The Applications of Oscillating Chemical Reactions in Analytical Determination
【作者】 杨华;
【作者基本信息】 西北师范大学 , 分析化学, 2002, 硕士
【摘要】 第一刊g分化学振荡反脚问理论发展及其在分析检测中的应用 近年末,化学振荡反应己成为化学动力学理沦和实验研究的重点。其卞要任务是发现新的振荡体系,研究反应机理及探索化学振荡反应与生命有机体的关系。这一部分主要阐述了化学振荡反应理沦研究的发展历史,各种化学振荡反应的机理以及它们在分析检测中的应用。最后,简要介绍了化学振荡反应研究的重要意义以及它在化学,生化,工程等领域的发展前景。第二部分应用BZ振荡反应检测抗坏血酸 首次应用BZ振荡反应对抗坏血酸进行检测。山于抗坏血酸能够使BZ振荡反应的振幅发生变化,而振幅的改变与抗坏血酸的浓度呈线性关系,囚此我们可利用BZ振荡反应来检测抗坏血酸。在 3.5 xlo”‘.4. 7 X 0“M的浓度范围内,振幅的改变与抗坏血酸的浓度成线性关系,线性方程为:AA=2 8。2 6741+10596413531[抗坏血酸],相关系数为09975。最后,我们结合FKN模型讨论了抗坏血酸对BZ振荡反应的影响的机理。第三部分应用脉冲微扰技术在铜催化振荡反应中检测谷氨酸 首次应用铜催化振荡反应对谷氨酸进付检测。谷氨酸使铜催化振荡反应的振幅减小,其振幅的减小与谷氨酸的浓度呈线性关系,线性范围为 2.5 XIO’‘刁2 xlo“M,相关系数为0.9987,线性万程为:**=3.34769伺7允6.驯12时谷氨酸」。找们应用脉仲微扰技术实现了谷氨酸检测的连续性,缩短了检测时间,并且检测的相对标准偏差小于068%。最后,结合铜催化振荡反应的机理讨论了谷氨酸对铜催化振荡反应的影响。第四部分检测BZ振荡反应和铜催化振荡反应的振荡范围 近年来,化学振荡反应已成为化学动力学理论和实验研究的重点。在这些复杂的振荡体系中,科学工作者研究最多的是BZ振荡反应和铜催化振荡反应。一个化学反应只有当其处于远离平腼态时才会发生振荡现象。这也就是悦,化学扼荡反应存在着一个振荡范mn广。该一音卜卜卜.赣仆讨卜H了R7桥俟6向和嗣倔仆彬蕉厂府呐郴兢茹阳扛卅其影响*系进付了讨沦。
【Abstract】 Part I Theoretical and experimental development of oscillating chemical reactions and their applications in analytical determinationOscillating chemical reactions have been the focus of much research in the area of theoretical and experimental chemical kinetics in recent years. The major task is to discover new oscillating systems, investigate the mechanisms of these reactions and explore the relationship between oscillating chemical reactions and the living organisms. In this section, we described the theoretical and experimental development of these reactions. The mechanisms of these reactions and their applications in analytical determination were also discussed in brief. Finally, we mentioned the importance of these reactions in the field of chemistry, biochemistry and engineering.Part II Kinetic determination of ascorbic acid by the BZ oscillating chemical systemA new analytical method for the determination of ascorbic acid by the perturbation caused by different amounts of ascorbic acid on the BZ oscillating chemical system involving the Ce(IV)-catalyzed reaction between potassium bromate and malonic acid in a acidic medium is proposed. The method relies on the linear relationship between the change in the oscillation amplitude of the chemical system and the concentration of ascorbic acid, which is in this work exposed for the first time. The calibration curve is linearly proportional to the concentration of ascorbic acid over the range 3.5x10-6-4.7x10-4M, with the regression coefficient is 0.9975. Two different methodologies were used to address the determination. Some aspects of the potential mechanism of action of ascorbic acid on the BZ oscillating chemical system are discussed in detail.Part III Determination of glutamic acid by an oscillating chemical reaction using the analyte pulse perturbation techniqueAn analytical method for the determination of glutamic acid by the sequential perturbation caused by different amounts of glutamic acid on the oscillating chemical system involving the Cu(II)-catalysed oscillating reaction between hydrogen peroxide and sodium thiocyanate in an alkaline medium is proposed. The method relies on the linear relationshipbetween the changes in the oscillation amplitude of the chemical system and the concentration of glutamic acid. The reaction is implemented in a continuous-flow stirred-tank reactor, and changes in the oscillation amplitude on each perturbation are proportional to the glutamic acid concentration. The use of the analyte pulse perturbation technique permits sequential determinations on the same oscillating system owing to the expeditiousness with which the steady state is regained after each perturbation. The dynamic range lies between 2.5x10-6 and 3.2x10-4M of glutamic acid, with the regression coefficient is 0.9987. The precision is excellent(less than 0.68% as relative standard deviation). Some aspects of the potential mechanism of action of glutamic acid on the oscillating system are discussed.Part IV The detection of the oscillatory domain of the Belousov-Zhabotinskii(BZ) oscillating chemical reaction and the Cu(II)-catalyzed oscillating chemical reactionThe oscillating chemical reactions have been the focus of much research in the area of theoretical and experimental chemical kinetics in recent years. Among these complex systems of chemical reactions, those that have received the most attention and most thoroughly investigated are the Belousov-Zhabotinskii(BZ) oscillating chemical reaction and the Cu(II)-catalyzed oscillating chemical reaction. For a chemical reaction to be the source of an auto-oscillating system, it must be far from equilibrium. That is to say, oscillating chemical reactions have their own oscillatory domain. In this section, we investigated the oscillatory domain of the Belousov-Zhabotinskii(BZ) oscillating chemical reaction and the Cu(ll)-catalyzed oscillating chemical reaction. Some factors which have effects on the oscillatory domain are discussed.
- 【网络出版投稿人】 西北师范大学 【网络出版年期】2003年 02期
- 【分类号】O643.1
- 【被引频次】1
- 【下载频次】239