

Research of Information Management System for Agricultural Mechanization Based on GIS

【作者】 吴春霞

【导师】 何勇;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 农业机械化工程, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 2001年11月,中国结束了长达15年的艰难谈判加入世贸组织。中国加入WTO,农业是受影响最大的行业之一。中国农业将由过去简单双边贸易约束转向多边贸易体制之下的直接面对激烈的国际农产品市场竞争,为此,政府对农业支持政策要作重大调整。作为与农业生产和农村经济发展密不可分的农业机械化,面对农业结构的战略性调整、农产品市场的逐步扩大开放和全球经济一体化的挑战,必须及时调整自己的发展方向、服务领域和工作重点。 要发挥农业机械化在农业现代化建设中的作用,必须加强农机化信息管理。因此,制定相应的标准和评价方法,建立农机化水平评价指标体系,正确认识现阶段农业机械化的发展水平;利用现代化的信息采集和处理技术,健全农机化信息管理和决策支持体系,对于加强农机化宏观调控和微观指导,进一步促进农业机械化和农业现代化的发展,具有十分重要意义。 本论文第一章回顾了农机化发展的历史,分析了农机化水平研究的现状、存在的问题和未来发展趋势,明确了本论文的研究任务,对论文研究内容作了进一步安排。 第二章在介绍了农机化发展水平现有的一种评价方法基础上,详细介绍了粗糙集理论和人工神经网络技术,并在传统的农机化发展水平的评估体系与评估结果的基础上,提出了一种基于粗糙集理论与人工神经网络技术的改进的农机化发展水平评估模型。实践证明,基于粗糙集理论和神经网络的新农机化发展水平评价模型比原有的少了近60%的指标,收集数据方便、评价结果与原有的结果吻合较好,具有良好的应用前景。 第三章首先分析了GIS的发展历史、组成、工作原理和功能,并简要介绍了与GIS相关的一些技术,探讨了GIS对于农业机械化发展的重要意义。针对农业机械化发展和GIS的特点,提出了GIS在农机化信息管理发展中的主要应用领域,并提出了本论文的研究主题。 第四章在详细介绍ESRI的MapObjects编程接口的基础上,探讨了GIS应用于农机化信息管理系统中的技术实现。 第五章在MapObjects开发GIS系统的技术基础上,利用浙江省农机化信息数据完成了基于GIS技术的农业机械化信息管理系统的设计与实现。实践证明,该系统具备了GIS的基本功能,实现了更直观方便的农机化信息管理。 第六章利用浙江省的农机化信息,对基于GIS技术的农机化信息管理系统的应用结果进行分析,初步展示了本论文所研究的信息管理系统的优点。 第七章对当前工作进行总结,主要说明了本文的贡献,针对存在的不足,对系统应用和未来的工作提出了展望。

【Abstract】 In November 2001, China entered into the World Trade Organization (WTO). Even though huge opportunities are expected to emerge from this long-waiting WTO agreement; it brings Chinese economy and people great challenges. We have to keep gross domestic product growing fast enough to provide a cushion against the shocks and dislocations that accession into the WTO may bring. Agriculture is the very Chinese industry that will be affected supremely after the accession, which makes the trading system turned from bilateral trading restriction to the multisided trading system to face directly to the vehement produce competition. So, government will change the agricultural policy. In the face of this change, the agricultural mechanization, which is closed to the development of agricultural product and economy, should change its direction, service fields and keystones in work.The management of agricultural mechanization information should be reinforced to exert the function of agricultural mechanization in the process of agricultural modernization. So, it is necessary to make the interrelated criterion and evaluating method to build an indices frame of agricultural mechanization to evaluate the development level of agricultural mechanization and to accelerate the development of agricultural modernization.In the 1st Chapter of this thesis, the history of agricultural mechanization and its status is reviewed; some problems in it and the development trend are unfolded, which make the task of this thesis clear. And the content of this research is arranged on basis of this introduce.In the 2nd chapter, an existing method valuing the development of agricultural mechanization is introduced, based on which the Rough Set theory and ANN technology are expounded. A new model to evaluate the development of agricultural mechanization based on RS and ANN is put forward in this chapter; and it is proved that the new model has the same effect with the existing method but less indices so that it is easy to get data.In the 3rd chapter, the history, constitutes, principle of GIS and its function is introduced, and some technology GIS related is briefly presented. After discussing the importance of GIS technology to the development of agricultural mechanization, the fields, in which GIS technology could be used, in the management of agricultural mechanization information is put forward, and the subject of this thesis is brought forward.In the 4th chapter, the program interface of the MapObjects of ESRI is introduced in detail, and the method, with which we can apply GIS to an agricultural mechanization information management system, is presented and practised.In the 5th chapter, utilizing the agricultural mechanization data of Zhejiang province, we fulfill an agricultural mechanization information system grounded on GIS technology. It proves the-basic GIS functions of the system and gives a new approach to the management of agricultural mechanization information.In the 6th chapter, we discuss some functions and the outcome of the agricultural mechanization information system to open out its strong points.Finally, the 7th chapter summarizes the main contributes of our work, those work under improvement and the future work we could do to ameliorate the system.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2002年 02期
  • 【分类号】TP399
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】227

