

Effect of Safener AU2 on the Detoxification of Chlorimuron-ethyl

【作者】 高爽

【导师】 陶波;

【作者基本信息】 东北农业大学 , 农药学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 本文针对氯嘧磺隆存在的残留药害问题,采用室内生物测定并结合温室盆栽和大田试验,研究了氯嘧磺隆在土壤中的残留动态、对后茬敏感作物的影响及新型解毒剂AU2对氯嘧磺隆残留的解毒效果。用生物化学方法研究了氯嘧磺隆及AU2对植物体内GSH(谷胱甘肽)及GSTs(谷胱甘肽-巯基转移酶)的影响。试验结论如下: 1.氯嘧磺隆在土壤中的残留动态及对后茬敏感作物的影响 在本试验条件下,氯嘧磺隆在土壤中半衰期25-30天,氯嘧磺隆在土壤中前期降解比较快,后期降解缓慢。氯嘧磺隆浓度>3μg/kg时,对甜菜、胡萝卜、水稻、黄瓜产生药害;浓度>7μg/kg时,对玉米产生药害。本试验中的几种作物,甜菜对氯嘧磺隆残留最敏感,其次是胡萝卜、水稻、黄瓜、玉米。 2.AU2对氯嘧磺隆的解毒效果 AU2不同处理方法对作物的保护效果不同,用AU2浸种优于拌种。其中AU2以50mg/kg剂量浸种对解除氯嘧磺隆对敏感作物伤害的效果最好。氯嘧磺隆残留浓度<3μg/kg时,AU2浸种可完全解除氯嘧磺隆残留对黄瓜、水稻的伤害,减轻对甜菜、胡萝卜的伤害;氯嘧磺隆<7μg/kg时,AU2浸种可解除氯嘧磺隆残留对玉米的伤害,减轻氯嘧磺隆残留对黄瓜、水稻伤害,使作物的生长恢复到对照80%。 3.AU2对作物体内生理生化指标的影响 氯嘧磺隆残留降低敏感作物根系活力及叶片内叶绿素含量,用AU2处理后,可提高根系活力及叶绿素含量。氯嘧磺隆和AU2对作物体内GSH含量及GSTs活性有明显影响。氯嘧磺隆对作物体内GSH及GST活性有一定诱导作用,但随氯嘧磺隆浓度增加,作物体内GSH含量及GSTs活性下降,加入AU2后能提高GSH含量及GST活性,尤其是根部GSTs活性提高明显,这一结果可用来解释,用解毒剂处理后可诱导对氯嘧磺隆有活性的GSTs同工酶的形成,但随着氯嘧磺隆浓度的增加,GSH-AU2/GSH+AU2及GST-AU2/GST+AU2的比值下降,这可能是在氯嘧磺隆高浓度下,AU2解毒效果不好的原因。

【Abstract】 The paper studied the effect of the residue of chlorimuron-ethyl in soil to susceptible crops and the effect of the herbicide safener AU2 on the detoxification of chlorimuron-ethyl by bioassy and field test. The effect of the herbicide safener AU2 and chlorimuron-ethyl on root activity, chlorophyl content, and glutathione (GSH) content and glutathione S-transferases (GSTs) activity in crops were examined.The results of the study as follow:1. The residue of chlorimuron-ethyl in soil and its effect to susceptible crops.The half life of chlorimuron-ethyl was 25 to 30 days. Degradation was fast in priliminary time and slow in afterward time. Cucumber, beet, carrot, rice and maize were susceptive to chlorimuron-ethyl residue in soil. Chlorimuron-ethyl concentration more than 3 u g/kg would injure cucumber, rice, beet and carrot. Chlorimuron-ethyl concentration more than 7 u g/kg would injure maize.2. The effect of AU2 on detoxification chlorimuron-ethyl. Soaking crop seeds with AU2 in 50mg/kg concentration had the best effect to protect susceptible crop from chlorimuron-ethyl injure. AU2 provided complete protection against chlorimuron-ethyl injure to cucumber, rice and relieve the injure to beet and carrot when concentration less than 3 U g/kg. AU2 could relieve the injure to cucumber, rice and relieve the injure to beet and carrot when concentration less than 7 u g/kg.3. The effect of AU2 and chlorimuron-ethyl on crops biochemistry index.AU2 could improve root activity and chlorophyl content in crops. AU2 and chlorimuron-ethyl had effect on glutathione content and glutathione S-transferases activity. The glutathione content and glutathione S-transferases activity was increased and then decreased with the concentration of chlorimuron-ethyl increased. AU2 could hold high glutathione content and glutathione S-transferases activity in crops with the concentration of chlorimuron-ethyl increased.

  • 【分类号】TQ450.2
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】206

