

Study of Different Type of Injecting High-Dosage of Growth Hormone-Releasing Factor Gene Plasmid on Pigs

【作者】 陶青燕

【导师】 王康宁;

【作者基本信息】 四川农业大学 , 动物营养学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 本试验研究了不同方式注射高剂量pGRF基因质粒在6-100公斤猪体内的表达效果。32头长白×太湖二元杂交仔猪依据体重、性别及遗传特性一致的原则配对为16个组(起始体重6.78±0.87Kg),随机分为4个处理,每个处理4个重复,每个重复2头猪。4个处理分别为(1)无针头喷射系统注射4.4mgpGRF基因质粒组;(2)普通注射器注射4.4mgpGRF基因质粒组;(3)普通注射器注射2.2mgpGRF基因质粒组;(4)空白对照组。试验猪自由采食与饮水,记录试猪采食和增重情况。在试猪平均体重达到40公斤以后,每个处理选取4头猪,每14天前腔静脉空腹采血用于血浆GRF、GH、IGF-I、SS浓度的测定。试验猪达到100公斤体重时结束饲养试验,每个处理选取4头试猪进行前腔静脉空腹采血用于血糖和血清尿素氮的测定。采血后屠宰,进行内脏器官、胴体品质和肉质的测定。 试验结果表明:普通注射器注射2.2mg和4.4mg的pGRF基因质粒对动物的生产性能具有明显的改善作用,而无针头喷射系统注射4.4mgpGRF基因质粒对动物的生产性能没有影响。其中针注2.2mgpGRF基因质粒与对照组相比可使每头猪全期饲料消耗减少16.6kg(P<0.05),提高全期日增重4.6%(P>0.05),降低料重比5.4%(P<0.05)。针注4.4mgpGRF每头猪可节约饲料消耗23Kg(P<0.05),降低料重比7.9%(P<0.05)。综合试猪全期生产性能,一次性注射高剂量(4.4mg)pGRF基因质粒相对于注射2.2mgpGRF基因质粒并不能进一步改善动物的生产性能。高剂量(4.4mg)pGRF基因质粒可相对延长其在动物体内的作用时间,可有效提高动物生长后期血浆GRF浓度。注射4.4mg和2.2mgpGRF基因质粒均对动物屠宰肉质无不良影响,未发现器官代偿性增大现象。高剂量的pGRF基因质粒可显著促进体内生长抑素的分泌,可使注射后12-20周内生长抑素的总量升高6.3-22.5%(P>0.05或P<0.01),从而不利于其生物学效应的发挥。同普通注射器相比,无针头喷射系统可能具有较高的外源基因转移效率。

【Abstract】 A study was carried out to investigate the effect of different type of injecting high-dosage of pGRF gene plasmid on 6-100Kg pigs. 32 Landrace * Taihu piglets (initial weight: 6.78?.87 Kg)were paired by weight, sex and litter and alloted into 16 groups and then distributed into 4 treatments: (1) Biojector injecting 4.4mg pGRF gene plasmid; (2) syringe injecting 4.4mg pGRF gene plasmid; (3) syringe injecting 2.2mg pGRF gene plasmid; (4) syringe injecting placebo. Each treatment group consisted of four pens of two pigs each. Provide feed and water ad libitum and record body weight and feed consumption on time. When the body weight reached to 40Kg, the hormones(GRF\ IGF-K GFK SS)were examined on 4 pigs of each treatment every 14 days. 4 pigs in per treatment were slaughtered when pigs were approximately lOOKg BW. Carcass and meat quality, internal organs, and blood GLU and BU were inspected.Data indicated that syringe injecting 2.2mg or 4.4mg of pGRF gene plasmid can promote growth performance significantly, while biojector injecting 4.4mg of pGRF gene plasmid have no effect on animal growth.. Comparing to the control group, reaching to 100kg BW, Syringe injecting 2.2mg of pGRF gene plasmid can decrease 16.6Kg(P<0.05) feed consumption each pig, increase daily gain 4.6%(P>0.05) and decrease F/G 5.4%(P<0.05). Syringe injectiong 4.4mg pGRF gene plasmid can decrease feed consumption 23Kg (PO.05), decrease F/G 7.9%(P<0.05). According to whole-stage performance, one injection of high dosage (4.4mg) of pGRF gene plasmid can not further promote growth performance comparing to 2.2mg treatment. 4.4mg of pGRF gene plasmid have long effective life, which can increase GRF concentration during later growth stage. Syringe or Biojector injecting 4.4mg or 2.2mg pGRF gene plasmid have no adverse effect on meat quality, and no organomegaly had been found. High-dosage of pGRF gene plasmid can markedly promote somatostatin Secretion, which can elevate the total amount of somatostatin during 12-20 week after injection by 6.3-22.5% (P>0.05 or PO.01) .c

  • 【分类号】S828
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】67

