

Study on Coverplant Glechoma Hedracea and Viola Yeodensis

【作者】 王杰青

【导师】 张敩方; 祝宁;

【作者基本信息】 东北林业大学 , 园林植物及观赏园艺, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究在对东北林业大学校园内野生草本植物进行调查的基础上,选取连钱草和紫花地丁两种适宜作地被的多年生草本植物,通过三年定位观测,运用实验室分析方法,对其生物学特性、生态学特性、生态效益及景观效果进行了调查研究,结果表明: 1.连钱草在哈尔滨4月初返青,花期4月底—6月中旬,10月中旬枯黄。紫花地丁在哈市4月中旬返青,9月中旬枯黄,花期5月初—6月底。二者绿期都很长,观赏效果好。 2.春季连钱草与紫花地丁的生物量配比均以根部为最高分别为36.76%和57.73%随后连钱草根部生物量配比继续增长。于夏季达最大值47.86%后急剧减少。紫花地丁根部生物量配比在夏秋季期间持续下降。也于秋季降到最低(19.15%)。 3.二种植物春季花期几种营养元素的含量均以花中的浓度最高,夏秋季节叶中浓度最高。元素吸收量的季节动态基本与生物量的季节动态趋势相同。即随着物候期的进程。生物量和营养元素吸收量均逐渐增加。 4.连钱草和紫花地丁对有效光能辐射和利用范围较宽,既可在全光下生长,也具有极强的耐阴能力。 5.连钱草和紫花地丁都有具有校强的耐旱能力。二者相比,连钱草的耐旱能力较强。 6 全光下海平方米连钱草地被释氧量48.8563,日吸热量为20505.7KJ。每周滞尘量1.06g;每平方米紫花地丁地被日释氧量37.646g。日吸热量为18748.75kj每周滞尘量为6.49g。对周围环境具有一定的改善能力。 7.连钱草5月开花,花呈淡蓝紫色,花后匍地生长,可作为绿色的地毯背景。紫花地丁花期较长。蓝紫色小花淡雅可爱,可点缀于细叶草坪或地被上作为缀花地被。 本研究对连钱草和紫花地丁进行了较系统全面的研究。为地被植物的研究提供了框架。

【Abstract】 On the basis of the reseach of wild herb plants on the campus of North East Foresty University,this paper select Glechoma hedracea and Viola yeodensis and studied their biology characteristics,ecology habits.ecology benefits and landscape effects by means of fixed position observation and laboratory analys ways.The results are as follows:l.G.hedracea turns green in Apr. in Haerbin,.It’s florescence is in late Apr. to the middle of June,and it becomes withered and yellow in the midlle of Oct.. V.yeodensis turns green in middle of Apr.,It’s florescence is in early May to middle of June and it becomes withered and yellow in the middle Sep.Both two have long green period and good ornerment effect.2.In the spring ,the root biomass assignment is the highest in both two species,and the value are 36.76% and 57.73% respecially.after which.it is keep on increase. It reaches the highest value 47.86% in summer,then it reduced extremely. However the root biomass in V. yeodensis is continue to reduce and reches its lowest value(19.15%) in Autum.3.1n florescence,the nurtrient elements content in the flower is the highest in two species.and it in the leaves is the highest in other two seasons. The nurtrients’s chang trends with seasons is similar to the biomass.4. They can make the full of effective light energy reflection. They can grow not only in the sun but also in the shade.5. G.hedracea and V.yeodensis both have good drought-enduring capability,but the capability of G.hedracea is better.6.1n the sun Glechoma hedracea can release oxygen 48.856g mV,and absorbed caloric 20505.7KJ m-2d-1. It can hold up dust l.068g every weeks.V. yeodensis can release oxygen37.646 g m-2d-1 ,and absorbed caloric 18748.75KJ m-2 d-1 . It can hold up dust 6.49g every weeks.They have the ability to improve the quality of environment.T.G.hedracea blooms in May.The flower is light blue. It grows covering the ground after blooming which can be the background of the green rug. V.yeodensis has a longer florescence. The flower is lovely,which can be distributed on the lawn or plant-cover with narrow leaves.This paper study systemly on this two species which afford the frame of the study on cove plants.

  • 【分类号】S688.4
  • 【被引频次】20
  • 【下载频次】659

