

Study and Application of Genetic Algorithms on Two-dimensional Cutting Stock

【作者】 孙杰

【导师】 曹军; 岳琪;

【作者基本信息】 东北林业大学 , 控制理论与控制工程, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 本课题对目前制造业生产工艺中存在的下料问题,尤其是板式家具的优化排料问题,进行了深入地分析和研究,将实数型遗传算法作为核心算法,引入到系统设计中,提出了解决板材下料的一套实用算法,结合计算机编程,实现了二维板材家具优化下料的自动优化排料系统。遗传算法完全克服了传统优化算法易于陷入局部最优解的的缺陷,它通过染色体的基因突变跳出局部最优解,因而最终收敛到全局最优解。 本课题模拟企业的生产环境,通过简单、友好、方便的人机界面,迅速成利用率高的下料图。它实现了:十几种零件同时参加排料;实现有纹理、无纹理同时排料;能满足规定的零件之间的配套要求,不产生余料,从而提高其生产率,降低生产成本,获得最大的生产效益。最终的排料图符合生产工艺的需要,直观、清晰和详细,可实现打印和浏览功能。 通过对佳木斯万历木业集团下料车间原始数据的排料,结果证明,在提高利用率和减少设计时间上,本软件均有显著效果。它不仅适用于矩形优化下料,还可以应用到其它类型的排料,如钢板、玻璃、皮革等类型的切割排样。

【Abstract】 The subject focus on the issues about how to optimize the usage of material for manufacturing,especially on wood plate,the core arithmetic of the system is algorism Genetic algorithms Using the computer technology,the system is developed to realize the algorithms,which can optimize layout of two-dimensional cutting stock automatically The Genetic algorithms overcome shortcomings of some traditional optimization,which can only get the local optimal solutions. The algorithms step out from local optimization to get the global optimization through the gene mutation of chromosome.The system can create the charts rapidly,which describe how to split a plate material in optimum way according to the requirements of manufacturing,The user interface is easy and friendly The system can schedule more than ten product parts at the same time and take the vein of wood into consideration o The system can reduce the waste of material,thus improve the utility of material and reduce the production cost as well As a result,the charts meet the requirement from production the chart is easy,clear and in particular The charts can be browsed and printed.The system is used in plant of JiaMuSi wood group,the result proved that:the system has the evidently effect on improving usage of material and reduce the time on calculation It can be not only used for the rectangle material but also for other style of materials such as armor plate glass and leather

  • 【分类号】TP18
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】492

