

Research on Comprehensive Management of Lees and Its Waste Solution

【作者】 王冬梅

【导师】 孙君社;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业大学 , 食品工程, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 目前国内对酒糟及废液的处理项目、处理方法很多,但大多为针对酒糟或废液的单一处理,多数生物处理方法的工艺繁琐,操作技术严格,设备投资大。本文在开发酒糟为主料的活性菌体饲料、生物有机肥、沼气废液达标排放三者为一体的综合利用上,对相关的控制条件及工艺参数进行了研究。 1、研究了以酒糟配合秸秆为原料的发酵饲料生产技术,经单因素实验和各因素正交试验,确定了发酵基质配方,主要工艺参数为pH为6,接种量2%,发酵温度30℃,发酵时间为5天,成品发酵饲料的粗蛋白、可溶性蛋白、可溶性糖、游离氨基酸等主要营养成分指标均较发酵前均大幅提高。 2、研究了以沼气消化液残渣配合农作物秸秆为基质,发酵生物有机肥的工艺技术,经单因素多重对比试验和正交试验确定的原料配比为废糟25%+秸杆25%,发酵时间为9天,接种量为1%,主要指标腐殖酸含量达3.84%。 3、研究了酒精发酵废液和沼气消化液的生物处理技术,经单因素实验确定了处理酒糟发酵废液所有的工艺条件,正交实验结果表明,温度为主要因素,最适为30℃,其次接种量为0.5%,最适PH为6,进一步选用高分子絮颖剂处理生物技术处理后的污水,选出了最佳絮绝剂及添加量,处理后污水达到国家综合排放的二级排放标准。 该综合处理酒糟及其废液的研究,使废弃的二次资源得到了合理利用,符合我国可持续发展的战略方针,对缓解饲料资源短缺、改善我国水资源环境有十分重要的意义。

【Abstract】 There are many management methods on lees and waste solution;however,most of them are single management. There are many biological methods that have complicated procedure,strict operation technique and heavy instrument investment. We conduct research on related control condition and procedure parameter,for exploitation of comprehensive use of live bacteria forage that takes lees as main material,biological organic fertilizer,let of firedamp waster solution.1 .We conduct research on fermentation forage production technique that takes lees and straw as material. After single factor experiment and multiple factors orthogonal experiment,we determine the ingredients of fermentation material. The main procedure parameter:PH 6.0,induction quantity 2.0%,fermentation temperature 30 ,the fermentation time is 5day ,index of main nutrition ingredients in production of fermentation forage such as the crude protein,soluble protein,soluble sugar,dissociate amino acid was lifted 30% than before fermentation.2. We conduct research on procedure technique of fermentation biological organic fertilizer,based on the material of firedamp-dissolved residue and straw. After single comparison experiment and multiple comparison experiment,we determined the material proportion:25% waste lees and 25% straw,the fermentation time is 9day,inoculation quantity is 1.0%,main index of containment of humic acid is38.4%.3. We conduct the research on biological management technique of waster solution of alcohol fermentation and firedamp dissolved solution,after single factor experiment,we determined all the procedure condition of management of fermentation waster solution. The result of orthogonal experiment,Experiment shows that temperature is the main factor,the most appropriate temperature is 30,inoculation quantity is 0.5%,and the most appropriate PH is 6.0. We still do some research on waste water management using coagulaion agent,and determined the best coagulaion agent and addition quantity,waste water after management is allowed to let by the national secondary comprehensive gauge.The research on comprehensive management of lees and its waste solution,make waste secondary resource reasonable use,is accordance with national sustainable strategy,and is important on alleviation of shortage of forage resource,improving national water resource environment.

  • 【分类号】X797
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】1008

