

Hui’s Traditional Educarion Idea and Hui’s Infant Education Practice in the Northwest

【作者】 沈蕙

【导师】 马以念;

【作者基本信息】 西北师范大学 , 学前教育学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 任何一个民族都会有自己的民族传统文化,有自己民族传统的教育观念。少数民族传统教育观念作为民族传统文化的一部分,对于民族的传统教育和现代教育都会产生深刻的影响。回族社会也是如此,在长期的教育实践中形成了自己历史悠久的传统教育观念。回族传统教育观念在特定的历史条件下生成,必定会带有许多自己民族的特色。探讨回族传统教育观念对于西北回族幼儿教育实践的影响,并借此分析西北回族幼儿教育的优势、存在问题以及历史和现实的根源,寻找解决的策略,促进传统与现实的结合,能够为回族幼儿教育改革提供思路和指导,促进回族幼教事业更好更健康地发展。总的来说,这些年西北回族幼儿教育事业获得了较快的发展,呈现出一片勃勃生机。回族幼教事业的发展,固然是离不开各省市教育行政部门的重视、关心、鼓励与引导,但我们也不能排除回族传统教育观念对于回族幼儿教育实践的影响。回族社会历来有重视教育特别是重视幼儿教育的传统,回族社会生存发展的现实又使幼儿接受现代教育成为必然。现实与传统的结合,使得回族社区多渠道、多形式创办回族幼儿园成为可能。在回族文化的深层意识里,认为人的综合素质里,道德素质对个人的发展有着格外重要的意义。回族文化把孩子的品德教育放在非常重要的位置,回族幼儿品德教育不仅是回族家庭和社区的重要教育内容,在回族地区创办的一些私立幼儿园中也是非常重要的教育内容之一。回族重视幼儿品德教育的传统,在现代社会有其存在的合理性。但回族幼儿品德教育也必须注意几个问题,一是幼儿园品德教育必须结合回族的传统美德来进行;二是对回族幼儿的品德教育应突出爱国主义的教育;三是对幼儿进行的道德教育无论是内容或形式必须符合幼儿的年龄阶段和特点。教育观念、教育态度是一定社会文化的集中体现,反映社会文化对教育实践的要求。回族传统文化赋予教育者师生平等的观念,强调教育者无论家长、幼儿教师都应善待孩子、尊重孩子,与孩子和睦相处,这就使得回族幼儿教育实践体现出一种民主、平等的倾向。这种观念对于塑造回族家庭健康的亲子关系、幼儿园和谐的师幼关系有较为积极的作用。 各个民族特定的历史传统和经济文化条件会从不同的侧面影响并制约民族家庭对幼儿的教养方式,从而导致不同民族的婴幼儿形成各自不同的身心素质。回族社会历来注重培养孩子从小适应艰苦环境的能力,注重养成孩子吃苦耐劳、不畏艰难的倔强性格,所以对于幼儿的教养方式显得比较粗放。回、汉孩子同在一所幼儿园使得父母养育方式的民族性差异体现得更为直截了当,更具可比性。这种粗放的教养方式是现<WP=5>代社会中汉族幼儿教育所欠缺或是做得不够的,实际上更有利于幼儿的健康成长。回族社会很早就已经意识到创设良好的环境对于幼儿发展的意义,并据此提出了一些要求,这在当时的历史条件下无疑是一种较为先进的思想。但现实生活中回族幼儿家庭物质环境创设和汉族幼儿家庭物质环境的创设有一定的差距,与回族传统教育观念以及现代幼教理论关于创设良好环境的要求有一定的差距。影响回族家庭幼儿教育中物质投入的最大原因应当来说来自于现实,无论是过去还是现在,回族幼儿家庭中回族父母的教育文化层次、职业经济状况始终是制约幼儿教育中物质投入的最大因子。所以,必须提高对教育和教育投入的重视程度。伊斯兰及回族传统文化重视与现实紧密相关的实用的教育。回族幼儿的“经商游戏”能够体现实用教育的这种具有回族文化特征的价值取向。但我们应当看到,回族幼儿教育实践的这种实用教育与传统的实用教育在理解上仍有一定的差距,只能反映传统的“现实教育”的一部分而非全部。我们应当提高对教育的期望值,摆正教育动机,理解真正意义上的实用教育。回族社会有重视宗教教育的历史传统。重视宗教教育客观上使得回族幼儿园与社区居民沟通不够理想。看重孩子的宗教教育影响到回族幼儿的入园率,影响到民族地区幼儿园的课程设置。回族群众,尤其是老一辈的回族群众十分重视对子女的宗教教育是有其历史的根源的。我们应当努力更新回族群众的教育观念。存在于回族幼儿教育课程领域最突出的问题就是关于回族幼儿教育课程民族性的探讨。科学合理的回族幼儿教育课程应当体现传统与现代的统一,民族文化与多元文化的统一,即应当体现教育的民族性和教育的时代性。回族幼儿园的课程中,无论是课程目标、课程内容、课程组织还是教育环境的创设,都可以作为回族文化的载体,显示出与汉族文化价值取向不同的回族人文景观。总的来说,回族的幼儿教育实践还需要注意以下的几个问题。一是继续开展转变回族群众教育观念的工作,做好家园共育工作;二是加强回族幼儿教师的师资培训工作;三是加强宗教界对回族地区幼儿教育事业的支持;四是充分利用并开发教育资源。总之,如果我们努力地去做并且努力改进我们的工作,我们就完全有理由相信回族幼儿教育事业将向着更加健康的方向发展,取得更大的成绩。

【Abstract】 Any nationality has his own traditional culture and traditional education ideas. As a part of traditional nationality culture, the traditional education of ethnic minority exerts a deep influence on traditional and modern education in nationality. Society like Hui too, forms his own traditional education idea with a long history among long-term education practice. Hui’s traditional education idea comes into being under specific historical terms and must have lots of his own national characteristics. Probe into the influence on education practice of Hui’s infant in the northwest by Hui’s traditional education idea and analyse the advantage, existing problem, history and realistic origin of Hui’s preschool education in the northwest by this, look for the solved tactics, promote tradition and realistic combination, can offer the train of thought and guide for educational reform of infant of Hui and promote fine healthy developments of Hui preschool cause.Generally speaking, the educational undertakings of the northwest infant of Hui get fast development relatively these years and demonstrate a scene of vigorous life. No doubt the educational developments of Hui preschool have relation with the attention, care, encouraging and guide of administrative department of each province and municipality, but we couldn’t get rid of the influences on Hui’s educational practice by Hui’s traditional education idea too. Hui have the traditions of paying attention to education especially the preschool education, Hui make infant accept modern education become inevitable by social realities of survival and developments. The combination of reality and tradition makes it possible for Hui to establish kindergarten community by multi-channel and multi-form. In the deep consciousness of Hui’s culture, it thinks the morality has extremely important meaning to the individual’s development in the comprehensive qualities. Hui put the education of the children’s moralities at an extremely important position. The education of Hui’s infant morality is not merely the important education content of Hui’s family and community, it is one of the important education content in some private kindergartens established by Hui. It has its rationality in modern society for Hui to pay attention to the traditional moral education of the infants, But the moral<WP=7>education of Hui’s infants must pay attention to several questions, first, the Hui’s kindergarten education must combine the traditional virtues of Hui second, the moral education of infants should stress the education of patriotism, third, the moral education of infants must carry on according with the age stage and characteristics of infant.The educational attitude and idea is the concentrated reflection of certain social culture, they reflect the request on educational practice of social culture. Hui’s traditional cultures give the idea that the teachers and students are equal, they emphasize the educators no matter parents or teachers should be kind to the children, respect them and live in harmony with them, this make the education practice of Hui’s infants embody a kind of trend of equality and democracy. The idea has comparatively positive function of harmonic relation in Hui’s family and kindergarten.Specific historical tradition and economic culture of each nationality influence and restrain the national family breeding way in the infants from different side, thus it lead to the fact that different national infants and pre-school children form different quality. Hui pay attention to training the children’s abilities to meet arduous environments in the society and form their unbending personalities of bearing hardships and standing hard work, so the breeding way in the infant seems relatively extensive. It embodies the national differences of breeding children for the children of Hui and Chinese to stay in one house of kindergartens. This extensive breeding way is what Han nationality preschool education short of, it can help the infants grow up healthily in fact.Hui realize

  • 【分类号】G619.2
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】1028

