

Study of China’s Teacher Education Model

【作者】 王赛扬

【导师】 盛邦跃;

【作者基本信息】 南京农业大学 , 科学技术哲学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 随着教育的国际化,教师教育的发展问题也受到了人们的普遍关注。我国教师教育面临着两大不可忽视的新情况:一是随着教育体制改革的深入和基础教育的发展,师资的需求正从数量满足向质量提高转变;二是随着学校用人制度的改革与完善,教师这一重要的人力资源从供给到配置都受到了市场机制的作用。为此,摆在我国教师教育面前的一项重要任务,就是要审视教师教育发展过程中取得的经验和存在的问题,准确把握国际教师教育发展趋势,科学分析我国国情,积极稳步推进教师教育模式的改革和发展。 教育模式是指一定的教育机构基于一定的教育理论,在教育实践过程中形成的相对稳定、比较系统、具有典型意义的教育形式。它既是某种教育思想的实践,又是一定教育实践的概括,“是由教育目的、制度和课程组成的一个宏观控制的连续统一体”。从另一个角度看,教师教育模式,也可以说是教师的具体培养方式。从过程来看,它包括教师职前和在职的培养、训练;从内容来看,它包括职前、在职培训的课程设置;从时间来看,它包括职前、在职理论学习和实践培训的年限;从培养途径来看,有定向型和非定向型,即由专门的师范教育机构来培养,或由普通高等院校培养后经专门的机构培训认定资格。教师教育模式发展研究所要解决的问题,就是要探讨教师教育的目的、制度和课程如何形成合力、良性互动、与时俱进、协调发展。 教育发展主要包括规模扩大、质量提高、结构优化、效率提升四个方面。适应性是教育发展的基本特征,开放性是教育发展的根本保证,多样性是教育发展的不竭动力。教师教育发展必须适应社会发展的需要,必须适应教育发展的需要,必须建立可持续发展模式。教师教育要实现可持续发展,必须革新课程体系,提高办学层次,拓宽培养渠道。按照国际先进经验,结合自身实际情况,尽快构建起高水平、有活力、开放性的教师教育体系。

【Abstract】 With the internationalization of China’s education system, increasing attention has been paid to the development of education for teachers. At present, China’s education for teachers is faced with two new big problems, which can afford no negligence: first, along with the deepening of China’s educational system and the development of China’s elementary education, the demand on teaching staff has shifted from quantity to quality; second, with the reform and perfection of the employment system in schools and universities, the supply and distribution of such an important human resource as teaching staff is and must be subject to market mechanism. Therefore, an important task for China’s teacher education is to examine the past experience and existing problems in the process of China’s teacher education development, keep in line with the trend of the world teacher education, and carry out, actively but stably, the reform and development of China’s teacher education model in accord to China’s real situation.Educational model can be defined as a comparatively stable, systematic, typical teaching method developed, based on one school or more of educational theories, by an educational institution in its teaching practice. It is the summary of teaching practice as well as the embodiment of certain educational ideas; "it is a macro-controlled continuous entity consisting of educational goal, system and courses". Teacher education model, on the other hand, can be said to be the concrete cultivation method for teachers. In process, it consists of pre-job and on-the-job cultivation and training; in content, it comprises the syllabus of pre-job and on-the-job trainings; in time, it includes the time for pre-job and on-the-job theoretic study and field practice; in cultivation method, it is divided into two types: oriented and non-oriented, that is, the would-be teachers are either trained in special educational institutions for training teachers or educated in an ordinary higher educational institution but later trained and approved by special institutions. The aim of the study of the development of teacher education model is to discuss the goal, system and courses of teacher education, and explore the methods of how to unite all these different elements so as to achieve good interaction and coordinated development and help China’s teacher education grow with time.Educational development is mainly shown in four aspects: growth in scale, rise in quality, optimization in structure, and increase in efficiency, with adaptability as its basic features, openness as its guarantee, and diversity as its inexhaustible dynamics. The development of teacher education must be in line with social development as well as educational development; it must adopt the sustainable development model, which stipulates innovation in syllabus, rise in educational level, and broadening of cultivation channels. China must learn from advanced foreign experiences, and in line with its own conditions, built a high-level, vigorous and open the system of teacher education as soon as possible.

  • 【分类号】G451
  • 【被引频次】14
  • 【下载频次】1833

