

Effect of Dietary Addition Cysteamine and Daidzein on Adipose Metabolism in the Broilers

【作者】 张桂春

【导师】 刘皙洁;

【作者基本信息】 东北农业大学 , 基础兽医学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 试验选用21日龄艾维茵商品代雄性肉鸡96只,随机分为4组:对照组、半胱胺(cysteamine,CS)组、大豆黄酮(daidzein,Da)组和协同组,每组4个重复。对照组饲喂基础日粮,CS组在基础日粮中添加CS100mg/kg BW,Da组添加Da 3mg/kg日粮,协同组添加CS 50mg/kg.BW和Da1.5mg/kg日粮。CS每7天添加一次,每次添加前依据试验动物的体重及添加剂量称取CS,一次喂给;Da按比例混入日粮中,每日喂给。试验进行5周,试验期间为试验动物提供24小时弱光照,温度保持在22-24℃,自由采食与饮水。检测了体脂沉积指标、生长指标、血液及肝脏中与脂肪代谢密切相关的酶、激素和代谢产物。 试验结果:各组的腹脂率(%)分别为1.25±0.09、1.29±0.27、1.1±0.32、1.26±0.11;皮下脂肪厚度(cm)分别为0.75±0.20、0.73±0.21、0.70±0.23、0.71±0.18。在降低腹脂率方面,CS和Da的最佳作用时间分别是35日龄和49日龄,分别比对照组降低了46.46%和37.59%,差异显著(p<0.05)。在减小皮下脂肪厚度方面,CS、Da及协同应用的最佳作用时间分别是42日龄、42日龄和49日龄,分别比对照组降低了22.47%、15.73%和16.33%(p>0.05)。在降低脂肪沉积方面的作用效果依次为CS组>Da组>协同组。 各组的采食量(g/日.只)分别为149.47±40.38、132.65±31.71、152.22±45.46、136.59±26.87;日增重(g/日.只)分别为65.53±7.48、71.51±11.86、69.11±8.59、65.40±8.81;饲料效率(g饲料/g增重)分别为229±0.61、1.86±0.34、222±0.74、2.07±0.37。CS组的采食量在第七周最低,低于对照组18.54%,协同组的采食量在第八周最低,低于对照组21.71%,Da对肉鸡的采食量几乎无影响。三个试验组的体增重均在第七周最明显,分别高于对照组37.19%、30.78%和18.25%。三个试验组的饲料效率也都是在第七周最低,分别低于对照组40.44%(p<0.05)、24.26%(p<0.05)和27.20%。在改善生长性能方面的作用效果依次为CS组>Da组>协同组。 各组血中胰岛素(Iinsulin)含量(μIU/mL)分别为3.94±0.20、4.30±1.28、4.36±1.17、4.10±0.50;胰高血糖素(Glucagon)含量(pg/mL)分别为319.90±32.72、473.13±77.08、428.40±50.10、354.66±56.88,各试验组Iinsulin和Glucagon总体水平都比对照组有所增加,Glucagon增加幅度较大,CS组和Da组升高尤为明显。 在28~42日龄,CS组和Da组的血清脂肪酶(LPS)活性、脂蛋白酯酶(LPL)活性和肝脏苹果酸脱氢酶(MD)活性均明显高于对照组,CS组血中极低密度脂蛋白(VLDL)水平及甘油三脂(TG)的浓度明显低于对照组,而Da组血中VLDL水平及TG的浓度明显高于对照组。在42~56日龄,CS组的血清LPS活性和肝脏MD活性低于对照组,LPL活性、VLDL水平及TG的浓度明显高于对照组;Da组的血清LPS活性高于对照组,LPL活性、MD活性、VLDL水平及TG的浓度低于对照组。协同组以上各项指标与对照组的区别均不明显。张桂春 中文摘要 东北农业大学一 综合血液及肝脏中的以上各种指标可以看出:CS使肉鸡在28wt2日龄肝脂合成升高,但抑制脂肪从肝内向肝外的转运,同时促进体脂分解:4》56日龄肝脂合成量下降,但脂肪从肝内向肝外的转运及在脂肪组织的沉积增加,同时抑制体脂分解。Da使肉鸡在28wt2 日龄肝内脂肪的合成增加,向肝外的转运和脂肪组织的沉积量也增加,脂肪组织的分解也增强;42~56日龄肝内脂肪的合成下降,转运和沉积的脂肪量也减少,同时脂肪组织的分解增强。CS与Da联合应用影响体内脂肪的合成、转运、沉积及分解作用不明显,其机理需进一步研究c 试验结果提示:单独添加*S和*。有明显的改善生长性能和降低脂肪沉积的的作用,因此是两种很有开发前景的绿色饲料添加剂。

【Abstract】 The experiment was perfomed using a tota1 of 96 AVIA broi1ers (8 ) aged21 days. The broi1ers were random1y divided into 4 groups: contro1 gToup, whichwas feed on basic diet, Cysteanine (CS) group, which was feed on basic diet p1usCS 100mg/Kg BW. Dadzein (Da) group, which was feed on basic diet p1us Da 3mg/Kgdiet and speIgic group, which was feed on CS 50Ing/Kg BW+Da 1. 5mg/Kg diet. Therewere 4 rep1icates in each group. CS was added every 7 days, the anount of whichwas based on the broi1er’s weight and tf he amount of the additi ves, and was givenonce. Da was added proportional1y into t}he diet and feed everyday. The experimentwas caTried on for 5 consecutive weeks, during this time the Iaboratory broi1erswas shined witll weak 1ight for 24 hours, and the temperature was kept at 22--24C, the feed and water was given rmdomly Many indexes were measUred, including thedisposition of body adipose, growth index, enzyIne, hormone and metabo1ism productsWhich were c1ose1y re1ated to adipose metabo1ism in b1ood and 1iver.Resu1tt The abdomina1 adipose contents of each group were l. 25I0. 09. 1. li 0. 32 x 1. 29 f 0. 27 and 1. 26 f 0. 11 percent respective1y: the subcutaneousadipose thickness were 0. 75i0. 20. 0. 70i0. 23. 0. 73f0. 2l and 0. 7l f0. l8 cmrespective1y. CS and Da disp1ayed their effects at different time of theexperiment, that is, the optima1 time for the effects of CS and Da were 39 daysold and 49 days o1d respective1y, as concerned with reduction of abdomina1 adipose,decreasing by 46. 46% and 37. 5on respective1y compared with the control group,and the difference was significant (p<0. 05). As concerned with the reduction ofthe subcutaneous adipose thickness, the best time for the effect of CS, Da andthe combination of them were 42 days o1d, 42 days o1d and 49 days old respectively,with the reduction rate of 22. 47%, 15. 73% and 16. 33% respective1y (p>0. 05),compared with the contro1 group. As concerned with the effects on the reductionof body adipose deposition, CS was the best candidate, with the Da the second,and the combination of both the last.the eating amount g/day. broiler of each group were l49. 47i40. 38. 32. 65I31. 71. 152. 22f45. 46 and l36. 59f26. 87 respectively: The 1iveweight gain ofeach group were 65. 53f7. 48. 71. 5lf 11. 86. 69. llf8. 59 and 65. 40f8. 81 g/day.broi1er respectively: the feed conversion rate of each gToup were 2. 29l0. 6l.1. 86i0. 34. 2. 22f0. 74 and 2. 07i0. 37 g feed/g 1iveweight gain respective1y.The eating anount in CS group was 1owest in the 7" week, l8. 54% lower than thecontro1 group. In CS + Da group, the 1owest eating aJnount took p1ace in the 8’..week, 2l. 7l% lower than the contro1 gToup. Da a1most did not affect the aJnountof food intake. The 1iveweight gain in the three group increased significant1yin the 7’.’ week, with 37. 19%, 30. 78% and 1S. 25% higher than the contro1 grouprespective1y. The conversion rate of the foodstuff was a1so 1owest for the threegroups in the 7’,’ week, with 40. 44%(p<0. 05), 24. 26%(p<0. 05) and 27. 20% 1ower thanthe contro1 group respectively. The effect of CS on imDroving grOwth traits wasthe best, with the Da the second, and the CS+Da the 1ast.the Insu1in 1eve1 of each group were 3. 94l0. 20. 4. 36l 1. l7. 4. 3 0I1. 28and 4. 10t0. 50 u IU/mL respective1y: the G1ucagon 1eve1 of each group were3l9. 90 i 32. 72’ 428. 40 l 50. l0’ 473. 13 i 77. 0S and 354. 66 f 56. 88 pg/m1respectively. The tota1 leve1 of Insu1in and G1uccagon both were increased andGlucagon was more remarkab1e. in each experiment gToup, especia11y for the CSgroup and Da grpoup.The activities of LPS, LPL and MD in CS and Da groups were al1 significantlyhigher than the control group during 28--42 days o1d. The concentrations of VLDLand TG in CS group were significant1y 1ower than the contro1 group, Whi1e in Dagroup the concentrations of VLDL and TG were higher than the contro1 group. InCS group the activities of LPS

【关键词】 肉鸡半胱胺大豆黄酮脂肪代谢
【Key words】 BroilerCysteamineDadzeinAdipose Metabolism
  • 【分类号】S831.5
  • 【被引频次】15
  • 【下载频次】247

