

The Spatial Attribute Classification of the Earth’s Surface and Analysis of Typical Ecotone on the South of NSTEC

【作者】 孙龙

【导师】 国庆喜; 范文义;

【作者基本信息】 东北林业大学 , 生态学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 本论文利用1995-1996年NOAA气象卫星的NDVI(1km×1km)数据,采用无监督分类方法对中国东部样带南方部分进行植被类型的划分,分析各植被类型的NDVI变化情况;并利用较高精度的TM数据分析典型交错区域(暖温带到亚热带的秦岭林区)的森林动态变化情况。 应用地理信息系统技术处理1995-1996年1kmNDVI数据,将南方样带划分为35类,分三组绘制35类植被的NDVI季节变化曲线,得出气象卫星NDVI是反映植被生长状况的敏感指示器,NDVI时间序列曲线真实地刻画出植被的生长规律;经分析得知森林NDVI曲线一般为单峰曲线,而农田灌丛多为双峰曲线;森林NDVI峰值一般高于草原、农田等其它类型。利用NDVI数据分析主要过渡区域森林变化情况,结果热带雨林NDVI变化率最小,最平稳;暖温带落叶阔叶林变化率最大。利用从同一经度的不同森林类型NDVI值分析,沿纬度方向NDVI变化可得出,NDVI在冬春季变化最明显(尤其是在4月份最大),而在夏季和秋季变化不明显。利用NDVI均值进行分析,从暖温带到亚热带到热带的变化情况发现,从暖温带到亚热带NDVI指数形成明显的阶跃,而其它区域没有太大的变化,同时对几种典型的针叶林曲线分析可知其年初的凹值源自于我国东部季风的影响。利用NDVI数据分析其与月均温度与降水的相关性得出与温度相关性较为显著,而与降水相关性不显著或无相关性。 最后应用遥感技术分析1987年和1997年两个时相的TM数据,分析秦岭交错区的森林动态变化得出。变化最小的类型为河流,变化最大的为黄土区域,1997年的黄土区面积比1987年减少103271.9公顷,比原来减少82.15%。黄土区面积的减少主要因为政府和人民保护森林意识的增强,并且加强植树造林而使森林覆盖率大幅度提高的结果。果园经济林区(增加)、农田(减少)、缄区(增加)的变化与经济发展密切相关。栎类萌生林比1987年减少了69754公顷,比原来减少了28.16%,主要原因是人为破坏。阔叶混交林的增加和针叶林的减少主要受气候变化和人为破坏的共同影响。

【Abstract】 The vegetation type was classified in the East Transect by unsupervised classification using the data( IkmX 1km) from NOAA meteorology satellite from 1995-1996,and the article analyzed the change of NDVI of all kinds of vegetation types,in the same time analyzed the forest dynamics in typical ecotone (warm temperate zone to semitropical in Qinling woods) using the higher spatial resolution TM data.The East Transect was classified thirty five vegetation types using NDVI data from 1995-1996 by GIS technique. The paper concludes that the NDVI from meteorological satellite is sensitive indicator of vegetation growing condition,times series curves of NDVI can truly curve vegetation growing principle by drawing the seasonal change curve of NDVI data by three groups. The paper also concludes that the forest’s NDVI curve is commonly single apex,while farmland’s or shrub’s curve is mostly double apex,the peak value of forest’s NDVI is commonly higher than grassland,farmland and some other vegetation types. The paper concludes that the changing rate of NDVI of rain forest in tropic is the smallest,the changing curve is smooth ,while the changing rate of NDVI of the deciduous broad leaf forest in warm-temperate zone is the largest The change of NDVI is the most conspicuous in winter and spring (especially in April) while is not conspicuous in summer and autumn by analyzing the change of NDVI along latitude using the NDVI value of different vegetation types along the same longitude .The vegetation index from warm temperate zone to semitropical zone has obvious transition,while other areas have no distinct change by analyzing the change of NDVI from temperate zone to semitropical zone to tropical zone using NDVI averageJn the same time it is concluded that the sink value in the beginning of the year 1995 is from the influence of the monsoon in east of China by analyzing the NDVI curve of several typical needle leaf forests.The relation between NDVI value and temperature is conspicuous while the relation of precipitation is less or not by analyzing the relation between NDVI and temperature and precipitationFinally it can get the conclusion that the change of river area is the smallest,the change of sienna area is the greatest by analyzing two phases of TM data in 1987 and 1997 with RS technic. The area of sienna in 1997 decreased 103271.9 hectares than that in 1987,decreased 82.15% than before. The main causes are the enhancement of government’s and people’s protection consciousness on forests and enhance the coverage of the forest by strengthen planting. The change of economy forest,farmland and city area is tensely related with economy development. The area of sclerophyllous oaks Sprout Forest decreased 69754 hectares than that in 1987,decreased 28.16% than before. The main cause is destroyed by mankind,the increase in broad-leaf mixed forest and the decrease in needle leaf forest is from the climate change and devastation of mankind.

  • 【分类号】Q948
  • 【下载频次】109

