

Compare Research of Trademark Infringement

【作者】 蒋敏

【导师】 李平;

【作者基本信息】 四川大学 , 法律, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 本文主要研讨商标法律保护中的核心问题,即商标侵权的理论问题,从论析商标侵权理论中最基本的概念即“商标权”、“商标所有权”、“商标专用权”着手,分析商标的权属理论,肯定我国现行商标法采用“商标专用权”的合理性,将商标侵权的客体界定为侵犯商标注册人的使用权和独占许可人的使用权,继而将商标侵权行为判断标准的客观要件概括为:在相同或类似的商品或服务上,使用相同或近似的标记,有造成混淆或混淆的可能;商标侵权行为判断标准的主观要件概括为:明知或应知。同时,根据上述主客观方面要件的不同组合,区分直接类或使用类侵权以及间接类或销售类侵权,提出根据销售类侵权者主观意图的不同排除部分法律责任外,建议对使用类侵权者亦宜参考其主观意图的不同,承担不同的侵权责任,以体现法律的公平合理。最后,对商标侵权的几种除外规定或抗辩事由,包括善意或合理使用、权利穷竭与平行进口、在先权利;对商标侵权的几个特殊问题,包括淡化行为、驰名商标、反向假冒以及商标侵权的关联问题即链接标志和域名分加别进行讨论,以便从不同侧面廓清商标侵权问题。

【Abstract】 This paper is discussed with the core problem in legal protection of trademark. It is the theory of trademark infringement. First,the paper is deliberated on the ownership theory from the basic concept of trademark infruigement-the rights of trademark;the proprietary rights of trademark;the exclusive rights to use trademark. Author confirms the reasonable of the trademark law adopting the term of exclusive rights to use trademark. And give the object of trademark infringement a definition with infringing the rights of trademark registrant or exclusive licensee. Then, author propose that objective standard of establishing infringement may be summarized as follows: To use a trademark in respect of the same or similar goods or service; To use a mark that is identical with or similar to infringee; Creating a confusion or a likelihood confusion. And the subjective standard may be summarized as know or should know. Meantime, author considers that according to the above objective and subjective standard and the infringement could be divided into the direct infringement (use infringement), the indirect infringement ( sale infringement). With a view to declare the fair and reasonable of law, author suggests that indirect infringer could undertake different liability according to his subjective intention as the direct infringer. At last, for the convenience of examine the trademark infringement from different direction, the paper includes some special problem of trademark infringement: the goodwill or fair use; the right exhaustion and parallel import; the prior rights; the practices of dilution; the well-known trademarks; the reverse passing-off;the link mark and domain name.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 四川大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2002年 02期
  • 【分类号】D913
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】387

