

【作者】 吴华清

【导师】 汪利兵;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 比较教育学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 本文主要由五个部分组成,第一部分是引言,简要概述论文写作的背景、课程的概念和论文的框架。 第二部分讨论英国1862-1926年的国家控制课程,先后有按成绩拨款课程、法典课程,概述了课程的法规,课程的特点,分析了国家控制课程废除的原因,包括财政上的和政治上的原因。 第三部分讨论教师控制的课程,作者把1944年-1976年视为教师控制课程的黄金时期,概述了相关的法律依据,分析形成教师控制课程有六个因素:自由主义思想、社会公正思想、专业主义思想、儿童中心主义思想、当时的政治需要以及教育改革偏重于结构体制等等。把1976年-1988年视为教师控制课程的危机时期,在这一时期,教师对课程的自主权受到削弱。 第四部分论述1988年以后的国家控制课程,阐述1988年教育法对国家课程的规定、国家课程的特点,分析国家课程产生的原因,论述国家课程在20世纪90年代的发展。 第五部分为总结,简要概述英国课程的国家控制和教师控制的更替现象,总结国家控制课程和教师控制课程变更的原因,阐述国家控制课程和教师控制课程各自的优缺点,提出必须建立一个合理灵活动态的课程管理体制。

【Abstract】 The paper is consisting of five sections. The first is introduction in which the context of this paper, the concept of curriculum and the framework are stated.The second deals with the national curriculum( 1062-1926) in England, which includes the ’payment by results’ curriculum (1862-1897) and the codified curriculum (1897-1926), summarizes characteristic of education codes ,and analysis of reasons for abolishment of the curriculum, i.e. Financial and political factors, was followed.The third deals with the teacher’s determination of school curriculum. The author thinks that between 1944 and 1976 as the prosperous period of the teacher’s determination of school curriculum. Six factors contribute to teacher’s determination of school curriculum, i.e. liberalism, social justness thoughts, the idea that teachers are specialists, child-centred thoughts, political needs and focus on reform of educational system. And 1976-1988 is viewed as crisis period of the teacher’s determination of school curriculum, when teachers’ freedom of determining curriculum decreased.The forth deals with the national curriculum after 1988.The author introduces implement of national curriculum, analyses the characteristic of national curriculum and reasons for its emergence, and discusses its development in the 1990s.The fifth is conclusion, which simply summarizes reasons of alteration of curriculum domination between central control and teacher’s determination and then induces the merits and demerits each of them, advances that a rational, flexible and dynamic educational system must be established.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2002年 02期
  • 【分类号】G556.1
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】312

