

Present Situation and Feasibility Research of the Physical Training to Disabled-students in Lanzhou

【作者】 段晓霞

【导师】 郭层城;

【作者基本信息】 西北师范大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究从体育教育的弱势群体——残疾学生(包括病残学生)接受体育教育的权利和必要性出发,通过访问调查、问卷调查对兰州市21所普通中小学校和2所特殊学校的残疾学生体育锻炼现状进行调查研究。从调查的情况来看,结果不容乐观:就读于普通中小学的残疾学生基本上没有被纳入体育教育的过程,随班就读残疾生的体育锻炼是学校体育工作中的一个空白;而特殊学校、特殊班体育教学在师资力量、教学内容、教学目标等方面亟待提高和改革;另外,从调查的结果也发现,学校、体育教师、家长和残疾学生自身对于残疾学生能否参与、是否有必要体育教育和身体锻炼存在认识上的不足,体育教师对于如何指导残疾学生进行体育康复锻炼存在能力上的局限。针对调查中发现的主要问题,对部分残疾学生体育教学与锻炼方法的可行性实验,结果证实:残疾学生同样具备参与体育锻炼的能力;残疾学生同样能够受益于体育锻炼。体育锻炼不仅能促进残疾学生身心的全面发展,而且能起到特殊的康复功能和开发代偿功能的作用。残疾学生作为学校的弱势群体,有接受完整教育的权利,通过适宜的方法对他们实施体育教育是可行的。由此提出加强特殊体育教育师资培养、教学计划的制定和教学内容的选编、编写适合不同类型不同程度残疾学生的教学纲要和指导等方面的建议,为不同类型不同程度不同就学形式的残疾学生提供实施体育教育的基本条件。并通过本研究,呼吁人们尤其是体育教育界人士提高对残疾学生接受体育教育的必要性和开展各种类型体育锻炼的可行性的重视与关怀。

【Abstract】 From the point of the right and necessity of physical training to such inferiority as the disabled-students (including those broken in health), the present situation of physical training to the disabled-students from 21 normal general middle schools and primary schools, as well as 2 peculiar schools in Lanzhou are surveyed by visiting and inquiring investigation. The investigation shows the negative reality that the disabled-students in general schools seldom have physical training on the whole and the physical education for them is still a gap, and that the force of teachers, teaching aims and teaching contents of physical education remain to be promoted and reformed in the peculiar. Additionally, it also reflects the neglect of the capability and necessity of giving physical training to the disabled-students from the schools, the physical teachers, the parents and themselves, and the inadequacy of the physical teachers’ capacity of guiding the disabled-students to make physical training.According to the mainly existing problems, the feasible experiments about giving physical education and training to the disabled-students are carried out which prove that the disabled-students are capable to take part in physical training and can get benefit from it. Taking part in physical training can not only promote their development of health and mind, but also can play an important role in rehabilitation and developing compensatory function.As the inferior in school, the disabled-students also have the right to receive the through education. It is feasible to give them physical education by suitable methods. Thus, the proposals of enforcing the development of teachers in peculiar physical education, formulating teaching planning and contents, and making teaching programme and principles to various disabled-students in different degrees are put forward so as to supply fundamental conditions of physical training to the disabled-students in different kinds and degrees, as well as in different study forms. And the purpose of this thesis is to draw more attention and care to the necessity and feasibility of physical training to the disabled-students from the public, especially from the researchers in physical education.

  • 【分类号】G806
  • 【被引频次】21
  • 【下载频次】636

