

【作者】 王京

【导师】 廖瑛;

【作者基本信息】 国防科学技术大学 , 兵器发射理论与技术, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以某个虚构的巡航式飞行器的飞行控制系统为研究对象,首先讨论了一个简单的总体方案,然后根据此方案,在详细分析此飞行器运动学与动力学的基础上,建立了飞行器飞行仿真数学模型,并在允许的条件下进行简化得出了此飞行器线性化小扰动短周期运动模型与传递函数仿真模型。 根据以上建立的模型,本文重点论述了采用经典控制理论分析此巡航式飞行器控制系统的方法,并计算出此巡航式飞行器飞行控制系统的参数。然后在考虑限幅、延迟等非线性环节影响的基础上,进一步对控制系统的性能进行了仿真分析。此后以所得的分析结果为基础对此飞行器进行了六自由度有控飞行仿真。通过给出的部分仿真结果可以看出,本文得出的巡航式飞行器飞行控制系统结构合理,设计方法可靠,系统参数可以满足该飞行器控制的总体性能要求。同时,也可以为控制系统的半实物仿真以及飞行器实际飞行提供更为可信的参考数据。 最后,本文还对此飞行器控制系统的最优控制设计以及基于MTALAB的巡航式飞行器控制系统仿真软件设计方法进行了简单的探讨。

【Abstract】 A flight trajectory math model of an assumed cruise aircraft is built according to a simple blue print of the flight control system,with the foundation of a particular analysis of its kinematics and dynamics. A linear light-disturbed minor-cycled movement model and the transform function models are got through some simplifications.According to the models mentioned above,this paper lays emphasis on accounting the method of analyzing and designing the cruise aircraft’s control system adopting the classical control theory,and then calculates the parameters of it. The flight control system’s performance is also simulated with the effects of some nonlinear elements such as saturation and transport delay,and then the aircraft’s six dimension trajectory flight simulation with the control system is done on the analyzing results. It can be seen that the structure and parameters of the flight control system are reasonable;the performance can meet the need of the task. At the same time,it can offer more creditable data for the hardware-in-the-loop simulation and the flight experiment.In the end,the aircraft’s optimized control system designing methods and the approaches of developing simulation software of this aircraft’s control system based upon MATLAB are also briefly discussed.

【关键词】 控制系统巡航式飞行器建模仿真
【Key words】 control systemcruise aircraftmodelingsimulation
  • 【分类号】TJ765
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】812

