

The Study of Corporate Manager Legal System

【作者】 王晓媛

【导师】 李平;

【作者基本信息】 四川大学 , 民商法学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 现代企业制度将经理推上了企业的核心位置,经理问题成为现代公司制度运行中的重大问题,公司治理从某种意义上看就是对公司经理行为进行监督和控制的制衡机制,公司经理法律制度成为商法理论中的一个重要研究领域。在我国有关公司经理法律问题的研究没有得到应有的重视甚至受到一般性的忽略。理论准备的不充分必然导致经理法律制度的不健全,我国立法安排本身的空白和缺陷加剧了制度安排与实际经济运行存在的冲突,经理问题更显突出。研究公司经理法律制度对完善公司治理以及公司法律制度有重要而深刻的理论意义和实践意义。 基于经理的代理人身份和公司商人特性,本文对公司自治规范与强行规范整合问题、多元法律关系下经理的法律地位问题等作了探讨,并提出建立以经理的商事登记制度、权利义务体系、越权效力规则等为主要内容的公司经理商事法律制度。本文综合运用多种研究方法力图使论文更深入和全面:用相关经济学理论和方法及经济分析法学的观点厘清公司经理法律制度的法理基础;用价值分析的方法明确公司经理法律制度的取向;将实证研究的结论作为经理制度具体内容构建的参考;用比较分析的方法对经理制度作横向的研究,并梳理、归纳了关于经理制度立法和理论的大量资料。 本文共分四章,约5万字。 第一章为构建公司经理法律制度的基本理论,它是这一制度的理论基石。本文以相关经济学理论为切入点,明确现代公司多为伯利—米恩斯模式,并以经济学上的人性假设理论和代理理论为基点,推导出在经理问题上必须以合理的权力制衡机制对抗潜在的权力滥用,从法律角度论述了公司经理制度的法理基础,即口答公司为什么需要经理以及需要什么样的经理这两个问题。随后,本文阐释了公司经理法律制度的法理念,指出关于公司治理的两种理论陀代理理论与合同理论)对立的焦点集中在对公司法性质的不同认识。具体到到经理制度,公司法对有限公司的经理制度应以任意性规范为基调,以强行法规范为例外;对股份公司原则上则以强行法为主。最后,本文分析了公司经理具体规制中内蕴的法的基本价值即安全和效率。 第二章为公司经理法律地位辨析,它是设计经理法律制度具体规则的基础。本文首先对经理的法概念进行了比较,并进一步分析了不同立法例下所反映的价值取向上的不同。其后,对各国公司立法如何设置经理及经理权力来源进行了比较,以分析是法律强制还是商人自治。随后,探讨了经理在公司内部构造中的坐标,即分别分析了经理与公司、董事会、董事长、监事会的关系。最后,在多元法律关系中考察经理地位,即以公司机构、公司代表、公司雇员等身份分析经理地位。 第三章是公司经理法律规范的比较研究,是以比较法研究的方法对各国经理具体规制进行梳理并加以分析。 第四章是对重构我国公司经理法律制度的设想。本文首先提出了重构的原则和方法,主张以法益平衡原则进行规制,并以法律规范与契约安排相结合的方法予以重构。随后,就经理登记制度、经理权授予方式、经理权利范围、越权行为效力、权利行使方式等经理行为规范体系的完善提出了建议。最后,分别就我国公司经理忠诚义务的立法完善、经理注意义务立法空白的填补以及经理责任的重构提出了自己的主张。

【Abstract】 Modern enterprises system promotes the manager to a core post in a normal corporation,then manager problem has become the most extrusive problem in practical operation of the modern corporation’s regulation gradually. Corporate governance is somewhat a checks and balances system to supervise and control all the regular behaviors of the corporation managers,and the corporation manager legal system has become an important field in the theory study of business law. In our country,the study of the corporation manager legal system has not been put to a crucial position,and even been neglected with a normal treatment. Such insufficiency of theory preparation will induce an incomplete manager legal system definitely,in addition to the absence and faultiness of our legislative arrangement accelerate the conflict between the system arrangement and the real economic circulation,which makes the manager problem stand out. So,the study on the corporate manager legal system has the profound theoretical and practical significance to improve corporate governance and corporation legal system.On basis of the agent status and the corporation merchant’s characters possessed by corporate managers,several problems among the corporation self-discipline regulation,compulsory norm conformity and the manager’s legal reputation which are under the multi legal relationships,have been discussed in this thesis,moreover the imagination of establishing corporation manager business legal system which consists of managerial commercial registration system,right and duty system,and ultra vires act effective regulation has also been presented. There are lots of study methods being used in this thesis,in order to make the argumentationof this thesis deeper and broader. To clarify the basis of legal theory on corporate manager legal system,this thesis uses correlative economic theories and methods and also the opinion of economic analysis jurisprudence. This thesis uses value analysis method to defmitude the trend of corporate manager,and takes the conclusion of positive study as the reference of constructing the concrete content of corporate manager system. This thesis also uses the comparative analysis method to study the corporate manager system in landscape orientation.There are four chapters in this thesis,and about 50 thousand words.Chapter OneIn Chapter One,thesis tries to set up a theoretical basis of constructing manager legal system. With the assumption of Berk-Means model being used in most modem companies and two economics theories,Humanity hypothesis and Agency theory,this thesis deduced that the potential abuse of manager’s power must be limited and inhibited by a power-balanced system through a rational way. And then this chapter has disserted the legal theory basis of manager system from legal aspect,that is,applying the answer to why the manager post is necessary for a company and what kind of manager is available. In concern with the manager system,Arbitrarily elective norm should be the fundament and Peremptory norm should be the exception to the limited company,but compulsory law would be the component basis to the joint-stock company,which derives from the different cognitions on the characters of company law by two theories of company management,Agency Theory and Contract Theory. Finally,this chapter has analyzed the legal basic value-security and efficiency,which are included in the detail regulations of manager system.Chapter TwoIn this chapter,thesis tries to establish a basis of designing the practical regulations of manager legal system,by analyzing the legal status of company manager. First of all,it compares the legal conception of manager,and analyzes the different views of the value affected by different legislative systems. Secondly,itmakes the analysis that we should use legal enforcement or merchant autonomy to order the manager power,by comparing how to design manager post and treat manager power in other countries. Thirdly,it clarifies the manager coordinate in the company inner str

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 四川大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2003年 01期
  • 【分类号】D912.29
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】194

