

Effect of Dietary Supplement with Daidzein on Mating Behavior, Reproductive Performance and Serum T3 and T4 Levels in Broiler Breeders Exposed to High Temperature(Summer Season)

【作者】 黄金明

【导师】 王根林;

【作者基本信息】 南京农业大学 , 动物遗传育种与繁殖, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 本实验研究了在日粮中添喂不同浓度的大豆黄酮(Da)对热应激种鸡的交配行为、种母鸡的繁殖性能和公鸡的睾丸发育、精液品质的影响,并从神经内分泌的角度探讨了作用机理。实验分3个系列。 系列1 大豆黄酮对夏季高温条件下产蛋前期种鸡的交配行为、生产性能和内分泌的影响 选取90只155日龄岭南黄肉用种母鸡,随机分为3组,每组30只。其中对照组饲喂基础日粮,试验组Ⅰ添喂基础日粮+Da 3mg/(kg饲料),试验组Ⅱ添喂基础日粮+Da6mg/(kg饲料)。试验组用基础日粮饲喂1周后开始添喂大豆黄酮,持续饲喂25天(d)。各组混养3只公鸡。记录每天的温度、产蛋数和蛋重,观察不同温度条件下种鸡交配行为的变化,采集试验处理前1d(22℃)、处理第7d(23℃)、11d(30.5℃)、15d(32.3℃)的血样测定甲状腺激素水平。结果显示:①高温(30.5-33℃)使种鸡的交配次数减少,而大豆黄酮具有缓解夏季高温条件对种鸡交配行为的影响。②与对照组相比,温度为30.5℃,持续2d,试验组Ⅰ和Ⅱ的产蛋率分别提高30.0%和44.3%,蛋重提高5.99%(P<0.05)和降低2.89%,受精率降低2.04%和提高3.85%,破蛋率降低47.12%和556%;当温度升至31.5-33℃,持续4天,试验组Ⅰ和Ⅱ产蛋率、蛋重、受精率和破蛋率增加,但差异不显著;在整个试验期(22-33℃),与对照组相比,试验组Ⅰ和Ⅱ产蛋率分别提高23.53%(P<0.05)和12.46%,受精率提高3.59%和6.46%,破蛋率降低24.85%和提高31.74%,蛋重增加。③处理第11d,与对照组相比,试验组Ⅰ和Ⅱ的T3分别提高25.6%和56.4%;处理第15d,T3分别提高75.8%和63.6%。④与对照组相比,处理第11d,试验组Ⅰ和Ⅱ的T4分别提高32.2%和降低9.12%;处理第15d,Ⅱ组和Ⅲ组T4分别降低15.17%和提高47.9%(P<0.05)。 系列2 大豆黄酮对夏季高温条件下产蛋后期母鸡生产性能的影响 选取666只42周龄(产蛋率50%左右)的岭南黄肉用种母鸡,随机分为3组,每组222只。其中对照组饲喂基础日粮,试验组Ⅰ添喂基础日粮+Da3mg/(kg饲料),试验组Ⅱ添喂基础日粮+Da6mg/(kg饲料)。试验组用基础日粮饲喂5d后开始添喂大豆黄酮,持续饲喂20d。各组的公鸡数为22只。记录每天的温度、产蛋率、蛋重、破蛋和双黄蛋数,收集正式期第4-5d(30.5℃)、10-11d(30.5℃,28.8℃)、17-18d(32℃,30.8℃)的合格种蛋孵化统计受精率和孵化率,试验结束时测定蛋品质。结果表明 夏季高温条件下大豆黄酮对肉用种鸡交配行为、繁殖性能和甲状腺激素水平的影响在25.5刁2oC树下,日粮中添喂6吧八g的大豆黄酮可明显提高产蛋后期种母鸡的产蛋率和降低蛋壳厚度,3my八s的柱黄酮则无明显影响。柱黄酮对蛋重、破蛋率、双黄蛋率、受精率、孵化率、蛋壳强度、蛋型指数无明显影响。系列3大豆黄酮对急性热应激条件下公鸣塞丸发育、精液品质和内分泌 白影响 选取18只32周龄岭南黄公鸡,随机分为3组,每组6只。其中对照组饲喂舢出日粮,试验组1添喂驹日粮+Da 3mg八kg饲料),试验组*添喂驰日粮+Da6mg/*饲料人 试验期 14d,并在试验的第 1M对公鸡施行急。&热应激臼9C,Zh;40C,Zh厂分别于热应激前、热应激4h后、热应激后Zd采集血样测定甲状腺激素水平的变化,试验结束时宰杀公鸡、称睾丸重量并观察其组织学结构的变化。结果表明,日粮中添力。3mg*g的大豆黄酮有a著增力。睾丸曲细精管直径,6mg丘g的大豆黄酮贿增力。的趋势,但差异不显著。衫黄酮对急性热应淤鸡臼9C,Zh;40C,Zh)的精子活率、精液密度、各级生精细胞含量、睾丸增重、睾丸重/体重等无明显影响。日粮中添喂 3mg八g和6mg儿g的大豆黄酮可阐氏急性热应湘公鸡T;、T;的水平,但无显著差异。 本研究结果显示:热应激条件下,日粮中添加3myks和6myks的大豆黄酮可改变与应激和繁殖有关的激素水平,不同程度地影响种鸡的交配行为、种母鸡的产蛋率、蛋重、受精率和孵化率、公鸡的睾丸发育及精液品质。提示热应激条件下,日粮中添喂不同剂量的大豆黄酮可通过内分泌途径,在一定程度上影响种鸡的繁殖性能。

【Abstract】 The research was conducted to study the effect of dietary supplement with daidzein on the mating behavior, reproductive performance and serum tri-iodothronine(T3)and thyroxin(T4) level in broiler breeders exposed to heat stress. The study included three series: 1. The effect of daidzein on the mating behavior, laying performance and endocrinefunction in young laying hen under hot environmental conditions (summerseason).Ninety Lingnanhuang(Local breed) broiler breeders hens and nine roosters at 155 day of age were randomly assigned to three groups which were supplemented with daidzein at doses of 0, 3 and 6mg/kg diet (control, Exp I and II). The animals were raised on ground under natural environmental conditions of 22-33 C.The blood samples were collected on the -ld(22C),7d(23C),lld(30.5C),15d(32.3aC). The result was shown as follows: (1). High ambient temperature decreased the mating frequency. The diet supplemented with daidzein ameliorated the effect of heat stress on mating behavior in broiler breeders. (2). At the temperature of 30.5 C, the laying rate in the Exp I and II increased by 30.0% and 44.3% compared with the control. The egg weight decreased significantly in Exp I and increased in Exp II. When the temperature rose to 31.5-33C, the laying rate, fertility rate and egg weight in the groups supplemented with daidzein were higher than these of the control. At the temperature of 22-33 C ,the laying rate in Exp I and II increased by 23.53%(P<0.05) and 12.46%.The egg fertility rate was increased by 3.59% and 6.46%,respectively, and the egg weight also increased. The cracked egg rate in Exp I decreased by 37.35%, while it increased by 12.65% in Exp II. (3) Compared to the control, the serum T^ level in Exp I and II increased at the lid and ISd.The serum T4level in Exp I increased by 32.2%, while it decreased by 9.12% in Exp II at the lld.The serum T4 level in Exp I decreased by 15.17%, while it elevated by 47.9%(P<0.05).2. The effect of daidzein supplement on the performance in broiler breeder hen at later laying stage under high environmental temperature.666 42-wk-old broiler breeder hens and 66 roosters were randomly divided into three groups that were supplemented with daidzein at doses of 0, 3 and 6mg/kg diet (control, Exp I and II). The eggs were collected to evaluate the fertility and hatchability. The egg quality was determined at the end of the experiment. The result showed that the laying rate increased and the egg shell thickness decreased significantly in Exp I, but there were no significant difference in Exp II. Daidzein supplement had no significant effect on egg weight, cracked-egg rate, fertility rate, hatchability, egg shell strength and egg shape index hi broiler breeder hens at later laying stage.3.The effect of diet supplemented with daidzein on the testicle development, sperm quality and endocrine function in acute heat-stressed roosters18 Lingnanhuang(Local breed) roosters at 32 week of age were divided equally into three groups which were supplemented with daidzein at doses of 0, 3 and 6mg/kg diet (control, Exp I and II). For a ten-day treatment period, all birds were subjected to 39C(2h) and 40C(2h) acute heat stress treatment. The blood samples obtained at the Ih before acute heat stress, 4h after heat stress and 2 days after heat stress were used to assay the serum TS and T4 level. Semen samples were taken for analysis of sperm concentration, rate of live sperm. The birds were slaughtered and testis was collected at the end of the experiment. The results indicated that the rate of live sperm in rooster exposed to acute heat-stress was decreased dramatically, while the sperm concentration was only slightly decreased. Serum T4 level in the roosters after exposure to acute heat-stress was elevated. Daidzein supplement significantly increased the testicular seminiferous tubule diameter, but had no significant effect on sperm quality, the development of germ cells and testis weight, and level of serum TS and T?in roosters.In conclusion,

  • 【分类号】S831.5
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】263

