

Study on Plant Landscape Design and the Correlated Factor of the Rest Square in Northeast of China

【作者】 胡海辉

【导师】 卓丽环;

【作者基本信息】 东北林业大学 , 园林植物及观赏园艺, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以东北休闲广场植物造景与相关因子的研究为主题,从广场的生态环境、人的行为心理及广场植物景观效果等角度出发,在对东北地区各城市休闲广场进行实际勘察和现状分析的基础上,针对当前广场建设中存在的一些问题,充分考虑城市整体环境、空间形态、建筑构成及历史、地域、社会生活等因素,运用历史研究及辩证研究的方法,对长春市文化广场、哈尔滨市中心休闲广场、动力区母亲广场等三个休闲广场的植物造景与广场的生态环境、广场中人的行为心理需求及广场整体景观效果等方面进行了研究。 通过大量的调查分析,三个广场中长春市文化广场的植物造景对广场生态环境的调节能力最强,形成的景观效果最好,在很多方面均能满足人们的行为心理需求。哈尔滨市中心休闲广场植物造景在设计、施工及管理上均存在着很大弊端,对广场生态环境、景观效果等方面的作用不很明显,也不能满足人们的一定心理需求。母亲广场注重硬质景观建设,而忽视了植物造景,所用的少量植物只是点缀,在施工和管理上均存在严重的问题,对生态环境、景观效果等方面的作用微乎其微,更谈不上满足人们的心理需求。 研究还表明,在广场建设中,过去人们一直认为植物只是点缀、只是配角及不能在广场绿地建设中谈生态效益等观点是不正确的。通过多项试验充分证明,在休闲广场建设中,植物材料的应用,在改善广场的生态环境、提高整体景观效果、满足人们不同的行为心理需求及提高广场效益等方面所起的作用是广场其他要素无法代替的。但是,也不能把休闲广场建成城市苗圃,必须把握好植物应用的量。

【Abstract】 This paper centers in the research of the plant landscape design and it’s correlated factors of the Northeast Rest Square.On the present problems of the squares,it has reached the plant landscape and the ecological environment,the behaviour psychology of the human beings. The study is based on the on-the-spot survey of Changchun Cultural Square,Harbin Dountown District Area Square and Mother Square in Dongli District by the method of historical and dialectical research. Such factors as the whole environment,architecture constructural component Space shape and history,society is thoroughly taken into consideration.The results indicated that,among the three Squares,the plant landscape of Changchun Cultural Square can regulate the ecological environment best,from the best landscape it can satisfy the people’s behaviour and psychological needs;but the plant landscape of Harbin Downtown Area Rest Square has great drawback in design construction and administration. It doesn’t have much effect on the ecological environment of the square and landscape. Neither can it satisfy people’s psychological needs in a way. For Mother’s Square the construction of cement landscape is paid more attention to,but plants landscape is neglected and the plants used are so few as to be merely for show. There’re serious problems in construction and management too. It plays little role in ecological environment,landscape,let alone the satisfaction of people’s psychological needs.The research also demonstrates that it is a false idea that plants were thought to be merely for show and couldn’t have an effect on the ecological environment in the construction process of the square. A series of experiments proves that the application of the plants materials plays an important role in improving ecological environment increasing the whole landscape effect,satisfying people’s different behaviour and psychological heeds and raising the benefits in the construction process of the square. The whole of which cannot be replaced by other square factors. We should use appropriate quantity of plants instead of building the Rest Square into city nursery.

  • 【分类号】TU985.123
  • 【被引频次】13
  • 【下载频次】775

