

Design and Investigation on Contactless IC Card System

【作者】 沈广鸿

【导师】 吴先良;

【作者基本信息】 安徽大学 , 电磁场与微波技术, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 随着IC卡技术的发展,感应式非接触IC卡出现了。近年来,人们已经成功地将非接触IC卡应用到高速公路收费管理,公交收费,自动门禁管理,物流管理中。本论文研究非接触IC卡原理,设计读写器具,提供系统方案,主要进行了以下几个方面的工作: 首先,通过分析非接触IC卡感应电源天线近区场和电磁感应原理工作原理,建立了非接触IC卡感应电源的等效电路模型,用EWB软件进行了电路仿真,与实际测试结果比较,证明了建立的感应电源电路模型是正确的。 第二,在分析非接触IC卡读写器功能的基础上,设计基于时间片算法的非接触IC卡控制器软件流程图和读写器硬件电路以及非接触IC卡读卡器的天线。并将设计的非接触IC卡读卡器的天线实际应用,结果表明,设计的天线有效提高了非接触IC卡的作用范围。 第三,在系统软件设计中采用CRC校验码检错、出错重发相结合的方法确保非接触IC卡与读写器串行通讯可靠。这样既控制了误码率也保证了较高的通讯效率,实现读卡器与计算机的完整数据通信。并从实际应用出发,设计了利用计算机和多台读卡器终端组成主从局域网的应用方案。 最后,从安全通信的角度考虑,提出将混沌数字序列应用于读卡器系统的数据保密通信中去,并设计了实现模型,进行了计算机保密通信模拟仿真。此外,对非接触IC卡的发展趋势进行了初步探讨。

【Abstract】 In receat years, with the developmellt of IC card technology, contactless IC cardlaPpeared and has been aPPlied to highWay charge and management, public ndc feecollection, automatic gate mangemen and material flow managemeni. In this thesis, theStruCtUr Principle tal the systeIn project of coodess IC card were investigated and thereader was also designed. The main researches are as follows:. Firstly, an equvalent circuit model of the indution power sapply of contatless IC cardwas presented by anaiyzing its work princiPle. CirCuit simulation wtth EWB software wasalso done, and the simulation results are agreement with the experimenal results. It is shownthat our presented circuit model was correct.Secondly, on the basis of analghng the fhahon of PCD reader of contactless IC card,the softwar flow chat of cothetless IC card controller based on chip-thoing algorithIn andthe hardwar circuit and anenna of the reader were designed. Then the designed PCD readerand wtnna were aPPlied to the real system. It is shown that the detCctive scope ofcontactless IC card was boroved.thedly, the method of cyclic redUndancy check (CRC) in system softwar design wasused to ensure the serial conununication reliability betWen contactless IC card and reader.This method can also control the presented bit ermr rate, ensure a higher conununicationefficiency and obtain the correct data comInunication betWeen the reader and the hostcomputer. Based on the act’Ual aPplication, an aPplication project of hosts1ave local netWorkwas also designed, Which is comPosed of the host computer and several readers.Finally, chaotic digital sequences were aPplied to secrecy comrnunication among ICcard system. The system model was designed and a simulation analysis for the secrecycoInInunication with computer was also given. The development trCnds of contactless of ICcard were Primary discussed.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 安徽大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2002年 02期
  • 【分类号】TN409
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】904

