

Studies on Soil Adaptability and Ecological Layout of Grape in the Dry River Valleys of the Upper Reaches of Minjiang River

【作者】 向双

【导师】 刘世全; 陈庆恒;

【作者基本信息】 四川农业大学 , 土壤学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 岷江上游是长江上游生态环境建设的重要区域之一,其干旱河谷地区光热资源丰富,具有发展以葡萄等温带落叶果树为主的特色农业的资源优势。本文通过研究葡萄的气候、土壤适宜性,选择适合当地气候、土壤条件的优良品种,并提出合理生态布局,为基地建设与农业产业结构调整提供科学依据。研究结果表明: (1)岷江上游干旱河谷具有发展特色葡萄优良的气候、土壤条件,该区种植的鲜食和酿酒葡萄生物学特性表现良好,且都能实现优质高产,是葡萄生态适宜区。 (2)研究区土壤主要是褐土和新积土。土体富含CaCO3,pH为7.5~8.5,多呈微碱性。土层厚度变化大,一般为30~100cm,土壤质地以砾质壤土(轻壤土和中壤土)为主,排水通气良好,但部分土壤石砾含量过高(30~70%),保水保肥性差。葡萄园应选择地形平缓、土层较厚、石砾含量较低的壤质土壤和有灌溉条件的地块建园。 (3)土壤有机质和氮含量大多较低,磷钾供应充足,由于土壤的石灰性的制约,微量养分Zn、Mn、Fe供应水平较低,与葡萄叶片分析结果吻合,可以通过诊断、平衡施肥加以解决。 (4)葡萄生长适宜的土壤条件包括:砾质、砂质、粘质壤土,结构良好,土层厚度80-100cm,地下水位1.5—2m以下,排灌水条件良好,土壤pH值为中性至微碱性,石砾含量<50%,地形相对平坦更佳,养分含量丰富。 (5)通过对岷江上游干旱河谷的气候、地形条件以及葡萄生长要求的土壤条件的分析结果认为,可在干旱河谷划分三个适宜区。最适宜区(适宜一等)主要位于岷江、黑水河、杂谷脑河海拔1400~1900m,与主河道高差30~100m的河谷区。在最适宜区以上相对高差100~500m的区域,以及汶川威州镇以下,黑水河、杂谷脑河支沟,与主河道高差30—100m的河谷区为适宜区(适宜二等)。次适宜区(适宜三等)多位于适宜区以上,海拔较高,热量较低、降水较高,坡度较大的地区。

【Abstract】 The upper reaches of Minjiang River are an important part of ecological and environments construction in the upper reaches of the Yangtzi River. With abundant sunlight and heat, there ai resourceful advantages to develop characteristic agriculture given priority to grape and other temperat defoliated fruit trees in the dry river valley. By studying climatic and soil conditions suitable for grap growing and selection of fine varieties of grapes, the author put forward a reasonable ecological layout i order to provide scientific basis for the development of viticulture and agricultural structure adjustment i the dry river valleys of the upper reaches of Mijiang River. The results were clarified as follows.1. There are excellent climatic and soil conditions for viticulture development in the dry river valley of the upper reaches of Mijiang River, where varieties of both fresh and brewing grapes showed goo-biological characteristics and reached high yield of quality fruits. Therefore the investigating areas ar ecological adaptive zone of grapes.2. Most soils are of cinnamon and neo-aoouviao, which are rich in calcium carbonate (CaCO3) and ar alkalescence with pH of 7.5-8.5. Soil depth varied dramatically from 30cm to 100cm. Texture of soils i dominated by gravel soil (light and mid soil) with well drainage and ventilation. However, part of the soil over consists of gravels (30~70%), which makes the soil inferior in fertility conservation. To construe grapery, the suitable land should be selected that has relatively deep roam soils with good texture ii terraces and has sufficient irrigation as well.3. The soils are mostly short of Organic matters and nitrogen (N), but they have sufficient phosphoru (P) and potassium (K). Owing to the high content of calcareousness, the soils can provide relatively lov source of trace nutrition of Zn, Mn and Fe. Analysis results of foliage samples of grapes coincide with th< soil nutrition conditions. Through the diagnosis of soil nutrition, application of fertilizers can balance thi nutrients.4. The adaptable soil conditions of grape growing are the gravel, sandy and clay roam soil with goo< texture, 80~ 100cm in depth, below 1.5~2.0m in groundwater level, neutral to slightly alkaline with pF 7.5~8.5, under 50% of rock contents and well irrigated. It is better to choose relatively flat land and soil: that are affluent in nutrients.5. Based on the local climate and landform characteristics associating with soil conditions required for grape growing, three ranks of adaptable zoning were suggested in the dry river valleys of the upper reaches of Minjiang River. The optimum zone or rank I adaptability mainly locates in the areas 30~100m higher than the river course with altitudes between 1400~1900m in valley of Minjian River and its tributaries of Zagunao River and Heishui River. The adaptable zone or rank II adaptability distributes in the optimum zone but 100~150m higher than the river course and in the areas 30~100m higher than the river course of the regions downward from Weizhou town, Wenchuan county as well as in the sub-tributaries of Heishui River and Zagunao River. The less adaptable zone or rank III adaptability mostly situates in the areas upward the optimum zone with relatively higher altitudes, lower heat quantities, more precipitation and steeper slopes.

  • 【分类号】S663.1
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】180

