

【作者】 邹和平

【导师】 魏急波;

【作者基本信息】 国防科学技术大学 , 信息与通信工程, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 长期以来,试验靶场的指挥调度网和电话交换网是独立运行,分开管理的。为了适应未来试验靶场指挥通信网络建设的需要,在研究了国内通信专网发展的基础上,本文提出了一种实现指挥调度网和电话交换网融合的解决方案。 首先,通过对数字程控交换机交换网络和语音混合方式的分析,从交换网络的阻塞和呼叫处理能力等方面,论证了在数字程控交换机平台上开发调度功能的可行性;其次,根据试验靶场调度系统的技术要求,提出了基于数字程控交换机平台开发调度功能的基本原则、技术途径和实现方法,着重讨论了调度呼叫处理和操作控制台软件的设计方法;最后,提出了调度电话交换机的概念,并对其体系结构、软件系统的结构特点进行了详细的描述,同时指出了它与通用数字程控交换机的区别。 在基于数字程控交换机平台开发调度功能的过程中,并没有改变原交换机系统的基本结构,只是针对调度功能作一些扩充和修改,保留了原交换平台的基本功能。因此,这种调度电话交换机同时具有调度和电话功能。利用调度电话交换机可以组建试验靶场调度电话综合网,以取代目前相互独立的指挥调度网和电话网,实现试验靶场指挥通信网络的一体化。

【Abstract】 Up to now, the dispatch networks and telephone network within inter-range are running separately, and administered in different ways. Depending on the study of domestic special communication network, this paper proposes a master design ideals of dispatch and telephone integrated networks according to the demand for construction of command communication network in the future.Firstly, developing dispatch function base on digital programmable controlling exchanger is proved to be feasible, and capacity of call processing and block in exchange network are discussed base on the analysis of exchange network of exchanger and its voice combining ways; Secondly, the basic principles and methods of designing dispatch device base on digital programmable controlling exchanger are proposed on request, specially, the design of dispatch call processing and the operation control terminal software are discussed; Finally, the concept of dispatch and telephone integrated exchanger is brought forward, and the structure of its hardware and software, as well as the difference between the two exchangers, is described in detail.Developing dispatch system base on digital programmable controlling exchanger has not changed the basic structure of the exchanger, and its basic function is reserved very well. As a result of it, the dispatch and telephone integrated exchanger could be used as connect point of command communication network which replaces the exist command dispatch network and telephone network.

  • 【分类号】TN916.2
  • 【下载频次】65

