

【作者】 李琦

【导师】 朱维究;

【作者基本信息】 中国政法大学 , 宪法学与行政法学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 善于运用行政裁量的灵活性,有效控制行政裁量的恣意性,是裁量权在行政法领域运作的理想境界。达致这一目标的前提,从逻辑上讲,是对行政裁量这一本体获得整体性把握。本文主要择取行政裁量的性质及其构成这一视角以期切入行政裁量的内部,为行政裁量的合理运作、有效控制探索力量之源。本文分为三部分:前言第一部分探讨了对行政裁量性质的认识。在指出“自由裁量”这种认识对我国行政法学理论以及行政法治实践造成的负面影响之后,本文详细考察了行政裁量权性质演进的历史过程,即警察国家裁量的绝对自由,形式主义法治国对行政裁量的拒斥(无法律即无行政),行政国家、福利国家裁量权逐步自由化,西方国家治道变革背景下(新公共管理运动)行政裁量的合义务性。国外成功的经验、成熟的理论值得借鉴。文章在分析我国计划经济下以及社会转型期行政裁量的状况后,指出行政裁量的性质应定位在合义务性之上。合义务裁量主要涉及两方面的要求:首先是合目的裁量,包括行政的总目的——公益以及特定的授权目的。其次是合原则裁量,包括比例原则(合比例裁量)和平等原则(平等裁量)该部分还探讨了行政裁量的性质与行政裁量构成的关系和统一性问题第二部分考察了裁量的构成,分析了裁量的外部边界和内部构成。行政裁量的外部边界主要涉及授权的明确性问题;行政裁量的内部构成主要包括主观构成要件,法律要件裁量,法律效果裁量和裁量的程序要素。裁量的主观因素是指裁量的动机、意图、目的、情感等,主观因素通过客观行为表达于外部。法律要件裁量主要集中在是否承认要件裁量的问题上,由此引出不确定法律概念、判断余地理论以及二者与裁量的区分、整合关系。法律效果裁量包括决定裁量(是否作出决定)和选择裁量(作出何种决定)。程序是任何行政行为的内在要素,裁量的程序构成涉及说明理由和形式理性等。第三部分是本文的结语。在合义务裁量的认识下,裁量的构成因素呈现增加的趋势,即行政裁量权逐步扩大,但这却不会导致专横反而利于实质正义。这就是行政裁量的性质和构成的互促共生关系。

【Abstract】 The ideal of administrative discretion (AD) is to utilize its flexibility and avoid its arbitration .For this purpose, what we must do first would be to obtain the knowledge of AD per se, that is to say, the character and constitution of AD, which is the source of strength to control effectively.PrefacePart One The Character of ADAD has always been regarded as ’free discretion’ that causes various negative results to Chinese administrative law and practices. This situation should not continue any longer. This paper deals with in detail the historical understanding of the nature of AD: absolutely free discretion in Police State, no discretion in formalistic ’rule of law’ State, freer discretion in Welfare State, and obligatory discretion under the new public managerialism. In accordance with the discretionary condition in planned economy and social transformation, we ought to recognize the nature of discretion on the obligatory basis. The obligatory discretion involves discretion under administrative objectives and discretion under principles. The relationship between the character and the constitution of administrative discretion is also discussed here.Part Two The Constitution of ADThe Constitution of AD deals with the external boundary and internal structure of the discretion. The external boundary concerns the relations between legislation and administration, which determines the explicity of conferring powers. The internal structure includes subjective elements of AD, legal elements of AD, legal effects of AD as well as procedure of AD.The subjective elements of AD refer to ends, intents and bias of AD etc. Legal elements focus on whether to recognize the discretionary nature of legal elements which gives rise to the theory on indefinite terms and deciding room of administration. Legal effects of AD are related to decisive discretion----whether or not to render decision, and selection discretion----what decision to be made.<WP=4>Procedural discretion mainly involves the giving of reasons and formal rationality.Part Three ConclusionUnder the perception of obligatory discretion, more and more elements can be discretionary. In other words, AD is expanding. But arbitration disappears and essential justice draws near. This is the interdependence and interaction between the nature and constitution of AD.

  • 【分类号】D912.1
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】485

