

Study on Fostering & Prompting Machanism for Innovative Type Teacher in High School

【作者】 王瑛

【导师】 胡金波;

【作者基本信息】 南京农业大学 , 科学技术哲学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 本文运用科技哲学、教育学、心理学、社会学、统计学等学科的基本理论和方法,较为系统地研究了高校创新型教师的特征,进而提出高校创新型教师培育途径和激励机制的建立。 本文在经济与社会发展的时代大背景下提出命题;根据个体创新思维特点对创新型教师进行界定:创新型教师是指具有敬业奉献精神和良好的心理素质,具有比较完善的知识结构,具有强烈的创新意识和鲜明的创新思维能力,既善于与人合作,又具有独立个性,能创造性地开展教学、科研活动,善于培养和激发学生创新能力的教师。建立了创新型教师行为发生过程模型;从教育的本质、教师劳动的特点、教师的角色责任等基本概念和理论入手,对创新型教师和非创新型教师进行辨析,并对创新型教师必须具备的基本素质进行文字和图形描述。在此基础上,从体制、经济、文化、个人等方面分析当前高校教师队伍中存在的与创新相关的问题及其原因。 为了借鉴西方国家教师培养的成功经验,本文还对中美高校管理机制进行了比较,从中得到启示:成熟的市场机制是创新型教师产生的沃土,学术的民主管理是创新型教师成长的乐园。 最后从四个方面归纳研究结果:1)建设适宜创新型教师成长的校园环境,包括具有鲜明特色的办学理念和传统、尊重教师个性和自由民主的管理风格、奋发上进,求实创新的学风、时间充裕空气清新景物宜人的生态环境;2)建立激发教师创新行为的激励机制:3)通过加强国内外学术交流、加强实践锻炼、实施终身教育等途径培养教师创新能力;4)要求教师进行创新型自我的塑造。

【Abstract】 This dissertation is to study systematically on the features of innovative teachers in higher school in terms of the fundamental theories in such fields as scientific and technical philosophy, pedagogy, psychology and statistics, and to bring about a cultivating path and prompting mechanism for innovative teachers in higher school.This dissertation is to advance a thesis with the grand economic and social background; to define the term innovative teacher according to his innovative thinking peculiarity. Innovative teachers are those who have professional ethics and dedicating spirit, better psychological quality, as well as a nearly perfect knowledge structure; who have a strong desire of innovation and sharp, creative thinking ability; who can not only be well versed in cooperating with others but not to lose his own personality; who can develop teaching and scientific research, cultivate and inspire the students’ creative ability. The dissertation is to set up a pattern of behavior-arousing procedure and is to make an analysis between an innovative teachers can be raised.Finally the dissertation is to induce the results of the research study:1. To create an atmosphere on campus which is suitable for the development of an innovative teacher, involving a peculiar guiding principle and tradition for a school, free and democratic administrative style, respect to teacher’s personality, an academic atmosphere of being industrious, aggressive, truth-seeking and innovative, and an ecological surroundings with ample time to spend, fresh air to breath and beautiful scenery to enjoy.2. To set up the prompting mechanism to inspire teachers’ creative activities.3. To cultivate teachers’ innovative ability by means of prompting academic exchanges at home and abroad, training and practice, adopting life-long education, etc.Teachers are requested to develop innovative personalities of their own.er and non-innovative one in terms of such basic ideas and theories as the educational essence, the characteristics of a teacher’s work, a teacher’s role and responsibility, and to give a literal description and graphic illustration to the basic quality an innovative teacher should possesses. Based on the above, the dissertation is to analyze the relevant issues and the reasons caused which exists among the teachers in present higher school from the point of its system, economy, culture and individuality.4. This dissertation is also to make a comparison between China’s administrative system and the America’s counterpart to use for reference, from which we can conclude: market system is the fertile land in which innovative teachers can be created; democratic management of academic research is the paradise where innovative teach

  • 【分类号】G645.1
  • 【被引频次】28
  • 【下载频次】953

