

The Strategy Research on the Structure of Education Adapt in Normal School in China

【作者】 袁筱平

【导师】 蔡宝来;

【作者基本信息】 西北师范大学 , 教育, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 中等师范学校(以下简称中师)教育结构调整是教育改革不断深入和师范教育发展的必然趋势。在中师教育结构调整的过程中,部分学校的撤消、改制、升格以及部分学校与教育学院或师专进行实质性合并是历史发展的必然。不同区域的中师学校,如何根据当地经济发展状况和基础教育现状,在现有条件下加大改革力度,合理重组、优化配置教育资源,提高教育资源利用率,增强办学实力;在逐步提高办学效益的基础上,有目的、有计划地促进中师教育层级的提升,到2010年,基本实现三级师范向二级师范的过渡,是中师教育发展的现实选择和未来理想路向。 本论文通过对“师范”、“师范教育”概念及内涵的分析,指出师范教育的重要性及中师教育结构调整的迫切性;通过较全面的总结国内外师范教育体制的发展历程,概述了师范教育体制改革的现状和趋势,提出了师范教育体制改革和中师教育结构调整的对策和策略。 中师教育结构调整的目的是为了通过重组教育资源,更进一步地优化教育资源。本文主要以合并调整为例,通过文献资料分析,得出优化教育资源配置的基本策略:优化配置人力资源是核心;优化配置物力资源是物质基础;优化配置财力资源是基础保障;重视信息技术教育资源的开发和利用是实现教育现代化的重要手段。 最后,本文就中师教育结构调整后如何进一步挖掘办学潜力,提出了策略构想:1、应大力改革学校内部管理体制,积极促进学校的实质性合并。2、应以教育政策为导向,根据各地实际及教师教育一体化的要求为实破口,积极促进与当地教育学院和教师进修学校的实质性合并,以进一步优化师范教育结构,提升中师办学层次,实现学校的跨越式发展。

【Abstract】 The structure of education adapting in Normal School is the inevitable tendency of the education reforming and unceasing developing of Normal School. In the course of adaption the structure of education in Normal School, the partial school’s elimination,merger,transformation and partial school’s substantial merger with Education College or Tteacher’s Training School are the developing of historical trend. How to use local condition and ecnomical dveloping and the elementary education, Normal School in different regions increases the impact and momentum of reform, rationally transform and optimizes distribution of educational resources.Increases the utilisation ratio of educational resourses, enhances the strengthen of running a school. On the basis of increasing running ratio of a school, with destination and polity,it is to promote the adjusting and improving the struture of education in Normal School. To 2010, completely fulfill the transition from Normal School to Normal College is the historical choice and the future ideal direction of the developing education of Normal School.This paper points out the importance of Normal School and urgency of the structure of education adjusting with the analysis of the concept and connotation of "Normal and Normal Education" .It also gives brief account of present and tendency and reform about the Teachers Education System,and the strategy of the struture of Normal Education adapt and running a school, with total summary of at-home and out-home developing history of the struture of Normal Education.The aim of the structure of education adapting in Normal School is to further optimize education resources through transforming education resources. It draws a basic conclusion of optimizing education resources with the analysis of documents and data: to realize the education modernization the core is optimizing disposition of human resources ; the material base is optimizing disposition of material resources; gunranteed foundation isoptimizing disposition of education fund resources,mainly way is recognizely information resources.In the end,this paper puts forward tactic and conception on how can unearth the running potentiality of a school with fulfilled adaption of the struture of education in Normal School: One, it should reform inside management and vigorously promote substantial merger of school; Two, according to educational policy and local conditions and takeing local teacher’s education integration as the breakthrough, it should activily promote the substantial merger between Education College and Teacher’ Ttraining School, for the purpose of optimizing the struture of Normal School, raising the running level of Normal School.

  • 【分类号】G659.2
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】193

