

Effects of Enzyme Complex on Growth Performance and Nutrient Utilization in Broiler Chickens

【作者】 赵华

【导师】 王康宁;

【作者基本信息】 四川农业大学 , 动物营养与饲料科学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 为研究不同复合酶制剂对采食玉米-豆粕-副产物日粮肉鸡生产性能和养分利用率的影响,将630只1日龄健康艾维茵公雏随机分成7个处理,每个处理6个重复。其中对照组(A组)饲喂基础日粮,另外6个处理组B、C、D、E、F、G组为在基础日粮中分别添加0.75%编号为RD1…RD6的商品复合酶制剂,测定酶制剂添加对肉鸡生产性能的影响,并在42日龄从每个处理中抽取6只鸡进行屠宰试验。其中G组主要含淀粉酶和蛋白酶为主的消化酶,而B、C、D、E、F组为含非淀粉多糖酶(NSP酶)的多酶复合物,各单酶配伍和酶活不同。并在27日龄时用42只鸡进行代谢试验,测定酶制剂对饲料养分利用率的影响。试验结果表明:0-3周平均增重除B组外,其余加酶组与对照相比,都有不同程度的提高(提高1.34%-4.21%),其中G组效果最好,达到了显著水准(P<0.05)。饲料转化率(FCR)各组间虽无显著差异,但加酶组有改善的趋势,每千克增重耗料降低2.78-3.98%。4-6周平均体增重以D组和E组最好,比对照组分别提高6.12%和5.66%(P<0.05)。FCR以D组、E组和B组较好,比对照分别降低了5.63%、5.42%、5.17%(P<0.05)。从全期看,加酶组增重均有不同程度改善,以E组和D组最好,比对照分别提高了4.39%和4.24%(P<0.05)。FCR以D组和E组最好,分别较对照降低了4.69%、4.55%(P<0.05)。对照组和各加酶处理组间在屠宰率(Carcass Weight % of BW),腹脂率(Abdominal fat % of Carcass);胸肌率(Breast weight % of Carcass)均无显著差异(P>0.05)。各加酶组都不同程度地提高了肉鸡的腿肌率,其中D组较对照组提高了11.34%,差异达到了显著水平(P<0.05)。42日龄鸡只体重的均匀度,除C组外,其余各组都较对照组好,其中F组最好,显著优于对照组(P<0.05)。除B组外,其余各加酶组与对照组相比,饲粮的AME都有提高的趋势,但差异不显著(P>0.05);N利用率(NPU)也是除B组外,其余各加酶组都不同程度地高于对照组,N利用率以F组、E组和D组较好,分别比对照组提高了7.18%、6.66%和5.72%(P>0.05)。

【Abstract】 A 6-week experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of supplementing different enzyme cocktails in corn-soybean-byproduct diets on broiler chickens’ growth performance and nutrient utilization. 630 1-day-old Arbor Acre broiler chicks were randomly allocated to 7 experimental groups with 6 replicates. One acted as control group(A) and fed basal diet, another six treated groups were fed the basal diet supplemented with six different enzyme complexes, namely B (RD1), C (RD2), D (RD3), E (RD4), F (RD5), G (RD6), the supplementation level for each enzyme were 0.75Kg/t. At the same time, a metabolic trial was carried out on 42 birds at 27d .The results showed that ADG (average day weight gain) during 0-2Id in all enzyme complex supplementing groups, with the exception of group B, have been improved in some extent (1.34-4.21%). Among those, group G was the best (PO.05). FCR (feed conversion ratio) showed a decreasing tendency (2.78-3.98%) in enzyme supplementing groups, although there was no significant difference between treated group and control. During 22-42d, ADG of group D and group E were the best, which were 6.12% and 5.66% higher than control group(P<0.05 ), respectively. Group D, E and B had better FCR than other groups in this period, they were 5.63%, 5.42% and 5.17% higher than control group respectively (P<0.05) . In the whole experiment period, the ADG of all enzyme cocktails supplementing groups had been improved, among them group E and D was the best, which were increased by 4.39% and 4.24% (P<0.05) ; FCR in group D, E and B were better than other groups, they were decreased by 4.69% , 4.55% and 4.26% in contrast with control(P<0.05).There were no significant difference in broiler chicks carcass weight (% of weight), abdominal fat (% of carcass) and breast weight (% of carcass) between treated group and control (P>0.05) .All enzyme complexes supplementing groups have improved the thigh muscle ratio of birds, but only group D increased 11.34%, significantly (PO.05). With the exception of group B, AME of enzyme supplementing diets have an increasing tendency. However, there is no significantdifference (P>0.05 ); The NPU (net protein utilization) showed the same tendency as the AME, especially in diet F, E and D, which were 7.18%, 6.66% and 5.72% higher than control group respectively.

  • 【分类号】S831.5
  • 【被引频次】14
  • 【下载频次】395

