

An Exploration of Quality Assurance System for Web-based Distance Education in Universities

【作者】 张秀梅

【导师】 南国农; 杨改学;

【作者基本信息】 西北师范大学 , 教育技术学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 本论文是在高校网络教育学院快速启动和发展的情况下选题的。自1999年以来,全国已有67所网络教育学院,招生人数达80万人。这对于常规教育是不可思议的事却被远程教育办成了。然而在扩大入学规模、提供更多受教育机会的同时,网院在实际运作中也出现了不少问题。于是如何保证质量的问题被提到日程上来。由于没有成功经验可循,因此需要边实践边研究,在实践中探讨如何保证高校网络远程教育质量。 整个论文是在管理学思想和远程教育理论的指导下完成的,分别从内部质量保证体系和外部质量保证体系两个方面来探讨质量保证体系如何建立的问题。论文由以下五部分构成: 首先是绪论,阐述了选题的背景和研究思路。一方面由于远程教育能够扩大教育规模并在实现高等教育大众化的过程中具有不可替代的优势,国家提倡在高校建立网络教育学院;另一方面由于教育国际化的影响,许多海外大学纷纷在中国设立虚拟大学,高校网院同时面临来自国内外严峻的挑战。在这种情况下,网院唯有提高质量才能取胜。 第一章是基本概念辨析。首先澄清了当前使用比较混乱的几个术语:远程教育、e-Learning(电子化学习)、在线教育(online education或web-basededucation)以及网络远程教育。并提出用“网络远程教育”来表示当今高校网络教育学院的工作实质是恰当的,并在全文使用该术语。 第二章是调研分析。选取兰州大学网络教育学院做了调研分析,为后面的理论探讨做了铺垫。 第三章是对内部质量保证体系的探讨。先分析了远程教育系统中以学习者为中心的六个要素:web教师,学习集体、课程资源、网络远程教育组织、地区教学中心和社会环境。然后分别从纵向和横向分析了系统运行机制,特别是在横向方面,把系统活动分成互为表里的两大模块:师生教学交互活动和学习支持服务体系。最后从管理活动保障入手,重点论述了与当前网络远程教育质量提高密切相关的四个方面:管理理念、技术模式和课程建设、web教师和教学点建设。 第四章是对外部质量保证体系的探讨。作者先概述了国内外高等教育领域和远程教育领域进行质量认证的情况,然后从评估标准和认证机构这两个方面探讨了高校网络远程教育外部质量保证体系的构建。 总的来说,全文是本着先从实践中发现主要问题,然后构建理论框架的思路进行研究的,理论探讨与调研分析相得益彰。

【Abstract】 The theme of this thesis has been selected under the background that pilot Web-based Education Colleges(WEC for short) in national universities have been started up and developed rapidly since 1999.So far sixty-seven WECs have been upbuilt and the enrolment of learners has reached 800 thousand which is unimaginable for conventional education. Whereas these colleges have increased the enrolment scale and afforded more educational opportunities,the problem of quality assurance has consequently been listed in the agenda for immediate solutions.Since there’re no research fruits available,we should make in-depth studies in the course of practice and construct the quality assurance system(QAS for short) for WEC.This study is guided by both managerial science and distance education theory.On the whole.the author explores the QAS from two aspects:internal QAS and external QAS.This paper is composed of five parts as following.At first.the author introduces the background of the theme selection and her research plan.Considering that distance education has an irreplaceable function of broadening educational access during the process of popularization of higher education,the Chinese government advocates to establish WECs in national universities.Meanwhile,many overseas universities have also been setting up their own virtual colleges in China one after another as the result of education internationalization.Hence WECs are confronted with such many challenges from home and abroad that only by providing service of high quality can they get victory.The first chapter discusses several basic technical terms like distance education,e-Learning,online/web-based education and web-based distance education . Since Web-based Distance Education is more suitable for representing the essential work of WECs ,the author determines to use it through the thesis.The second chapter illustrates how the investigation and research has been made in WEC of Lanzhou University in order to find out major problems about the service quality.The third chapter centers on the internal QAS.Firstly.the author analyzes the six systematic elements related to learns’ study such as web teachers,study collective.curriculum resources, web-based distance education organization, localteaching centers and social circumstances.Secondly.the operative mechanism of the system is analyzed from both longitudinal and horizontal aspects.Particularly from horizontal aspect does the author divide the systematic activities into two modules interaction among learners & web teachers and learning supportive service.Lastly,four major aspects.which are managerial philosophies,technological mode &curriculum resources.web teachers and construction of local teaching centers,have been dealt with to improve the present quality situation of WECs.The fourth chapter explores the external QAS for WECs in universities.The present situation of QAS has first been surveyed.Based on that,some suggestions and ideas concerning the formulation of evaluation standards and establishment of certification organizations are put forward.In conclusion,the whole study follows such steps:first conducts investigation and research-in practice ,and then constructs theoretical framework.Both theoretical exploration and investigation complement each other.

  • 【分类号】G434
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】755

