

Study on the Mapping of Cutting Area Division on the Basis of IC Card Techniques

【作者】 曾其良

【导师】 许恒勤; 朱玉杰;

【作者基本信息】 东北林业大学 , 森林工程, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 木材是对环境最友好的可再生资源,我国是一个林木产品消耗量巨人的国家,所需的人部分木材不得不依赖于我国自身的生产;但另一方面,我国用材林面积和单位面积上森林蓄积量都在锐减,这就在客观上增加了伐区区划和主伐调查设计的劳动量和劳动强度。现阶段,我国的伐区设计测量及主伐调查设计图主要采用手工记录并手工成图的作业手段,导致工人劳动量大,效率较低。本文以伐区区划的外业和内业技术上的创新为着眼点,应用IC卡技术其目的是提高伐区区划和主伐调设计的效率,减少工人的劳动强度,这是技术上的创新,也会带来较人的经济效益和社会效益。 IC卡技术应用于伐区区划调查设计,就是在伐区区划和现场踏查时,踏查人员手持IC卡读写器,将喊号的数据存入IC卡中,将IC卡内存储的伐区区划数据通过通信接口读入到主机中,主机中已经设计好了伐区主伐调查设计成图系统,它可以将得到的数据进行自动成图,我们便可以很快地得到伐区区划的边界图。利用此图的数据,我们还可以建立主伐设计图,以及查询其它相关的信息。 伐区区划成图的数字化是形成GIS的基础,本文以IC卡技术为基础,以计算机几何图形生成的原理和算法为理论指导,从伐区区划成图系统的有关方面,包括外业数据采集和记录,及内业基本图形生成的原理利算法进行了论述,接着采用Dais52.196P仿真编程器进行数据的存储及转换,在计算机中利用HVB6.0开发的主伐凋齐设计成图系统白动生成凋查没计平面图,给出了成图系统部分功能实现的方法。由于IC卡应用于伐区区划中是较先进的智能技术上和应用于作业方式较传统的林业生产领域,这本身就是一种技术上的创新,同时也是一种严峻的挑战,有一些问题还需要进一步的研究。

【Abstract】 Timber is the most friendly rebirth-able resource to the global environment,there are vast wastages of forest products,and most of them have to depend on our national yield. On the other hand,the area of usable forest and the volume of standing timber in one unit area are descending sharply in our country,which aggravates the labor intensify impersonally. Now the survey and design of cutting area and harvest cutting are mainly depend on handwork,which lead to increase of the labor intensify and the behindhand of the efficiency of the labor. In order to resolve this problem,this paper applies the IC card techniques in the survey and design of cutting area,which maybe brings about the great economical and social profits.When the explorers survey the cutting area with the IC card techniques,they should input the measuring data into the read-writer device of IC card,then transplant the data into computer which has the program of the mapping system from the data bus,by the virtue of this system we can get the map of cutting area easily,and we also can get other relative information from the map.The digitization of the mapping of the cutting area is the basis of the GIS. This study is based on the IC card techniques,and under the guidance of the principle and the arithmetic geometrical graphics,discusses the relative things of cutting area,such as the data collection and record of the outer field,including the generation of the cutting area maps. And then exchange and store up the data in Dais-52.196P in-circuit emulator programmer,in the end output or printer the target map. This paper also discusses the method of some functions that deal with the maps,such as zoom out or zoom in the picture,and print the map.The application of the IC card techniques in the cutting area maybe the first time in our country according to some data,which will be a major challenge as well as an opportunity,and there are still some problems will be resolved.

  • 【分类号】S757.4
  • 【下载频次】38

