

【作者】 母顺碧

【导师】 于可红;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 体育人文社会学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 优越的物质生活来源于经济发展,然而,经济发展在给人类带来充裕物质条件的同时,也给人类带来了负面影响,“健康问题”就是其中之一,而人类怎样才能既享受富足的物质生活,又拥有健康的体魄和完备的心理呢?世界各国通过实践和研究已表明,通过“提高体质水平来预防‘健康问题’”是有效的,于是探索青少年儿童身心发展规律以及如何改善青少年儿童体质成为国家关注青少年儿童健康的重点,而且也成为体质研究的热点。浙江省是我国改革开放以来经济发展最快的省份之一,但其间针对全省青少年儿童体质的系统研究却较少,该篇论文就是基于这种背景,通过查阅国内外众多文献资料,并总结其经验和不足,采用数理统计法、问卷调查法和访谈法对浙江省1985—2000年学生体质监测的数据和调查问卷进行了科学而认真的研究。 通过对浙江省1985—2000年7—22岁学生分形态(身高、体重)、机能(肺活量)、素质(50米、立定跳远、立位体前屈、7—12岁斜身引体、往返跑,13—22岁引体向上和男生1000米、女生800米、女生仰卧起坐)三项、12个指标、城男、乡男、城女、乡女4组的快速增长期、减速增长期、第一次长停年龄、“平均值”的最大值、达到最大值的年龄、4次测试的最高值、升降年龄段所占百分比及7—22岁的“岁平均增长值”几项内容进行了比较分析,找出了浙江省学生城男、乡男、城女和乡女4组15年来的体质动态变化规律及其特点,即:在形态和机能项目上,“快速增长期”:女生均提前,男生身高、体重未变,肺活量提前;“减速增长期”:除了乡男肺活量未变,乡女身高、体重、肺活量均有“延长”外,其它各项各组均呈现“缩短”趋势;“第一次长停浙江大学硕士学位论文 浙江省1985—2000年学生体质发展规律及动态研究年龄”和“达最大值的年龄”除了乡女体重、城女肺活量出现“推迟”外,其它各项各组均有“提前”趋势,但素质项目的变化各有特点;同时,发现浙江省学生85年后在身高。体重的岁平均增长速度己经放缓;肺活量则连年下降、部分素质项目也呈现出下降趋势等。与此同时,针对这些规律、特点和问题,提出了相应的建议。

【Abstract】 Superior material life is based on economic development, which , however, at the same time has negative influences on human beings. "Health problem" is one of them. How can human beings not only enjoy abundant material life but also have sound body and mind? It has been proved in practice and research in all countries of the world that it is effective to prevent "health problem" by improving people’s physical constitution. Therefore, it has been a top priority for all countries to pay close attention to children’s health by examining the characteristics of children’s physical and mental development and finding ways to improve children’s physical constitution, which is also a hot point in physique research. Zhejiang is one of the provinces whose economy develops most rapidly since 1978 when China started to put into effect the policies of reform and opening to the outside world. During this period, only a little can be found of research on children’s physical constitution in the Province. On this practical basis and with experiences learned from the literature at home and abroad, a study was done in this paper on students’ physical constitution of Zhejiang province through mathematical statistics, questionnaire and visit.A comparative analysis was made in the study on the constitution of students aging from 7 to 22 between 1985 and 2000 in Zhejiang province in morphological indexes (height and weight), functional index (vital capacity) and athletic performance indexes ( 50-meter sprint, standing long jump, toe-touch, slope pull-up for students of 7-12, shuttle run, pull-up for students of 13-22, 1000-meter running for boy students, 800-meter runningfor girl students and sit-up for girl students). All the students were divided into four groups: they were urban boy students, rural boy students, urban girl students and rural girl students. The characteristics of dynamic changes of physical constitution within the four groups in a period of 15 years were found as follows: during "the rapid growth period" all the girl students are advanced in morphological and functional indexes and the boy students remain unchanged in morphological indexes but advanced in functional index; during "the growth slow-down period" the boy students remain unchanged in vital capacity, the whole slow-down length is prolonged for the rural girl students in height, weight and vital capacity, all the rest indexes show the tendency of shortening in the slow-down length ; at "the first growth-stop age" and "the growth peak age" all the groups are tending to advance in all the indexes except that the index of weight of the rural girl students and the index of vital capacity of urban girl students are postponed and each group has its own characteristics in the indexes of athletic performance, other findings are that since 1985 students of Zhejiang province are slowing down in the average growth rate in morphological development, the vital capacity is getting smaller and smaller and some indexes of athletic performance show a declining tendency. In the light of the above findings the author put forward some constructive suggestions.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2002年 02期
  • 【分类号】G804
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】696

