

Data Communication System Design and Realization in Distributed Control System

【作者】 李延

【导师】 胡纫兰;

【作者基本信息】 四川大学 , 核技术及应用, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 本文结合成都火车东站制冰厂集散控制系统项目的开发,设计了集散控制系统的数据传输部分,实现了数据在无线数据网、控制局域网和互连网间的传输,即通过无线控制子系统,实现数据在无线数据网和控制局域网之间的传输,完成分布式的数据采集;通过远程维护子系统,实现数据在控制局域网和互连网间的传输,完成远程的维护功能。 本文简介了集散控制系统的体系结构和数掘传输理论,给出了数据传输系统的硬件电路图和软件流程,详细的论述了数据传输系统的软件实现技术,并对系统的抗干扰性、实时性、可靠性等性能进行了着重论述,最后给出了系统的测试结果。 结合设计的特点,本文提出的一种能跨越多种异构网络的复合型分布式DCS系统,实现了广地域,多作业点的控制现场的分布式数据采集和远程维护,此系统可应用到多种工业控制现场,具有一定的实用价值。

【Abstract】 This paper discuss the design and realization of a data communication system in the DCS project of ice manufacture of ChengDu east railway station , which can transmit the date among the wireless network % control network and Internet .It is made up of two parts - wireless control subsystem and long-distance maintenance subsystem, the function of the wireless control subsystem is to transmit data between wireless network and control network, while the long distance maintenance system make the communication possible between control network and Internet.In this paper, the structure of DCS and the theory of data communication are introduced firstly, then the circuit diagram of hardware and software flow chart are given, and the realization technology of data communication system is described in detail, at last ,the performance of system is well discussed .At end of paper, a complex DCS which can connect different structure networks is referred, it can realize the distributed data collection function and long-distance maintenance function in a automation system which has wide area and lot of working- points.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 四川大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2002年 02期
  • 【分类号】TP273.5
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】164

