

【作者】 龙涛

【导师】 沈林成;

【作者基本信息】 国防科学技术大学 , 模式识别与智能系统, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以“新三打”训练模拟系统为背景,建立了多种型号巡航导弹和作战飞机的仿真模型,包括物理模型、决策模型和三维模型。在此基础上,基于任务规划技术和分布式交互仿真技术,开发了一个基于DIS的防空训练空情保障系统。该系统是一个计算机生成兵力系统,在防空训练模拟中为防御方提供作为敌方的空袭兵力,即虚拟靶标。系统实现了仿真过程的可视化。 本文首先简要介绍了虚拟战场中仿真建模的特点,分析了空情保障系统需要实现的功能和相应的设计要求,在研究分布式交互仿真的基础上,从体系结构的角度提出了系统的总体结构设计。 在深入分析系统建模方法的基础上,对面向对象的建模方法进行了一定的探讨,建立了基于面向对象技术的虚拟靶标仿真物理模型,该模型严格按照模块化的结构设计,包括动力学运动学模型、雷达反射特性模型、红外辐射特性模型、探测系统模型、武器系统模型、作战评估模型六个子模型。 然后简要介绍了巡航导弹的任务规划系统。分析了虚拟战场中智能决策建模的特点,结合作战飞机的仿真介绍了决策建模的过程和方法,提出了适合于军事仿真需求的基于智能体的决策建模方法,以此为基础可构成多智能体系统以有效地处理成员之间的协作。 接下来介绍了系统实现的两顶关键技术:基于数据库的数据管理技术和可视化技术。 文章最后,给出了一个以电子干扰环境下防空兵打巡航导弹训练模拟为背景的仿真实例,调用以上建立的仿真模型对巡航导弹的空袭作战过程进行模拟,并得到了逼真可靠的仿真结果。

【Abstract】 With background of an antiaircraft training system,simulation models of many kinds of cruise missile and warplane are established,including physical model,decision-making model and three-dimensional model. Based on mission planning technique and Distributed Interactive Simulation (DIS),a virtual drone simulation system that has novel applications is developed. The simulation system is a computer generated forces (CGF) system,and it can provide virtual air-raid forces as enemy for antiaircraft forces in antiaircraft training. Three-dimensional visualization of simulation process is realized in the system.Firstly,this paper analyzes the function and project requirement that should be achieved,and puts forward overall architecture of the virtual drone simulation system.Secondly the object-oriented modeling method is researched in the paper,accordingly simulative physical models of virtual drone based on object-oriented technique and modularizing structure are established. The physical models include model of dynamics and kinematics,model of radar electromagnetic wave reflection,model of infrared radiation,model of detection system,model of weapon system and model of combat evaluation.Then this paper briefly introduces the mission planning system of cruise missile,analyzes the characteristic of intelligent decision modeling in virtual battlefield. Considering the simulation of warplane,this paper puts forward agent-based method of intelligent decision modeling which meets the demand of military simulation. Therefore a multi-agent system (MAS) can be established to deal with collaboration and cooperation in team.Finally,two key technology of system are described:data management based on database and Visualization. In addition,a simulation instance is provided which simulates assaulting course of cruise missile.

  • 【分类号】TP391.9
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】292

