

Testing Study on the Relationship between Housing Environment & Facility and Pig’s Behavior

【作者】 张晓颖

【导师】 李保明;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业大学 , 农业生物环境与能源工程, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 在过去的20年间,随着我国城郊工厂化养猪生产的变革与发展,我国规模化猪场数量在稳定增长,生产体系已经发生了巨大变化,其目标是简化管理、降低成本和提高生产效率,在养猪业日趋集约化的情况下,全舍饲、高密度、机械化、专业化生产的同时,规模化养猪体系已经形成,已有较为完善的工艺设施,但却忽略了猪的行为需要,因此在不同程度上妨碍了猪的正常行为表达,容易发生应激反应,导致猪的生产性能不能得以充分发挥,猪肉品质下降。 针对目前我国的养猪生产中忽略了猪行为需要的问题,作者进行了一些实验研究,主要从猪舍内的工程工艺设施着手进行,研究猪的行为与工程工艺设施的相互关系,以及工程工艺设施是如何影响猪的正常行为而导致异常行为的原因,并根据实验得到的结果,结合国内外的研究成果,提出能够满足猪行为需要的适合我国规模化猪场的工艺及工程配套设施的方案设计。 通过实验发现,在集约化的饲养条件下,我国的规模化猪场虽然采取了先进的环境工程措施,但猪的异常行为依然存在。如出现不舒适的躺卧行为,咬耳、咬尾、互相嘶咬的行为,排泄行为紊乱等现象。在开放式猪舍中采用躺卧区地板降温后,育肥猪和妊娠母猪的休息躺卧行为不会受到由于外界环境温度很高的影响,当室外温度达到34℃时,育肥猪和妊娠母猪依然在降温后的躺卧区地板上躺卧休息。 最后根据我国的具体情况,并结合国内外最新进展,提出了我国规模化猪场的工程配套方案:丰富舍内饲养环境,对生长猪中的公母、强弱进行分群饲养,在圈舍内建立猪的躺卧区、运动区、排泄区等分区,根据猪的躺卧休息行为需要采用“猪床”设施等。该方案已经被河北邯郸种猪场全部采用,河北石家庄清凉山种猪场部分采用,目前正在建设实施中。

【Abstract】 The tendency of animal farming development is innocuous and sanitary production mode. Consequently it is required that advanced animal farming engineering technology and matched building equipment and environmental controlling facility. Although most of the Chinese intensive pig farms have used environmental engineering facility to better pig-living house, some abnormal behaviors could be often seen, which shows facilities can not meet the pigs’ behavior needs and result in low production performance.Environmental controlling facility and matched equipment should also be used in order to It is the key to restrict epidemic disease, improve production performance and product quality, and guarantee prosperous animal husbandry farming in China.On the base of experiment on several pig farms, researching on relationship between environment & engineering facility and pig’s behavior, and find the relationships: house temperature and weaners lying posture behavior, limited pen and weaners social behavior, sleeping-place temperature and fattening pigs & sows, etc. According to the experiments and combine the advanced pig husbandry technology, some engineering measures have been proposed to create cleanly & rich environment adaptive to animal behavior and biological characteristic, and achieve high output, good quality, high efficiency, and low energy consuming. Some engineering measures have been used in practice: Hebei Qinglianshan Breeding Pig Farm, Handan Yongnian Breeding Pig Farm.

  • 【分类号】S828
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】444

