

Study on the Migration Bird of Forest in the West and the Intermediate Section of Heilongjiang Province

【作者】 郭玉民

【导师】 马建章;

【作者基本信息】 东北林业大学 , 野生动植物保护与利用, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 本文通过对黑龙江省西部高峰鸟站(49°06′N,125°15′E)和中部帽儿山鸟站(45°25′N,127°34′E)两个环志站的环志数据的整理和总结,对两地的林栖鸟类迁徙的特点进行了分析。工作时间为每年春季在2月末到5月末、秋季从8月末到11月末鸟类迁徙期。每年工作时间约6个月。本文以新近的2001年的数据作重点进行分析。当年其环忐了142种、61443只。实验结果如下: (1)环志的非雀形目种类中雀鹰(Accipiter nisus)和松雀鹰(A.virgatus)在西部远多于中部,这与两地的开阔程度和植被密度相关。在西部同于在捕食上的竞争,春季雀鹰比松雀鹰早到30天。当松雀鹰迁到时雀鹰迁徙已近结束。秋季由于食物远比春季丰富,雀鹰和松雀鹰则同期出现。可见食物直接影响它们的迁徙时间和次序。 (2)蓝尾鸲(rarsiger cyanurus)在所有的鸲类中数量最多,但回收个体极少,说明其种群基数较大且平均寿命较短。此外,原地回收率也较低,这可能与蓝尾鸲不在环志地繁殖有关。 (3)柳莺属(Phylloscopus sp.)鸟类迁到时间较晚、迁离时间较早,这恰与当地的植物物候期和气温等因素一致。归根结底还是纬度不同造成的。 (4)鹀亚科的鸟类是迁徙鸟类中最多的类群。两地在鹀亚科鸟类构成上大体相似,但数量上差异极大。在中部以黄喉鹀(Emberiza elegans)、灰头鹀(E.spodocephnla)和白眉鹀(E.tristrami)为主。西部则以小鹀(E.pusilla)、栗鹀(E.rutila)和黄眉鹀(E.chrysophrys)为主。产生差异的主要原因是它们的繁殖地、越冬地有差异,从而导致迁徙路线的差异。田鹀(E.rustica)在两地都较多。栗耳鹀(E.fucata)、三道眉草鹀(E.cioides)以及白头鹀(E.leucocephala)在两地都比较少见。此外,环志地点的生境不同也是导致这种差异的原因之一。 (5)两地物候期的差异一般在3-15天左右。早春和晚秋差异大,晚春和早秋差异小。 (6)通过实验数据和相关资料的总结,提出关于迁徙鸟类的两个假说“屏障回避假说”和“栖址优选假说” (7)在2000-2002年的环志过程中,在西部的高峰鸟站获得红腹红尾鸲(Phoenicurus ervthrogaster)、褐岩鹨(Prunella fulvescens)、极北朱顶雀(Carduelis hornemanni)、黄鹀(Emheriza citrinella)和栗头鹟莺(Soicercus castaniceps)等5种黑龙江省鸟类新分布种。此外尚有一种鹨和一种伯劳正在鉴定之中。这些新分布多为蒙新区物种,而高峰鸟站恰处于东北区靠近蒙新区的边缘。这里可能还将发现区系上更多的渗透。

【Abstract】 Utilizing the data of Gaogeng station (49?06 ’ N, 125?15 ’ E) in the west of Heilongjiang province and Maoer shan(45?25’N, 127?34’E) station in the intermediate section of Heilongjiang province, we researched the characteristic of migration bird of forest, fe work in spring (the end of February till the end of May) and autumn (the end of August till the end of November), fe work about 6 month every year, fe banded 61443 birds of 142 species in 2001. Most of them are the migratory bird of forest. The 昦jor data came froi last year (2001). The results were presented as follow:(1) AccipiternisusanA A. rirgatasare much tore in the west of Hei longjiang province than in the intermediate section of Heilongjiang province, fe would give reason for this. The west of Heilongjiang province is more level than the intermediate section of Heilongjiang province and there are more field than it. In spring, as hunt competition, Accipiter nisus come more early about 30 days than A. virgatus, in the west. In autumn, Accipiter m’sus and A. virgatus arrive at the same section almost at the same time. Because of there is enough food for them, in this season.(2) Tarsiger cyamras is the most of migratory bird of forest. But few of them were reclaimed. One of reason, the population of Tarsiger cynnuras is very large. Another reason, they average life is shorter.(3) Phylloscopussp. Come later and leave earlier, it has bearing on phenologic dates of plant and native climatic factor.(4) Buntings are the biggest monoid of migratory bird. In the two sections, the composition of the buntings are alike. But the quantity of every species are different. In the intermediate section Eiberiza elegans , E.spodocephalawA E. tristrati are much more. In the west, E.pasilla* Erutf/aund ?chrysophrys are the major species. It is leaded by the different of their multplying section and hibernaculum. Efucata* E.cioides and E. leucocephalasre all less in the two sections.(5) In the west of Heilongjiang province the phenologic dates is later about 3-15 days than in the intermediate section of Heilongjiang province. The difference is clear in early spring and late autumn. It is less in late spring and early autumn.(6) After working we pose two hypothesis of migrate: one is "firewall avoid hypothesis", another is "habitat optimization hypothesis".(7) fe have discovered Phoenicurus crythrogaster, Prunella fulvescen.<;, Carduelis horneianni* Etberiza citrine]la and Seiccrcus castaniceps. They are all new distribution in Heilongjiang province. They were all recorded in the west of Heilongjiang province.

  • 【分类号】Q958
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】441

