beauty caused by the decline of agriculturalcivilization.Their strongly critical altitude Unsaid the negative effects of industrial civilization is constantly being answered in the following generations.All these above make the two writers outstanding in literary history for the two writers.

  • 【分类号】I106.4
  • 【下载频次】459

