

Stady and treatment of Streath on He-Yi Road

【作者】 张力滨

【导师】 张印阁; 贾艳敏;

【作者基本信息】 东北林业大学 , 道路与铁道工程, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 鹤岗至嫩江公路鹤岗至伊春段工程建设已经完成,小兴安岭地区又建成了一条高等级路面的山区公路。该条公路在建设中遇到了诸多复杂的工程问题,针对一系列不良地质水文情况,复杂的地质构造,恶劣的山区筑路环境,公路建设者进行了大胆的尝试。 鹤伊公路是省道鹤嫩公路S303线的起点段,是我省“OK”型主骨架公路的重要组成部分。起点于鹤大公路鹤佳段零公里附近,终点位于伊春市火车站前,全长153.781km,其中主线长141.145km,支线长12.636km。通过路线复测和详细调查了解到,地质不良路段多、里程长,全线共39.78公里,占全线总长的28.2%,且大部分处于新线。路线最大填高达33.6m,最大挖深32.2m,工程量大,技术复杂,施工难度堪称全省公路建设之最。所经地区的地表多为较厚的腐殖土或落叶覆盖层,其保温性良好,下层0.5—4.0米多为风化沙砾、碎石土和砾石土,,4.0米以下为风化岩石。由于沿线地处山岭重丘地区,地势起伏较大,坡积物及洪积层分布较多。故岛状多年冻土、涎流冰等病害较多,影响路基的稳定。 路线所经地带地面主要为地表水和径流,地下水主要以潜水和上层滞水为主,河床较明显,河滩覆盖中砂、砾石等。地势低洼地带地表常年积水,影响路基稳定。 论文中着重分析了地质不良地基的处理方法,探讨和解决了以下三方面问题: 一、软土地基的处治及施工方法; 二、高填方路基的下沉与处理方法; 三、鹤伊公路地质不良路段地基的处理方法。

【Abstract】 The construction on Hegang-Nenjiang Road and Hegang-Yichun Road section has been accomplished and a mountainous road of high grade pave has been built again In Xiao Xing An Ling region, there were a great deal of complex questions during building. The builder bravely made an attempt to a series of unfavorable geological feature, complex geologic structure, and bad mountainous working region.He-Yi Road is the starting point section of He-Nen Road s303 in province highway and the important component of main skeleton of type "OK" .The starting point locates near zero-kilometre road section and the end point is in front of the railway station inYichun .The whole length is 153.781km long, the main trunk highway is 141.145km,the branch line is 12.636km. After secondly testing and investigating carefully, it indicates that there are a lot of unfavorable geological road section and a long distance is about 39.78km, is 28.2% of the whole road .It is worth mentioning that most parts of the road is in new road .The max depth of filling is 33.6m and the max depth of cutting is 32.2m; the great quantity of engineering, the difficulty of the technology, and the complexion of the construction are highest in all of province roads. The earth surface of the region across it is mostly thicker humus soil or leaf falling covering layer , and has good heat reserving property, it is mostly weathering shingle , soil-aggregate mixture, and clay-gravel 0.5m-4.0m under it, and weathering rock. Because the road line is in mountainous region and heavy hilly area and its surface relief undulates greatly, more slope wash and dilurial layer distribution, there are more harm, for example , island shaped perennially frozen soil, drift ice and so on, which effect the stability of the road foundation.The region and the earth surface across this road are mainly water above ground and run-off and the ground water is mostly made up of groundwater and perched water; the river bed is more obvious; the overbank is covered by medium sand and gravel ect. The earth surface of the surface relief low-lying region has been stagnating water all through the year, that effects the stability of the road foundation.Through mainly analyzing the treatment of unfavorable geological foundation ,this article discusses and settles three questions as followed:l.The treatment and construction methods of soft-soil foundation.2.The treatment and settlement of high-fill construction foundation.3.The treatment of unfavorable geological road sectional foundation on He-Yi Road.

  • 【分类号】U416
  • 【下载频次】141

