

The Develeping Study of Ability in Mathmatical Thought of Secondary Vocational School Students from Hanzu and Uygur in Xin Jiang

【作者】 高明

【导师】 吕世虎;

【作者基本信息】 西北师范大学 , 教育, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 新疆地大物博,从历史上就是一个多民族聚居的地方。中等职业教育为新疆的发展起到了很重要的作用。随着教育改革的深入发展,中等职业教育出现了许多问题,学生数学学习的质量越来越低就是其中之一。 本文欲全面地研究新疆中专生数学思维能力水平、智力水平、文化背景与数学学习动力因素,期望找到中专生数学学习的问题所在。以16-19岁的维吾尔族和汉族在校中专生作为研究对象,运用问卷调查、测验、访谈、比较、统计分析等方法,研究学生数学思维能力发展的水平。 研究结果表明目前新疆的中专生整体的数学思维能力处在一个较低水平的状态,维汉学生间的智力差异在减小,但数学思维能力的差异还是比较显著的。这种差异与学生的生活环境、所受教育环境、数学教育程度、语言和某些个性特征有关,而与民族性无关。 笔者借鉴中学数学课程改革提出的最新教育理念,结合对维汉中专生数学思维能力发展的研究结果,对新疆中等职业学校数学教学改革提出了下列对策:改革现行新疆中专数学课程体系、建立发展性数学教师及中专生数学学习评价体系等;为提高数学教师的能力,提出了建构促进教师专业化培训体系的对策;针对目前中专生数学思维能力发展处在较低的水平,提出了改进数学思维能力培养的策略。 笔者深切得感觉到只有新疆中等职业学校全体教育工作者的教育观念的不断更新,跟上时代的步伐,中等职业学校的教学改革才能落到实处。数学教师不断地学习,改进教学理念,采用符合学生认知特点、能够调动学生学习兴趣的教学方法,从学生已有的生活经验和知识背景出发,向学生提供充分从事学习活动和交流的机会,使他们获得广泛的学习活动经验等,改变目前新疆中专生的数学学习状态才有可能成为现实。

【Abstract】 Xin jiang is a place with vast territory and abundant recourses, and many nationalities inhabit there long before. Education of Secondary Vocational school students plays an important role in Xin Jiang’s development. Many problems have arisen with the further development of educational reform, and the results of students’ mathematics learning becoming poorer and poor is one of them.This articles about to study secondary vocational school students of Xin Jiang in aspects of ability in mathematics thought, intelligence level, cultural environment and driving force in mathematics learning etc in order to find out what the problems are in students mathematics learning. The students between sixteen to nineteen from Hanzu and Uygur were taken as study objects. Using the methods of filling blank, testing, individual talks, comparing and analyzing statistics.The results show that the students’ ability in mathematics thought is poor , the differences between students of Hanzu and Uygur are narrowing, but the difference in mathematics thought is obvious. It relates to surroundings, educational environments, degrees of mathematics teaching, languages and some personalities, but not to nationalities.In this article, the author referencing the latest teaching concept in secondary school mathematics teaching reform, based on the result of experiment on Hanzu and Uygur secondary vocational school students’ mathematics thinking development, raised following applications directed to mathematics reform in Xin Jiang technical secondary school: reforming the present mathematics subject systems, fostering excellent mathematics teachers and establishing asses rules of students’ mathematics learning; establishing teachers’ specialized training system aiming at impressing their ability; cultivating their ability of mathematics thinking, aimed at improving of that.The author feels only does all teachers’ educational concept change, and keep pace with the times, the reform of teaching in secondary vocational schools can take effect. And mathematics teachers should learn some new knowledge unceasingly .change their teaching attitude, they can only better the persistent students’ present learning situation. If they want to get this aim, they should use a good teaching method which is suitable to students’ cognition characteristics, and offer students chances to learn and communicate from their life experiences and knowledge background, so that the students can obtain extensive learning experience.

  • 【分类号】G633.6
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】210

