

【作者】 郑华

【导师】 饶杰腾;

【作者基本信息】 首都师范大学 , 学科教学论, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 本题的论述可分为理论与实践两部分。理论方面:概括介绍了建构主义学习理论的主要内容,侧重从知识观、学生观、学习观三方面比较了建构主义学习理论与行为主义学习理论的不同。重点阐述了在语文教学中引入建构主义学习理论的可行性。当前,对主体性学习理论进行的研究和研究性学习、活动课程的开展,为在语文教学中引入建构主义学习理论打下了基础;同时,语文学科本身与其它学科相比,又有它的特殊性,非常适于开展建构性学习,所以在语文教学中引入建构主义学习理论是一种有益的尝试。还需指出的是,建构主义学习理论仍是一种发展中的学习理论,所以要相对的、发展的看待建构主义学习理论。在实践方面,介绍了一些笔者以建构主义学习理论为指导在语文教学中进行的一些实践和探索。 笔者认为:建构主义学习理论与行为主义学习理论相比是一种更为先进的学习理论,更适于用来指导语文学科的教学,用它可以解决行为主义学习理论给语文学习带来的一些问题。在操作层面上,建构主义学习理论提倡的以情境、对话、协作,意义建构为核心的建构性学习模式,为语文的课堂教学改革提供了一种具体的思路。这是一种符合语文学科的特点,可操作,效果好的学习模式。综上所述,在语文教学中引入建构主义学习理论可以在一定程度上解决目前语文教学中存在的一些问题。 本文是笔者在文献整理的基础上,结合自己的语文教学实践而完成的。

【Abstract】 The thesis introduces the basis of the constructive learning theories with emphasis on the difference with the behavioral learning theories regarding to the way of treating students, the study process as well as knowledge. It also explains the possibility and necessity of introducing the constructive learning theory to the Chinese language teaching. Today the research in the students-centered study, research-oriented learning as well as the development of activity-based curriculum has laid solid foundation for the introduction of the theories; meanwhile, constructive learning theories are applicable to the deep-level learning which language learning is attributed to, thus it is an inevitable trend for the learning of language to apply the constructive learning theories in its teaching practice. The thesis also presents some experiments and research done by some researchers. And in its conclusion, it points out that the constructive learning theories must be treated in a relative and developmental point of view.The author believes that constructive learning theories can solve some of the problems that exist in the language teaching to a certain extent. First learning at different levels must be under the guidance of different theories. The constructive learning theories is a powerful tool for the deep-level learning while behaviorist theories are more suitable for the learners at less deep level. Second, in comparison to other types of learning, language learning belongs to the type at deep level. Last, the behaviorist theories will bring many problems in the language learning while the constructive learning theories will bring effective solutions to these problems.The thesis is based on the extensive research on the current resources as well as the experience of the author.

  • 【分类号】G633.3
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】575

